There is no one in the middle of the night, but there are more and more Zerg around the large supermarket.

Even if the animal repellent powder is sprinkled, the breath of so many human beings is still passed on. In the case of sufficient food, it is possible for these Zerg to have a full meal, or hunt and reproduce.

If you let it go like this, maybe before tomorrow morning, these Zerg will break in, break in and kill them.

Liu Xue and others were patrolling vigilantly, looking outside through the small window.

"What should we do, do we need to clean up some?" He Ling said nervously.

It's just that no one around him answered him.

Because they don't know what to do.

Even Liu Xue doesn't dare to give any opinion now, because if he is wrong, he will pay the price of his life.

"Is the boss back yet?" Wang Chen frequently looked at the communicator in his hand.

Wang Chen is checking the time.

Naturally, Wang Chen also had Qin Feng's communicator, but when the matter was not at its most critical, if he rashly told Qin Feng and the matter ended, it would only mean that Wang Chen could not be used.

So he endured.

Only waiting for the time to pass, I hope Qin Feng will come back soon.

At this time, not only him, but also other people's thoughts are the same.

"Why hasn't Mr. Qin come back?"

In just one day, Qin Feng has become the backbone of these people.

Without Qin Feng, it would be impossible for them to gather here, and they would not have the confidence to escape.

"Beast general, one more beast general!"

Wang Chen's low voice sounded, with a hint of fear in his voice.

In the darkness, it was a beast general of a blade mantis.

In the previous hotel lobby, it was a beast-level blade mantis that appeared. The extremely fast speed, the blinding dazzling forelimbs of the sickle harvested three lives.

Such an existence, they have been unable to deal with it.

Beast generals are not as patient as insect beasts, and they will not be afraid of those beast repellent powders, they will rampage into the supermarket and kill them!

And now, there are five beast generals in the four directions of the supermarket.

I can't imagine what it would be like if it was broken through here!

Only at this time, suddenly, a burst of fire came from the street.

The dark red flames rose in the middle of the night, and there was no fire in the sky. The darkness was so dark that the flames swallowed up the restless Zerg on the street in the blink of an eye.

The flames ignited on all sides, but there was no trace of smoke, nor was it surrounded by too scorching temperature, everything was so peaceful, only the noisy screams of insects and beasts remained.

Qin Feng walked among the flames.

This flame was released by Qin Feng, so naturally it would not hurt him.

Hellfire blankets are not omnipotent, at least some beast soldiers and beast generals with strong vitality are not enough to be killed by hellfire!


It's just that these worms are provoked!

"It's good to come, I don't need to look for you!"

Qin Feng watched a blade mantis flying towards him with flickering wings. The wings were as thin as a cicada's wings, but it drove the body to fly forward.

"Death to me!"

No matter how skilled he was, he would still end up with Qin Feng.

The flames of the sword burst out, and Qin Feng and the beast staggered past the blade mantis.

It was not until Qin Feng ran out ten meters that the huge blade mantis fell to the ground with a bang and was engulfed by hellfire.

The blade mantis beast general, - die!

In just one face-to-face, Qin Feng instantly killed a blade mantis.

Qin Feng didn't stop at all, he continued to move forward, and he didn't even look back at the blade mantis.

The black ghost horse merged into the darkness again, Qin Feng changed his position, and on another street,

The flames ignited again.

All four directions were cleared, and Qin Feng beheaded four more beast generals!

After all the necessary materials were collected, Qin Feng's body also felt refreshed by the promotion.

"F6 segment!"

After a day of fighting, it is not without gain!

Of course, as Qin Feng became stronger and stronger, he needed to kill alien beasts to absorb more and more energy.

Before his rebirth, Qin Feng's military exploits were very brilliant, and because of the swallowing ability, no matter how serious his injury was, he could still be repaired by killing, so he was particularly not afraid of death.

So the title of Qin Lunatic has accompanied him for a long time.

Now, this method of combat has just been advanced.

Even because of the dark ability, Qin Feng can come and go freely now, and he will not be hurt much.

After sweeping across the four streets and scared the Zerg to retreat, Qin Feng also returned to the supermarket.

After tossing this time, it was two o'clock in the morning.

"Boss, you are back!"

"Mr. Qin, you still have to take action. These beasts are like paper!"

"What kind of beast will be like a piece of paper, obviously Boss Qin is powerful!"

Everyone said your word to me, because the beast was about to leave, they all relaxed a lot and dared to speak loudly.

Of course, they are even more excited!

Qin Feng, this person is a rising legend!

After fighting together with such a person, maybe after many years, it will become the capital of his own boasting.

This is the same as playing a game. There is a great god who leads the team to download the copy and clear the customs all the way, which is naturally exciting.

"Go back to rest, leave at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, and eat well in advance!"

Qin Feng interrupted the enthusiasm of these people. After all, after fighting for a day, no one's body is made of iron, even the capable ones!

Qin Feng was naturally placed in the most luxurious place. There were also several places in the supermarket that sold bedding. Mattresses and bedding were all available and brand new.

He was not polite either, and took Bai Li to rest here.

"This is not bad, I will buy one when I go back! Husband, yours is so ugly!"

Qin Feng was speechless. What he chose was not defective, but as a man, it was impossible to expect to choose a pink sheet with lace!

"Okay, just pretend you like it, you don't need money anyway!"

"It turns out that you don't need money!"

"Only the occupied town can do it. Don't go to the shopping mall in the Chengbei gathering place to get it!"

Qin Feng and Bai Li said some common-sense things again. Bai Li is very smart and can even draw inferences from one case, which saved Qin Feng a lot of things.

The next morning, when Qin Feng woke up again, he felt that there was no soft body around him, so he could not help but wrinkle his brows and woke up.

Bai Li has always been the most bedridden, Qin Feng can't get up, she will never get up, why isn't she here today?

Qin Feng's consciousness moved, and he sensed Bai Li's position, and found that the other party was upstairs.

What are you doing upstairs? Qin Feng dialed the other party's communicator.

"You're awake!" Bai Li's cheerful voice came, and not only that, but the appearance of the other party also appeared in the communicator.

It's just that the other party is actually wearing a set of sexy underwear...


Qin Feng only felt that the firepower was too strong in the morning, and he almost spit out a nosebleed!

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