Stepping into the cold town, Qin Feng rode a ghost horse and quickly got rid of some low-level insects and beasts.

Hunting these worms is better than hunting more advanced ones.

Only at this time, there was a beeping sound in the communicator.

【Survivor signal detected! 】

On the map of Hanzhen on the communicator, a weak red punctuation appeared, spreading the signal outward.

It only takes half a month to have enough food to avoid the attack of the Zerg in the basement. Tenacious humans can always use various methods to survive.

What's more, the era in which they exist is the end of the world!

In the last days, from the age of six to the age of sixteen, ten years of primary and secondary education is to teach a person how to survive.

In the north of Hanzhen, because of the planting land, there have been no able people for a long time, and the survivors have not been rescued.

Qin Feng is not a cold-blooded person. He has the ability and can save him if he can.

Qin Feng drove the ghost horse in the direction of the survivor's signal!


A group of low-level insects followed Qin Feng.

Not only that, several bloodthirsty beetles appeared from the corner, and when they saw Qin Feng, they immediately flew up.

Strike back and forth!

"Hellfire blanket!"

After controlling some range, the hellfire blanket enveloped those low-level insects and beasts, and the powerful flames only took a few seconds to kill the G-segment alien beasts.

And then Qin Feng took out the Green King's Sword and just waved it lightly to decapitate the notorious bloodthirsty beetle!

For others, it was extremely dangerous. Hanzhen, which was already a Zerg territory, was like a no-man's land for Qin Feng.

Soon, Qin Feng walked to the street shop where the signal was emitted.

It's just that in front of this shop, there is a huge iron-backed snail lying on the ground.

It's just an ordinary F-segment iron-backed snail, but its strength is strong enough!

A bad thought arose in Qin Feng's mind.

He got off the ghost horse, and the iron-backed snail seemed to wake up from its deep sleep, stretched out its soft head, and bit Qin Feng.

Without hesitation, Qin Feng slashed with the sword!

"Flaming sword light!"

Before the iron-backed snail could attack, the two-meter-long sword awn was beheaded.

With one kick, the iron-backed snail's body was kicked away, and Qin Feng entered the store.

【You are still thirty-five meters away from the survivors! 】

The store is not very big, Qin Feng quickly found the downward passage, but the door was locked from the inside.

"Bang bang bang!"

Qin Feng knocked, but there was no sound inside the door.

Fortunately, the defense of this gate is not too high. Although it can prevent the attack of alien beasts, it can't resist Qin Feng's Qingwang Dao.

Internal force poured into the Qingwang knife, Qin Feng instantly tore the door open.

In the room, there was a bloody smell, and the weak lighting could see the scene inside. A scrawny woman had her eyes half-open, and there was a weak baby in her arms, at most two months old.

At this moment, when the thin woman saw Qin Feng, her eyes suddenly lit up. At that moment, the light in the other's eyes was as bright as a starry sky.

In Qin Feng's mind, a word suddenly came to mind.


He saw this word in the eyes of this woman.

"Save...she..." The woman seemed to want to hand the child in her arms to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng was silent.

He stepped forward, applied his inner strength to the palm of his hand, and patted the woman's back. A strong inner strength protected the woman's heart and nourished her heart.

"Come on! Take it to burial!"

Qin Feng said.

As a new human being injected with Awakening Potion, both men and women have stronger bodies, but babies are extremely fragile!

nearly half a month,

People can persevere, but children can't.

Even if the woman feeds the child with her own blood when she can't go out to find food later, this is still the case.

This child is dead!

The woman was silent for a while, as if she wanted to cry, but not a single tear could come out.

Qin Feng did not let the other party continue to mourn, and took the woman out of the basement. In the end times, any kind of thing can happen, and human beings are actually very tenacious.

Although this woman is weak, she still has mobility. Qin Feng gave the other party some bread and water, and watched the other party gobble it up and quickly regained her mobility.

Qin Feng gave her a bag of animal repellent powder, and asked her to spread the animal repellent powder behind him, and even smeared some on her body.

Afterwards, Qin Feng began to sweep the streets, checking the distress signals, and in one day, more than 80 people were rescued.

Because of Qin Feng's rescue, his hunting speed was naturally greatly reduced, but he also swept 20 streets, which was even higher than the task completed yesterday. With the addition of animal repellent fans, these 20 streets were considered thorough. Safe.

At the end of autumn, it was too late and early, Qin Feng ended the battle, left Han Town with two carts of people, and returned to the temporary gathering place!

The merchants who had been looking forward to seeing Qin Feng immediately swarmed up, wanting to buy enough goods from Qin Feng.

Just before he could speak, a group of people came and went straight to Qin Feng's direction.

The breath of the E-segment capable person made the people around him sighed subconsciously and dispersed.

Today, there is only one E section from the Hanzhen gathering place, and it is Chi Long.

"Mr. Qin, hello! I'm Chi Long, and now the commander-in-chief of the Hanzhen recovery plan!"

Longchi warmly stretched out his hand.

Qin Feng was taken aback for a moment, but he still shook hands politely.

"Happy meeting!"

"Haha, it's my luck, Mr. Qin, you are such a powerful power user, I saw your recovery of the northern part of Hanzhen this morning, so I came here to find you, I hope we can work together. , Let's recover Han Town together!"

In Qin Feng's mind, he immediately thought of the drone he encountered in the morning.

It turned out that the person who looked at him at that time was this Chi Long.

The performance of the other party at the end made Qin Feng feel a little favored for this person.

"How does Commander Chi want to cooperate?" Qin Feng asked.

"This is not the place to talk, Mr. Qin, please come here. I have prepared dinner. Let's chat while eating!"

Qin Feng naturally didn't mind someone providing meals for free, so he nodded in agreement, and the matter of selling materials could only be discussed later.

But before leaving, Qin Feng reminded Chi Long.

"These people are the survivors I just came out. I can't arrange it now, and I have to trouble Commander Chi!"

Chi Long immediately patted his chest and assured, "Jiang Chi, you go, remember to make proper arrangements!"

This is the person Qin Feng rescued, and no one wants the survivor who he worked so hard to rescue to starve to death or be bullied in the end, so naturally he has to deal with it properly!

Now Chi Long still needs Qin Feng's help!

Jiang Chi's face was full of depression, and he could only respond to arrange for those who stayed in the cold town for ten days and not died, and the stench was stinking, while the other group went to enjoy a sumptuous banquet.

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