"So what exactly is the Rune Plane?" Qin Feng asked.

"How to describe it! Most of the planes we are in now are formed after the death of the most powerful people after hundreds of millions of years, but above this, isn't there a stronger plane?

"Based on the current information of human beings, the lowest plane is the existence of small secret realms and small enchantments. This kind of plane can be created by strong people, or even opened up by void giants alone."

"After that, there is the middle plane. There is only one living planet or continent in a plane, which is formed by the death of the strongest."

"After that is the higher plane, whose size cannot be detected. The living area forms countless planets, or it is connected continents or overlapping barriers."

"The last is the super god plane, that is, the existence of Runeterra, a completely energyized plane, and the reasons for its formation cannot be detected. It is really amazing!"

"The super god plane also floats in the void, because the energy fluctuates greatly. Every time it intersects with other planes, it will cause space shocks. After entering it, you will definitely get huge benefits!" Nangong Zeming said, but There was not much excitement in the tone, but a trace of regret.

Because Nangong Zeming is not a supernatural being, and he will not benefit from this rune plane.

"It turns out that there is such a magical place!" Tong Yang also became excited. From Tong Yang's point of view, this opportunity was completely given to him by God. He used this opportunity to be promoted to the S segment. Get something stronger.

However, Nangong Zeming was obviously not optimistic about it.

"But I don't know if there is any danger here, and you also said just now that Andro entered it. If he meets you again and becomes murderous, you will be in danger. You should wait a little longer. People, let's enter together, it's a pity that we don't have SS level abilities in China!"

There are only two supernatural beings in China, one is the elder of the Long family, a strong man named Long Chen, and the other is Prince Xiao's father, Li Mu.

However, these two people are both ancient warriors. Even if they come, they will not benefit from entering Runeterra. They may even cause damage because of the huge runes, just like Tong Yang did before.

However, Nangong Zeming's worries were obviously unnecessary, because Qin Feng had already killed Andro.

Tong Yang also knew this, so he was not afraid of Andro at all, but wanted to enter faster.

"I think according to Brother Nangong, this plane is definitely not smaller than our plane. Although Andro enters it, he may not encounter it. I don't think there is any danger in entering it. Moreover, let Baoshan be in front and not take it. , is a blow to the state of mind!" Jiao Linhan said.

These words were purely to help Qin Feng and Tong Yang speak well. Jiao Linhan didn't win Qin Feng to be his subordinate. Now that he saw Qin Feng's strength, he was thinking of currying favor with Qin Feng.

Tong Yang and Qin Feng could hear it naturally, but they also got Jiao Linhan's love.

"That's right, I have to go and see anyway. As a member of the Human Alliance, I can't let Andro succeed!" Tong Yang said awe-inspiringly.

"Then I'm naturally willing to go!" Qin Feng also said. In fact, the two of them knew that there was no Andro here, and some must be treasures from the super god plane.


You two must be careful, by the way, don't go too far into the rune plane, who knows how long this crack will exist, in this kind of place full of rune planes, the space beacon cannot be opened unless Possessing space behemoths... Ha, I forgot, there is also Miss Bai Li. "

Nangong Zeming smiled, and didn't intend to stop the two of them anymore, "I hope the three of you will get this chance and soar to the sky!"

"Auspicious words from Brother Nangong!"

At this time, within the scope of consciousness, more capable people came over. Qin Feng and Tong Yang didn't want to miss the opportunity, so they said goodbye to Nangongshi and Jiao Linhan, and stepped into the crack.

This time, the time to travel through the crack seemed to be particularly long. When his sight and perception recovered, Qin Feng felt as if he had fallen into a quagmire.

Qin Feng found himself stepping in a field of flame runes, but because of Qin Feng's own strength and the fact that the runes possessed by supernatural beings would have an affinity with such runes, Qin Feng had experienced the flames of the center of the earth. This magma-like place did not make Qin Feng feel hot or scalded.

Bai Li was by Qin Feng's side, but Tong Yang was a hundred meters away, caught in a patch of green runes.

"Crash!" Tong Yang struggled vigorously, and the wave took him with him, rushing a thousand meters away, and fell into a sea.

However, whether it is the magma pool where Qin Feng is, or the forest before, and the sea where Tong Yang is, the edges are all close to the crack, so the rich magma and blue sea water all fell into the crack and passed through the crack. After opening the space crack, these became rune tides, which was what Qin Feng had seen before.

Now, the place where the space crack is located is like a funnel, and the surrounding elements are constantly falling down.

"This place is really amazing, but the energy is too violent!" Tong Yang's face was a little pale, he had just been promoted to the S segment, and his strength was not too strong, but the violent atmosphere around him made him a little uncomfortable.

When Qin Feng looked up, he still saw the universe. Moreover, at the current location, the violent power of the universe was several times stronger than that of Hua Haixingwai.

No wonder Tong Yang found it difficult. In such an environment, it is impossible for a person with A-segment abilities to set foot, and I am afraid that they will be torn apart as soon as they appear.

Qin Feng's consciousness spread out, wanting to see what's going on outside.

In an instant, his consciousness expanded and extended.

The consciousness of an S-segment supernatural power can detect a range of 100 kilometers. Qin Feng is a god-level powerhouse, and his consciousness detection range is ten times that of other people. In addition, he now has nine series of supernatural powers, which is superimposed to nineteen times.

Even so, after being suppressed, Qin Feng could only explore a range of 200 kilometers, but this was already a very scary range.

Qin Feng "saw" it, a world made up of runes floating here, big and small, and some even have special rune creatures on them, each of which has S segment, very dangerous, but also full of opportunities .

Even Qin Feng felt that the way these runes floated was like the tip of a nebula.

"Don't be so good, back then those S segments called this place the star cluster rune world!"

This world has been connected to the earth plane for seven years, and I am afraid it will continue to be connected in the future.

The energy and runes in it should be able to benefit the precarious earth plane.

Is this considered God's mercy?

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