At this time, Bai Li actually sent her own video up.

[DiDiDi, after the review is completed, the military exploits you now have are: 3288! 】

Zhou Hao suddenly glanced at Bai Li unexpectedly.

Why did Bai Li take action today?

At this time, the staff in the statistics hall also glanced at Bai Li, the video will not be fake, this girl is actually a capable person instead of a vase.

"Ma'am, you have not yet been certified as a competent person, so the official subsidies may not be distributed together, I hope you can understand!"

Bai Li didn't quite understand the twists and turns here, but still nodded.

Qin Feng said, "Certify your ability level. We accepted the mission at the Chengbei gathering place before!"

Because many people come here to do the ability badge task, the statistics hall can also be directly reviewed and completed, and badges can be issued.

Most importantly, subsidies for those who are able!

Those with F-segment ability come to participate in this subjugation of Hanzhen. As long as the points reach 1,000 per day, they can have a fixed reward of 100,000 yuan, and the exchange of military exploits will be 5% off.

The higher the points, the bigger the discount.

"Okay, wait a minute!"

The man counted again, and then found that both of them had completed it, so he smiled and took out two F-segment ability badges.

"Congratulations to you for becoming an F-segment capable person, this is your badge, your information has been changed, and you will enjoy more benefits!"

Qin Feng took two badges and took out one for Bai Li to wear on his chest.

"It's a little ugly, it doesn't match my clothes!" Bai Li didn't like this very much.

"Take it, it's very useful!"

"What's the use?" Bai Li asked suspiciously.

"Those people won't dare to provoke you!" Qin Feng said.

Bai Li nodded, and also took Qin Feng's badge and brought it to him.

"They don't dare to mess with you!"

Qin Feng smiled.

Zhou Hao covered his eyes beside him, feeling that he had suffered 10,000 points of harm, showing affection and abusing a single dog, it was really cruel!

Qin Feng took Bai Li out of the hall. The two F-segment ability medals made many people who didn't know Qin Feng and peeped at Bai Li turned pale with fright and left.

At this time, there was a group of people shouting beside the hall. Those were all businessmen who purchased materials.

"Twenty pounds of dragon meat!"

"The bloodthirsty beetle blood sac is fifteen thousand!"

"The shell of the iron-backed snail is 30,000!"

The price they shouted is lower than before. The price of G-level alien beasts is only half of the price. The price of at least four or five thousand in the Chengbei gathering place has dropped to one or two thousand here, not only because of insects Most of the beasts are small in size, weak in quality, and have a huge supply of goods.

There are too many worms!

However, these merchants are higher than official acquisitions, so many people still handle the materials to them.

After all, not everyone has space rune equipment, and the materials are piled up in large quantities, and there is no extra place to store them.

Qin Feng soon heard someone shouting for the materials to buy black iron ants.

"How much do you charge for black armor?" Qin Feng asked.

The businessman's eyes suddenly lit up. Qin Feng and Bai Li both had F-segment ability badges, and they were also capable of hunting black iron ants. This question must be rewarding!

"Twelve thousand!"

Qin Feng frowned at the price and asked again, "How much can you charge?"

"As much as you have!" The man waved his hand with confidence, as if he was not bad for money.

Seeing how firm the other party was, Qin Feng patted Bai Li's waist and motioned her to take out the things.

When Bai Li raised her hand, the hula-la disc-sized armor pieces fell one after another.

This nail piece almost formed a hill.

The people around who were busy with acquisitions all stared at this place with wide eyes.

"Click the number!" Qin Feng said.

The man swallowed his saliva dryly, his face flushed, and he stammered, "Well, boss, can I find a few to work with? Well, there's a lot of stock!"

"Boss, do you want to sell? Find me more goods, and I will receive 12,600!"

"I will receive 12,000 seven!"

"I'm 13,000!"

The first merchant to receive the goods was sweating profusely and was extremely anxious.

"Don't break the rules, grab what!"

You know, this is his employer!

However, there are indeed a lot of goods, and one piece can earn two thousand. If he takes all of them, he may change his hands for more than one hundred thousand. Unfortunately, his payment for the goods is really too little!

Qin Feng would not let himself suffer.

"Thirteen thousand, how much do you want to count and take away?" Qin Feng said.

Suddenly a group of businessmen came up to snatch it up.

Qin Feng hunted and killed 1,200 iron-clad ants this night, but he did not sell the materials for the beast commander. With some scattered materials, he earned about 16 million.

This lucrative figure can make any F-segment mercenary group envy.

However, the others who had been following Qin Feng before were all very surprised.

"Qin Feng has so many black iron armors? How many black iron ants have to be killed!" Zhao Yu said: "He doesn't have that many points!"

Zhang Tiance was a careful person and knew that many of Qin Feng's strengths were unusual.

Maybe just for the sake of not being too revealing!

"It's not easy to record when it's dark, Qin Feng probably didn't turn it on!" Zhang Tiance helped Qin Feng find a reason.

Zhao Yu suddenly felt a pain in the flesh, "That's a lot of points!"

Gao Linghan, who was listening on the side, only felt a burning pain on his face.

I thought Qin Feng didn't have many points before, but now the materials thrown out are five times the previous points. Such a huge gap makes Gao Linghan feel desperate!

It can't be compared, it's not a level of combat power at all!

Not wanting to see Qin Feng, Gao Linghan got up and said, "Let's rest early, we have to fight tomorrow."

After that, Gao Linghan left first and went to rest in the simple room.

When Qin Feng returned to the fire, only his team was left. He naturally didn't know that a generation of geniuses were beaten with grief and indignation by him!

The conditions of the simple room were very limited. Fortunately, there was a water supply. After Qin Feng took a shower, he lay down on the iron bed with Bai Li in his arms.

It's just that it's quiet in the middle of the night, and there seems to be some sound coming out.

Bai Li's ears perked up immediately.

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth twitched, and he quickly wrapped Bai Li's ears with his inner strength, and said, "Sleep!"


Bai Li yawned a little and quickly fell asleep!

And even if Qin Feng covered his ears with his inner strength and looked at the stunning beauty in his arms, he couldn't help but feel dry.

"Really energetic!" Qin Feng cursed inwardly.

This simple room is not soundproof, and the people on the front line of the battle experience fighting every day, so they naturally need to vent when they come back.

It's not just the man's fault.

When Han Town fell, the first people to be rescued were definitely those from the slums, because they were close to the periphery and it was the easiest to escape. Now they can't even eat three meals a day, and it is normal to sell their flesh and body in order to survive. thing.

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