Master of the Last Days (Almighty Great Master of End of the World)

Chapter 142: Snatching the Fruit of Consciousness

"Well, if you don't talk today, I'm too tired to think about anything else!"

Zhao Yu quickly went to bed. It was still Zhou Hao and Zhang Tiance's vigil in the first half of the night, and Qin Feng came over in the second half of the night. Fortunately, nothing happened that night.

The next day, they picked up speed and moved on!

In fact, when we got here, there were quite a few students from other colleges, because only the strongest team, with good luck, could reach the center of the Spring Hunting Garden.

For example, the beast general I met yesterday was definitely a terrifying existence for the students.

The four people were not slow, they only shuttled for an hour, and finally stood on a small hillside.

Below the hillside is a green lawn, which is very lush, but there are no other large plants, which also leads to a crystal clear tree in the center, occupying people's sight.

The material of the trees is like, the leaves are like snowflakes, and there are even ice-like vines hanging on the branches.

Among them, three dark and huge fruits are particularly conspicuous.

Consciousness Fruit!

"This is the tree of consciousness!" Zhao Yu exclaimed.

This kind of existence is very different from the plants in the outside world.

However, under the tree of consciousness, there are obviously people!

They can't get close to the tree of consciousness, let alone climb, and if they approach 30 meters at most, they will be attacked by the tree of consciousness.

You must know that the tree of consciousness is not an ordinary spiritual plant, but a mutant plant!

It is also wise.

At this time, the tree of consciousness was very violent, with vines dancing and snowflakes flying, attacking those who wanted to approach it.

All the fruits were stolen the day before yesterday, and the tree of consciousness was very angry. Now there are still some little cubs who want to take its fruits. I want to know how violent the tree of consciousness will be.

"Bastard, didn't you say that the tree of consciousness wouldn't resist too much?"

"With such a large-scale attack, how do we get the fruit of consciousness!"

"Quick, hold on, protect the superhuman!"

Everyone was in a hurry.

Qin Feng glanced at him and saw that several other academies were actually here, only the people from the West Tower Academy were missing.

Because the West Tower Academy had the ability to reach here, all of them have been eliminated by Qin Feng.

It can be said that this time they were very unlucky.

But the more than 100 people present were all outstanding among the three academies of Dongling, Hunnan, and Chengyang, ranking first and second in the team.

"There are a lot of people!" Zhang Tiance frowned, but the tree of consciousness is also very large. These people are protecting the ability users in their team, and they are standing very closely, so they are still free!

"Let's go down too!" Qin Feng took the lead. "They won't attack us. If they want to fight, they will fight after who gets the fruit of consciousness. Otherwise, who will contain the tree of consciousness?"

"That's right!" Zhou Hao followed Qin Feng's footsteps.

Zhao Yu also followed, and soon the four of them reached the consciousness tree thirty meters away.


The tree of consciousness suddenly became violent.

It opened its teeth and danced its claws, and all the vines rushed towards Qin Feng, obviously feeling the aura that robbed him of the fruit before.

However, Bai Li took off twenty-seven fruits in one go, leaving only three remaining for the tree of consciousness. Now that he still came, he wanted to kill them all.

How could the tree of consciousness not be angry.

Seeing this frantic attack, Qin Feng's eyes narrowed.

It is impossible to calculate the years of the tree of consciousness, but now his crazy attacks are extremely powerful, and I am afraid he has a full F segment.

Qin Feng didn't want his companions to be hurt by himself.


The Green King Sword was unsheathed for the first time in the Spring Hunting Garden!

"Flaming sword light!"

A piece of flame was attached to the Qingwang knife, extending the knife by more than one meter.

Qin Feng danced quickly,

The attacking vines were cut off one after another and fell to the ground.

The airtight defense is dazzling!

Not only that, Qin Feng's eyes narrowed, and his consciousness broke out again.


Originally, the fruit of consciousness, which had stayed on the branch honestly and had no intention of falling no matter how much he moved, suddenly fell.

This is so sudden!

The fruit of consciousness has a special growth, and the method of collection is also very special. It cannot be picked with brute force, but only with consciousness.

The ability that this consciousness needs is almost the F-segment before it can be attacked. Of course, the continuous attack will also cause the connection of the consciousness to become loose.

Therefore, the people from the other three academies have been attacking continuously for a full two hours.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Qin Feng came, the fruit of consciousness fell.

"Grass, dog. Shit luck!"

"Quick grab!"

"The fruit of consciousness is ours!"

The students became anxious.

Zhao Yu also shot!


Zhao Yu's consciousness may not be as strong as Qin Feng's, and he can hit the fruit of consciousness all at once, but it is still possible to retrieve objects from the air, and the fruit of consciousness falls, naturally waiting to be taken away!

Zhao Yu's consciousness exploded, and he took the lead in grabbing their position.

It's just that the students of the power classes in other colleges are not vegetarian!

This fruit of consciousness suddenly swayed in the air, and several consciousness forces fell on this fruit, and everyone was fighting for it.


A white cloth suddenly flew out and wrapped around the fruit of consciousness.

The other end of the white cloth fell into Zhang Tiance's hands.

In a volume of arrogant internal force, Zhang Tiance pulled the fruit of consciousness to his own position.

There is no doubt that the white cloth is actually a bandage worn by Zhang Tiance. I didn't expect that it could be used like this at this time!

Just seeing Zhang Tiance's actions, the others were furious.

"Put down the fruit of consciousness!"

The others shouted and attacked Zhang Tiance one after another.

Only this time, there were two more low-pitched sounds.

The other two fruits of consciousness fell from the tree of consciousness.

The tree of consciousness danced wildly, sweeping across the students who approached it.


This time, the students from other colleges didn't care about the fruit of consciousness that Zhang Tiance snatched, and rushed to the two fruit of consciousness that fell down.

Zhao Yu quickly locked a consciousness fruit, and his consciousness was activated again to compete.

Zhang Tiance wanted to follow suit, but others were not slow to respond.

"Tu Tu Tu!"

A series of bullets swept over and Zhang Tiance's bandage was interrupted. No matter how strong his internal strength was, it was just a weak gauze.

Not only that, it seems that with the sound of the gunshot, the battle is about to start.

Qin Feng and others were bombarded frantically, and countless bullets poured out.


Qin Feng snorted coldly!

The bullets that flew in front of them froze in mid-air.


Consciousness was injected into the bullet, and all the bullets were returned to others.



"The rebound of consciousness, how is it possible!"

For a while, screams came one after another! More people can't believe it.

Among the students, there are very few people who have mastered such skills. The most important thing is that hundreds of bullets can be bounced at once, which is really terrifying!

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