It's just that these whistling bullets are nothing to a powerful ancient warrior.

What's more, Qin Feng is still a superhuman.

Consciousness locks these bullets, and there is no conscious guidance of the gunner on them.

This is normal, it's just firepower pouring out, no need to put consciousness in it, it's a waste.

But for Qin Feng, it was like sending him to the door to find abuse.


Consciousness was injected into the bullets, the objects were controlled from the air, and the bullets bounced back one after another.

"Puff puff!"

The bullet hit the person who was shooting, and there was a scream.

But at the same time, there is still the sound of drawing a knife to resist.

"Clang clang clang!"

The speed of the bullets rebounding was not very fast, and these people flew the returned bullets out one after another, and the reaction was not unpleasant.

Just like when He Li attacked Qin Feng at the beginning, he was directly deflected by the Qingwang Dao.

But at this time, the steel door has been completely opened, and in sight, in addition to the seven or eight corpses lying on the ground, there are three ancient warriors holding weapons.

These ancient warriors are all in the F segment.

"court death!"

"Go together!"

"kill him!"

The eyes of the three men were full of ferocity.

It's just that they are too weak compared to Qin Feng!

"Flaming sword light!"

Qin Feng's Qingwang Dao was swung, and all three of them were slashed and flew out under a blazing blade.


Qin Feng walked into the basement following the silhouettes of the three people who flew upside down.

Under the dim emergency light, Qin Feng could also see the scene inside, causing his pupils to shrink suddenly, and then he looked away.

Qin Feng instead stepped back.

"Liu Xue, go and appease!" Qin Feng said.

Liu Xue didn't know why, but went inside. When she saw the scene inside, her eyes widened.


In the spacious basement, there were only more than 100 people, but 100 of them huddled in one place, and more than 20 young women were naked, lying numbly on the cold floor. what have they been through.

In addition, there are piles of corpses piled in the corners, and the corpses also exude the smell of corruption in one day.

Liu Xue hurried over, found the girls' clothes, and helped them put them on.

"You, are you here to save us?" One of the girls asked with a trembling voice full of hatred in her eyes.

Liu Xue didn't know how to answer!

"Yes, I'm sorry, we're late!" Liu Xue said guiltily.

She actually had no idea what was going on here.

Qin Feng watched these girls put on their clothes, and glanced at the other 100 people. There were middle-aged and women among them, all with guilt and withdrawal on their faces. Even though so many Qin Feng came over, they didn't make any sound.

It's only been one day, and it seems that the world is falling apart.

"What's going on?" Qin Feng asked in a deep voice.

The girl looked up at Qin Feng before. Qin Feng was the first to enter here. Although he did not kill the three F-segment ancient warriors, he severely injured them.

"It's them, it's them!" The girl gritted her teeth and said, "Yesterday we hid in the underground air-raid shelter. He molested us, and my classmates came to stop them, but they all killed them. Damn them, damn them!"

As the girl said that, she was already crying, and the other girls who were numb also cried out at this time.

This large supermarket not only includes daily necessities, but also clothing packs. The cinema KTV on the top floor is a comprehensive shopping mall.

This girl is also a graduate of the middle school who just received the awakening potion this year.

Just like Qin Feng, the classmates of the middle school thought about getting together after graduation. Now it was a day off, and everyone came to sing. After the doomsday broke out, they evacuated to the basement in an orderly manner!

No one could have imagined that this was the beginning of a nightmare.

As the ancient warriors of the F section, they have encountered too many situations like this. Miri's representative status, plus saving some people along the way, has become the boss here.

They saw that one of the students was good-looking, and they teased them. Some of the students who were injected with the awakening potion also awakened the potential of the ancient warriors. The newborn calf was not afraid of tigers and fought with them.

The fight was almost a slaughter!

After killing those rookies, these people naturally became reckless.

"Damn them?" Qin Feng seemed to repeat the girl's words.

The man also looked at Qin Feng at this time, with a complicated look flashing in his eyes.

They didn't know how Qin Feng would deal with this matter.

After all, the capable ones are the treasures of the base!

In fact, even if it is not in the last days, if such a thing happens, a sum of money that is only a small amount of money in the eyes of the capable person can be settled.

Thinking of this, the girl just felt hopeless.

Only at this time, they suddenly heard Qin Feng's voice.

"as you wish!"

Although Qin Feng had repelled the three with one strike, he did not kill the other party, but only seriously injured the other party.

Only now, he walked to the three injured people without hesitation.

"What are you doing?" an F-segment ancient martial artist shouted sternly.

"Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin, we were wrong!"

They had watched Qin Feng's video before and knew how strong the other party was, but they always had the mentality of luck.

It's just that they were repelled at the first meeting this time, which shattered their confidence.

I can't believe how this person has such a powerful ability.

Whether it's a gunner, an ancient warrior, or an ability user.

No matter what it was, Qin Feng's strength made them feel intimidated.

"Wrong, I never said it with my mouth. I can't tolerate sand in my eyes. If I'm wrong, I'll pay the price!"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, the Qingwang Dao waved directly, and it was a blazing blade again!

The sword glowed, slashed the opponent's neck, and the huge head rolled down, but there was not a trace of fresh blood flowing out of the wound, and it all turned into coke.

Qin Feng's star-absorbing technique exploded, and the internal strength of the three F-segment ancient warriors was instantly absorbed by Qin Feng.

When the girls who were insulted saw such a scene, not only did they not feel scared, but they also felt relieved!

Dead, these people who abused them are actually dead!

"You want to break through with us, or stay here!" Qin Feng asked.

The girls fell silent, only the first person asked in a hoarse voice, "Will you protect us?"

"The only one who protects you is yourself!"

Qin Feng raised his hand and threw a pistol in front of him.

The girl stared at the pistol and held it tight.

"I'll go with you!"

At this moment, the girl seemed to understand something. She was suddenly full of obsession with fighting and killing that she was not interested in before.

Only with strength can you protect yourself, and only yourself can be trusted!

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