This time, Qin Feng did not go to the starting point in the wild, but the route around the city. However, this train is also dangerous!

On the car, most of them were fighters, and there were also a few ordinary people who looked scrawny.

The car drove westward and quickly drove out of the central area. The surrounding streets became more and more crowded and dense, and even began to appear dirty.

Only after reaching a certain level, the entire building suddenly disappeared behind him under the obstruction of a city wall.

Of course, this place is also safe. There are large swathes of lush rice paddies around, and every 100 meters, there is a sentry tower, and the gunners reveal their dark submachine guns.

The radio in the car also sounded just right.

"Every passenger, the terminal station of this train, the planting land in the western part of Chengbei is about to arrive!"

"All fighters, please note that if you hunt and kill the following exotic beasts outside the plantation area, you can get extra Huaxia coins with the obvious marks on the corpses. The targets of this hunt are: herbivorous giant rats, onion mantises, thread snakes..."

"In special seasons, if you find a rat tide, please call the police in advance, participate in the battle, and you will get honor points in the gathering area, which can be exchanged for various combat machines and medicines at the internal price!"

The fighters in the car were all vigilant.

Soon, the last line of defense appeared!

This time it is no longer a city wall, but a fence built of wood. There are also many traps outside. There will still be a sentry tower every 100 meters, and more are chariots.

After all, the scope of the planting area is too large, and the place may be changed at any time for some reasons. The fence will be more convenient and save money.

The car stopped and everyone started to get out.


A gunshot sounded very close, and a piercing scream came from a distance.

On the tower, there was a scolding voice.

"Damn, this mouse brat is going to be turned upside down recently!"

Things like standing guard at the sentry tower are actually very boring. If there is no danger, it will be a day, but once there is a little trouble, the target will be killed. These alien beasts do not appear at any time, which is naturally very annoying.

In front of the huge fence gate, a soldier in a dark green combat uniform opened the gate and let these people pass.

"You, yes, you, go back!"

The soldier pointed to a man and said.

Qin Feng paused, but found that the soldier was not pointing at himself, but at another girl.

This girl was actually a little taller than Qin Feng, she was about 175 or so, but she was a little thin, like a bamboo pole, with a flat chest, just like an airport, obviously stunted.

Not only that, Qin Feng also knew this person.

Xiao Jing!

In Qin Feng's mind flashed a few years later, Xiao Jing was valiant and looked like a colonel of the garrison, and he helped himself by the way when he went out to fight.

At that time, Xiao Jing was already very official.

I'm afraid no one would have thought that the other party is in a state of desolation now.

"Why let me go back, I can fight, I want to go out and kill alien beasts." Xiao Jing couldn't help but said, and she was very nervous.

"Just you? Let's go back and have children and cook. What are you fighting for?" The soldier sneered.

Every day, many people come to die for various reasons. After all, there is darkness in the gathering place. If you want to get rid of such a life, you need to fight and be strong.

But not all kinds of people can go out. Women are also resources. The soldiers didn't want Xiao Jing to die in vain.

"You, why do you say that, women should have children and cook, why?" Xiao Jing roared, her heart seemed to be suppressed.

The soldier froze.

"Why? With your powerless hands, you go out to fight like this? Do you have a combat uniform? Do you have a weapon? Did you smash a beast to death? If not,

just go back! "

Xiao Jing's face was flushed red when she was said, and it was only on impulse that she ran out, but after being yelled at by this person, she felt a step back, and at the end of the yell, Xiao Jing couldn't say anything to refute.

But her heart to go out to fight was stronger.

Just as she was about to return, another voice rang out.

"I'll take her out!"

Xiao Jing was stunned for a moment, then immediately raised her head to look in the direction of the sound. When she saw the person on the opposite side, she let out an incredible cry.

"Qin Feng!"

Qin Feng nodded to Xiao Jing, and then said to the soldier, "She must have had a last resort. She and I are classmates, so I'll take her!"

Qin Feng pointed to the energy gun on his waist.

The soldier's cold and stern face eased, he glanced at Qingfeng's energy gun and a capable combat uniform, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Go, remember to come back alive!"

The soldier got out of the way. In fact, he also misunderstood, thinking that Qin Feng was the last awakener, but he didn't know that both Qin Feng and Xiao Jing had just been injected with the awakening potion for seven or eight days.

Qin Feng took Xiao Jing away from the gate, and continued to walk along the road. There are many traps around here, so we can't hunt alien beasts here.

"Qin Feng, thank you!" Xiao Jing's tone was full of gratitude.

"No thanks! We are old classmates!" This is what Xiao Jing and Qin Feng said in the last life. Maybe Qin Feng lived too hard in the last life, and he would remember a little kindness in his heart.

returning a Favour many times more.

"Thank you!" Xiao Jing didn't know which soft part of her heart was touched, and tears flowed out of her eyes instantly.

Qin Feng was silent.

He is a man who never sheds tears, let alone how to coax Xiao Jing.

What's more, he didn't know what happened to Xiao Jing.

After all, in the future, she is such an enviable existence among many middle school classmates.

"Sorry!" Xiao Jing quickly wiped away her tears and forced a smile.

"It's okay, what's the problem?"

Xiao Jing was silent for a while before saying, "My father wants me to marry, um, marry a man in his thirties!"

Qin Feng was silent again, there were too many such things, he was used to it, and he became a lot more indifferent.

Maybe after opening the chatterbox, Xiao Jing couldn't help but say: "I have two younger brothers, you know, my younger brother will wake up next year, my dad is preparing a potion for him, this time he promised me to others, my dad took it Eighty thousand Huaxia coins."

"I really didn't expect that a man like me would still be wanted. That man has a twelve-year-old child, and I'm going to be a stepmother when I get married. It's ridiculous."

"I asked my dad to give me a month, maybe I can become an ability user or ancient martial artist, but unfortunately they are not willing to wait, and they said that I don't need to be so good, my uncle is good enough!"

Xiao Jing became more and more angry.

Qin Feng already understood.

Xiao Jing's father didn't want Xiao Jing to become an ancient warrior, but he was afraid that he couldn't support him at all.

Xiao Jing's family was so poor that they couldn't get enough food for three meals, and when the two younger brothers could eat, there was no reason why Xiao Jing was so thin.

Now, how could it be possible to waste money in order to make Xiao Jing an ancient warrior!

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