And these, in the eyes of Chen Ming, are all compromises?

Qin Feng always felt that he and Chen Ming really had a fateful friendship, and it turned out that it was just his wishful thinking!

Qin Feng was very calm in his heart.

His face was calm, and the next words were what he wanted to ask the most!

"Since you already possess such abilities, why do you still follow Lin Kai?"

Chen Ming knew that he was going to die, but he sneered and said, "Why should I tell you! The more you want to know, the less I will let you know."

Qin Feng actually nodded cooperatively: "Yes, but maybe you told me, and I might be curious to explore. Don't people say that curiosity kills people?"

Chen Ming was very indifferent.

Qin Feng continued: "Since you have the contact information of the superior of the organization, is it a representative who sent you to monitor the deputy district chief Lin? The laboratory was destroyed, and they thought it was taken by the deputy district chief Lin. Experimental data? Or materials?"

Chen Ming's eyes widened a little, and looked at Qin Feng.

"how do you know?"

Qin Feng laughed.

Chen Ming's current performance has already represented Qin Feng's guess!

"Because, that laboratory... I destroyed it!" Qin Feng approached Chen Ming and wrapped his voice with inner strength, so that only Chen Ming could hear it.

Chen Ming suddenly widened his eyes.

"Ha...haha...cough cough..." Chen Ming spat out a mouthful of blood.

Chen Ming really did not expect that the final result would be like this!

After being cut off by Qin Feng, Chen Ming still didn't give up, and knew that these people arrested people for experiments for Lin Kai's sake.

So Chen Ming went to the door and took the initiative to be tested. After strengthening, he was also dispatched by the upper management to monitor Lin Kai to see if the other party had mastered their experimental data, so as to get it back.

I just didn't expect that Chen Ming's direction at the beginning was wrong!

The person who destroyed the laboratory was not Lin Zeng, but Qin Feng.

"Qin Feng, I can't see through you more and more, why do you know this? Besides, why do you want to destroy the laboratory, just because we took action against your classmates?" Chen Ming said.

Qin Feng would not answer the other party.

With such a thing as rebirth, Qin Feng will rot in his stomach for the rest of his life!

"So, because I know the secret, and I want to destroy it even more, you treat me as nosy. Who is your upper class? Don't you want me to know?"

"You're going to find him and kill him?" Chen Ming laughed.

"Yes!" Qin Feng was decisive!

Chen Ming felt that Qin Feng did not lie!

Chen Ming also suddenly looked forward to it.

Many people say that when a person is about to die, his words are good.

Chen Ming did not.

Chen Ming is very much looking forward to Qin Feng being able to find his own way. Go out of curiosity and go to his superiors to die.

"His name is Liang Kan! I have his contact information on my communicator!" Chen Ming suddenly burst out laughing: "Qin Feng, you can't break your promise when you go to him!"

Liang Kan's strength is in the E segment, and even has stronger genetic experiments, and his combat effectiveness is very strong.

With Qin Feng's current strength, it is impossible to resist.

Chen Ming laughed and finally swallowed his last breath!

Qin Feng looked at the other party's distorted hatred and cheerful face, and finally released the flames expressionlessly.

The flames devoured Chen Ming. Even if the space channel was opened, what appeared outside was nothing but ashes.

There is too much involved in this matter. It is better not to let other people know about Chen Ming's mutant appearance.

Qin Feng stood up, and there were no traces on the ground.

The remaining three were all looking at Qin Feng.

"Clean up the battlefield!" Qin Feng said.

"Yeah!" Zhou Hao nodded.

It seemed a little silent.

Although Zhao Yu was a little scared and even felt that there was a huge secret in it, she did not dare to ask.

"How's the injury?" Qin Feng looked at Zhang Tiance.

"As soon as it's safe, it can be dealt with immediately!" Zhang Tiance nodded, a sharp arrow stuck on his shoulder, apparently caused by a hand crossbow.

Sometimes, for those who are capable, this kind of cold weapon is actually more terrifying than firearms.

"I'm sorry, it's all because I'm so useless!" Zhao Yu's face was full of guilt.

Zhang Tiance was injured to cover Zhao Yu's retreat. Otherwise, Zhang Tiance's skills, although not very good, would still be ranked 21st in the whole grade.

"A team, don't say these words!" Qin Feng comforted, "Go and collect famous brands, and I will help Zhang Tiance deal with the wound."

Qin Feng's first aid bandaging was also good, and Zhang Tiance's other hand was also able to move. The two of them cooperated to deal with the wound quickly. Zhang Tiance used his internal energy to adjust his breath, and he was already fine.

Zhou Hao and Zhao Yu also collected the spoils.

It has to be said that the loot this time is too rich.

Because most of the students stopped in the outer circle on the first day, and the strong ones entered the inner circle to compete for the fruit of consciousness. With Chen Ming around, these students outside were not his opponents at all.

In this case, Chen Ming led Lin Kai and others to sweep all the way, and actually collected more than 300 cards.

In addition to the 400 famous brands that Qin Feng obtained before, and the 200 famous brands that Qin Feng obtained from the battle in the previous two days, the number of famous brands that Qin Feng and others obtained actually amounted to more than 900, filling nearly five backpacks.

There are five or six backpacks of Lingcao Lingguo, there are too many things!

"The Spring Hunting Garden is about to end, let's rest here!"

A total of more than 3,000 people participated in the battle. In a knockout match, they had more than 900 brands. They knew that they would definitely win.

Soon, the time reached noon, and the three days and two nights of wild survival finally came to an end.

In the sky, a huge space channel suddenly appeared, not only that, but a silver light appeared, covering everyone.

The students who were still in the Spring Hunting Garden were wrapped in space runes and disappeared in place.

In the end, only three hundred people passed the Spring Hunting Garden test this year, one tenth.

This is naturally because there are two variables, one is Chen Ming, who is acting in the outer circle, and the other is Qin Feng, who has taken away the fruit of consciousness.

Except for Qin Feng, the other teams were actually medium-strength teams who were lucky and did not meet the strong.

As for the top teams of the four academies, Hunnan, West Tower, Dongling, and Chengyang, the entire army was completely destroyed.

Therefore, after Qin Feng came out, he suddenly felt that the eyes of hatred around him were directed at them.

At this time, someone had already stood up angrily.

"Principal, I'm reporting, it's them. Their strength is far beyond ours. I suspect that the Chengbei high school students cheated and used senior students!" The students in the Chengyang city gathering place in platinum school uniforms glared at Qin Feng. .

"Yes, it's them!"

"He also deliberately carried the No. 21 nameplate and acted as the tail of the crane to deceive us!"

"Can't spare him!"

Everyone accused Qin Feng and the others, all of them wearing bandages and plaster casts, apparently the elites of the three major academies who had been attacked by Qin Feng's star sucking art before.

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