However, these three vehicles are also quite numerous.

Qin Feng felt the squeeze all over his body, the goods could only be hung on the roof, and he couldn't help frowning.

'If you want to be in the wild in the future, you still have to buy a chariot, but in this case, you will have to form a team! ’

Otherwise, the car is in the wild, but it may be lost at any time, unless it has a large space to fall.

It's just that, only the rich can afford it!

Qin Feng glanced at Lu Meng who was extremely weak.

As for Wang Kai and others, they were isolated by the crowd, so naturally they did not ride in this car together.

Maybe the air in the car was really bad. Qin Feng felt that the sleeping little guy on his chest actually moved.

Qin Feng's jacket pockets are still very large, and now Xiaobai, who is only half the size of a palm, can still turn over.

"Don't move!"

Qin Feng patted his pocket, there are many people here, Xiaobai's mother seems to be not weak, the offspring have good genes, and the cubs can be domesticated and cultivated. If others are eyeing, it will naturally be trouble.

I don't know if it's because of his keen perception, Xiaobai didn't move, and Qin Feng also put down Xinlai.

Raising his wrist and thinking for a while, Qin Feng found the person who added the communicator only yesterday.

Xue Xingfu!

"I have something here, do you still accept it?" Qin Feng edited his loot and sent it.

At six o'clock in the morning, Xue Xingfu was still sleeping in a daze, and when he saw what was written on the communicator, he got up cleverly.


Xue Xingfu keenly felt that this young man was extraordinary.

In just one day, the other party actually had so many things in his hands.

You know, yesterday he learned from the data that Qin Feng just injected the awakening potion.

But now, looking at the things sent over, Xue Xingfu felt that this person was amazing.

"Change the enhanced potion!" Qin Feng entered the information again.

"You still have to change the strengthening potion. Are you planning to change eighty tubes? Even if I have an internal price, the monthly share is not so much!"

Qin Feng smiled lightly, these strengthening potions did not have much effect on him, but they were hard currency.

In this era, even if the federation promulgated paper money, more people still believed in the exchange of objects and objects.

These things are real after all!

"Then change to F-class!"

On Xue Xingfu's side, after hesitating for a long time, he gritted his teeth and replied, "Okay!"

"By the way, I still have a set of materials for the beast general, can I change it to an energy gun?"

Xue Xingfu: "..." How talented is this young man.

But in the end, he suppressed his curiosity and chose to agree.

Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction. He has just been reborn now. It is very good to have such a strategic partner!

Half an hour later, at the starting point of the Chengbei gathering place, Qin Feng got out of the car, walked to a seemingly ordinary car, pulled the back seat and sat in. Meng and Li Yaoyao have lost track of Qin Feng.

"This person is really, and he left quietly. I plan to invite him to dinner!" Lu Meng complained while clutching her chest.

"He is from the Chengbei gathering place, and he will meet in the future!" Li Yaoyao also sighed, feeling lost in her heart, feeling that Qin Feng didn't take them seriously.

This makes her, who is a water-type ability user, also feel that there is a big gap.


Qin Feng in the car didn't know what the two of them were thinking at all. They met by chance and saved each other by himself. It was already a kindness. There was no need to take care of the rookie like a nanny.

In the car, Xue Xingfu excitedly looked at the fresh materials, calculating how much contribution these could bring in exchange.

Qin Feng also got what he needed,

Three tubes of F-grade potions, twenty tubes of G-grade potions, and an energy gun.

The strengthening potion is worth more than 400,000 yuan, which is almost the money he spent hunting those beasts, but the energy gun is worth 200,000 yuan. The value of a wolf mastiff is enough.

These are the money that ordinary people can earn in half a lifetime.

So in the base, in fact, many young and middle-aged people want to make a fortune, they are living the days of licking blood, going out to hunt alien beasts, and then buy strengthening potions to strengthen themselves, but no one knows, every time they leave the base, Can't come back.

"Okay, put me down at the intersection ahead!" Qin Feng said.

"Okay, if you have something good, remember to find me!"

Xue Xingfu said with a smile, he was also very happy to complete this business.

Qin Feng got out of the car and looked at the people coming and going on the street, his footsteps stopped.

For a moment, he felt that he didn't know what to do.

But soon, he thought that at this time, he should return to the orphanage.

Of course, orphanages are not long-term residences. One month after the injection of the awakening potion, people who turn 16 must leave the orphanage and move out to live in a place for new orphans.

However, this was where he lived after all, and Qin Feng had not seen the old principal for a long time.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng clenched his fists.

The steps were more steady, but within ten minutes, Qin Feng saw several densely built buildings with almost no living space.

From the outside, there is a depressing crowd here.

No way, there is not much living space in the Chengbei gathering area. Only the rich can afford to live in high-quality communities, and even the top ones can live in villas.

In fact, many people know that this is a kind of protection.

People close to the periphery may encounter danger at any time and become cannon fodder.

Qin Feng walked into the community and heard the sound of children playing. Even in a place with insufficient sunlight, they were still lively and active.

It's the nature of children.

However, when the children saw Qin Feng, they stopped laughing, instead they dispersed and ran to observe Qin Feng from a distance.

Qin Feng had just killed a strange beast, and he still had a bloody aura on his body. What's more, his current attire made people feel fearful.

Qin Feng swiped his card and entered the building. There was a buzzing sound from behind.

"Is he an orphan too?"

"Looks so majestic!"

"You dress so well, did you come back to deliver something?"

"Can you eat meat at night?"

Saying so, the children drooled.

Qin Feng has now reached the G2 segment, his ears and eyesight are almost twice that of ordinary people, and he naturally hears the voices of the children.

"I forgot, I'll bring something back when I have time!"

Qin Feng thought about it and climbed up the stairs to the eighth-floor bedroom.

There are four bunk beds in the bedroom, and eight people live there, but they are not here now.

One of them is from Chen Ming.

Qin Feng looked at the time. It was already seven o'clock. These people should have gone to exercise early. After all, awakening is a major event in life.

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