Blue Star Plane.

101 years of the Great Plane Era.

It has been a hundred years since the era of the Great Crack.

Because of the countless overlapping planes that appeared in Blue Star, the first to the strongest, the volume of the Blue Star plane also expanded several times due to the injection of the power of the source, and became an unprecedented superstar.

The human beings here have the most abundant resources, and their strength is very strong when they are born. When they become adults, they have a physique of E-segment.

This was unimaginable a hundred years ago.

In June, just after the primary education ended, a new batch of teenagers grew up.

In the city, the prosperous and lively Awakening Hall, a 16-year-old boy walked into it chatteringly.

"Identity verification, number 2190891355546, genetic match, age match, please go to the injection warehouse for injection."

"I don't know what kind of martial spirit I will awaken! My father's martial arts is King Kong Ape, and my mother is Su Leopard. I want my father's martial arts even more!" The boy muttered and walked into the injection chamber excitedly.

Next to this young man, there are hundreds of injection chambers in the same eggshell shape, working.

"DiDi, identity verification, number 219..."

"Drip drip..."

These young people have come to awaken their martial spirits.

In the Blue Star Plane, the most powerful human race is an existence that dare not be easily mentioned.

However, they relished in talking about another person, who was called a great man by people.

Even the most powerful person admits that this person has made him.

Created the existence of the first to the strongest, a creator.

Dr. Z.

A hundred years ago, after Qin Feng became a superpower, he returned to the Blue Star plane and finally began to popularize the new awakening potion.

The awakening potion almost overturned the cultivation system of countless human planes, and it also broke the previous situation of needing to go to the Shenchi plane to be promoted to the powerhouse.

Although Qin Feng was also promoted to the superpower in the plane of Shenchi, but he was able to be promoted to the superpower in the end because of this new awakening potion.

Not only that, but after the announcement of the Awakening Potion, in the tenth year, the second superpower of the Blue Star plane appeared.

It is Longkong!

Later, Li Yuan and Long Ting were also promoted.

Among the Fengli Group established by Qin Feng, the most powerful people emerged one after another like bamboo shoots after rain, and the number was quite terrifying.

Moreover, the people of Fengli Group are not the kind of Long Kong Li Yuan. After hundreds of years of cultivation, they have never been able to break through.

The people of Fengli Group are real young people. It only took thirty or forty years from birth to becoming a superpower. This is too young for the existence of countless planes.

Because of such things, human beings in countless planes have come to the Blue Star plane to buy new awakening potions.

Xue Xingfu has once again become the businessman with the highest status among countless planes, and the maker of the new awakening potion has also become the target of many powerful people. Everyone knows that if you master this potion, you will master the resources.

So, Z, appeared in everyone's sight.

Dr. Z, the researcher of the New Awakening Potion, is the only existence that has not evolved to become the strongest.

Just like doctors who don't heal themselves, Dr. Z has not found a way to become a powerful person for a hundred years. This may be God's punishment for him.

As for whether he cares or not, only he knows.


In the Blue Star Supreme Experimental Center, Z wore a white lab coat that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, and looked at the baby in the glass isolation room with great excitement.

"My God, this will be the most perfect experiment in my life."

Qin Feng said with a cold face, "My daughter is not your experiment."

Bai Li, who was beside him, didn't have time to pay attention to the two humans, and excitedly teased the wide-eyed baby in the isolation room with the plush ball.

That is not a complete human, she has a pair of fox ears and tail, her hair is silver, but her wide eyes are brown, and her body is like an ordinary baby.

It looks like this,

Like an orc.

However, the baby in the isolation room flickered from time to time, revealing the essence of energy life.

This is Qin Feng and Bai Li's child.

After becoming the strongest, the body is transformed into energy, and normal birth is naturally impossible.

However, energy life seems to be easier to give birth to the next generation. As long as the two top powers strip off part of their life energy and fuse, new life will be born smoothly, and even some races can reproduce asexually.

Moreover, the amount of power stripped depends entirely on the giving of the parents, so the descendants of the superpower are often very powerful, and some superpowers who are likely to die due to battles and serious injuries will even use all their power to breed offspring, just like is a continuation like.

This is also the reason why the descendants of the strongest are extremely powerful.

Qin Feng's strength was too strong, and the reason for swallowing up his martial soul, he gave birth to a new life with Bai Li several times, and in the end it was Qin Feng's energy life that engulfed Bai Li's life.

As for the baby in front of him, Qin Feng only provided a very weak life force, and most of it was made up of Bai Li's life cells, and with some means of Z, it was conceived successfully.

Because it took a hundred years to conceive a successful one, Qin Feng treasures this daughter very much.

"Xiao Wan, it's time to eat, don't disturb the child." Qin Feng hugged Bai Li and said softly.

Xiao Wan was naturally the child's name. After all, it was born after a hundred years of gestation. Zhou Hao's grandchildren would all be soy sauce, so the child's name was named Qin Wan by Qin Feng.

"Okay!" Bai Li nodded and left the test tube.

However, Z stepped forward and took out a basketball-sized energy core.

Later, the core was thrown into the isolation room by Z and landed in front of Qin Wan.

Qin Wan, who was originally very cute, suddenly opened a crack in her chest. A phantom figure with a human face and a snake body with the same face as the baby Qin Wan protruded from her chest, bit the crystal nucleus, and refused with a click. stand up.

"Perfect, she can already eat the core of the B-stage Beastmaster. If this continues, I am afraid that within a month, her strength will increase to A-stage!"

Qin Feng on the side was silent, although it was not the first time he saw Qin Wan eat, he still felt that he could not accept it.

He really wanted to scream up to the sky, 'His daughter is not a monster! ’

This little thing has only been born for three months, and it is already a B-segment strength. Outside, it is already a strength that can destroy a small city.

Although she inherited Bai Li's perfect appearance, her true abilities were inherited from Qin Feng's martial soul - gluttonous.

Qin Wan was the first human being born with a martial soul.

But she's too young, she doesn't understand anything, she can't control her spirit, it's very dangerous.

For Z, this will be a new topic.

After countless years of human beings, will everyone have their own Martial Spirit after birth, and heredity will determine the type and ability of Martial Spirit.

Whether the descendants of the weak can inherit the martial spirit.

Will the offspring of the strong be born extremely powerful?

Is this what the future looks like in countless planes...

(End of the show!)

(End of this chapter)

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