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Qin Feng has picked up a lot of space buttons from the dragon crocodile beast island, and there are large space buttons of hundreds of cubic meters. Although the body of this golden scale python king is strong, it can still hold it!

Originally hiding in the dark, other people who planned to take the opportunity to divide up the materials of the King of Python were suddenly dumbfounded!

They didn't expect Qin Feng to have such a large space, and he didn't even divide it, so he took all the python king away.

However, they also knew that there was no drama here, and turned to chase the King of the Golden Scaled Python.

At this time, the Golden Scale Python King fled wildly, and the distance from Zhai Ping was only a few dozen meters!

Zhai Ping is an ancient warrior in the D3 stage, and his strength is not weak. At this time, the golden scale python king rushed to him, even if his body was huge and he lost his back half, in Zhai Ping's view, he would definitely die, but he was just doing his last struggle.


Zhai Ping poured his inner strength into his body, his inner strength qi burst out, and he flew up lightly, and the giant axe in his hand was aimed at the top of the golden scale python king's head and slashed away.

The inner strength of true qi doubled the giant axe, and fell fiercely on the top of the golden scale python king's head.


Axe Shadow let out a muffled groan, and then Zhai Ping felt the giant axe hit the top of the golden scale python king's head.

This is not the power he released, to be precise, the speed of the golden scale python king did not stop at all and hit him.

Huge power was passed into the hand from the axe, and after that, there was no sign of stopping.


The huge head of the golden-scaled python king slammed into Zhai Ping's internal force and made a blast.

Zhai Ping was instantly knocked out!

On the top of the opponent's head, there was only a small crack of 10 centimeters, and even under the golden scales, it was impossible to see it without looking carefully. In Zhai Ping's opinion, a ferocious blow could not pose any threat to a beastmaster at all.

This was something that Zhai Ping could never imagine.


Zhai Ping was knocked out for more than ten meters, and his inner strength was shattered. His body even flipped and smashed trees, and finally fell on an ancient tree and stopped, spurting blood from his mouth.

The Golden Scale Python King didn't pay attention to Zhai Ping, because he already felt that the killing god behind him was chasing after him!

However, in the dark, more people were already ready to besiege the Golden Scale Python King.

In the blink of an eye, four people jumped out.

Qin Feng knew two of them, but he didn't know the rest, but seeing that one of them was holding a heavy sword and the other was holding an iron rope, he could guess their identities.

The epee of the Tie family is very famous, this person is the direct line of the Tie family, the D2 ancient warrior Tie Xin.

The other one was a special weapon of the Hou family, but because it was a man, he didn't use the iron whip that Hou Yangjiao used, but a heavier iron rope, the D1 stage ancient martial artist Hou Yangsheng.

There are also Meng Lin, the city lord of Niumeng City, and Lei Chen of Haicheng.

All four attacked.

Qin Feng's footsteps slowed down, and he stood beside Zhai Ping.


Qin Feng snorted coldly,

He glanced over Zhai Ping's body and paid attention to the battlefield.

Zhai Ping wanted to get up. After all, he was too embarrassed right now, and his own purpose was not simple. He was so embarrassed by Qin Feng's cold snort.

The other four were fighting with the Golden Scaled Python King and entangled the Golden Scaled Python King.

The Golden Scaled Python King wanted to escape, but it soon discovered that the strength of these people was too weak compared to Qin Feng!

Qin Feng has the physique of a beast king, and he is only a little smaller than the golden-scaled python king, and he will not lose in a head-to-head fight with the golden-scaled python king.

Qin Feng's internal strength was several times that of other people. He was squandering it at will, and his recovery speed was also fast. When he hit the Golden Scaled Python King, it was extremely painful.

But these few people joined forces to besiege, and the injuries they suffered were similar to those of Zhai Ping. Even if the two of the ancient martial arts family were stronger, they only caused slightly larger injuries.

There is absolutely no way to pose a threat to the Golden Scale Python King.

The consequences of doing so successfully angered the Golden Scaled Python King.

The beating hurt so much that the Golden Scaled Python King was naturally afraid.

Playing like a tickling, the Golden Scale Python King will only be furious.

The dignified Beastmaster is not something that a cat or a dog can bully.

The golden-scaled python king suddenly had a golden light all over his body.

The golden light was so dazzling that the besieged ancient warriors had to close their eyes, and even so, it made their eyes sting.

"Huh!" A ray of light erupted, aiming at Meng Lin, the lord of Niumeng City.

Meng Lin sensed this danger, and was instantly shocked, and quickly defended,

The golden light of the Golden Scaled Python King hit the internal force and exploded instantly, knocking Meng Lin out.

Afterwards, the Golden Scale Python King rushed towards Tie Xin and swept across. Tie Xin was immediately knocked out, and the Golden Scale Python King went to crush it. Tie Xin quickly blocked it with his spear and supported the Golden Scale Python King's huge body.

Tie Xin's face turned red, and the iron spear was bent by the golden scale python king!

"Brother Yangsheng, save me!" Tie Xin shouted in horror.

Hou Yangsheng hurriedly waved the iron rope, wrapped around the Golden Scale Python King and dragged him away, but the Golden Scale Python King remained motionless.

"Thunder Slash!"

Lei Chen seized the opportunity, his eyes lit up, and he reached the position behind the golden scale python king, where Qin Feng had cut it off. At this time, the flesh was blurred, there was still blood, and there was no scale defense.

As soon as Lei Ting sent the long knife in his hand, it was wrapped in internal force and pierced into the flesh and blood of the Golden Scaled Python King.

This move finally gave the Golden Scaled Python King a heavy blow!

The golden scale python king screamed.

The golden scale python king swung his huge body, and the tip of Tie Xin's spear slipped, wiping out sparks of steel colliding.

Without a point of focus, the body of the Golden Scaled Python King was pressed down.

"Ah!!!" Tie Xin screamed.

Although it wasn't fully compacted, Tie Xin's legs were crushed. The internal force protector ensured that his legs were not broken, but it was definitely a painful blow.

The Golden Scaled Python King shook his head, and Hou Yangsheng, who had been wrapping it with an iron chain, was sent flying into the air, and even the chain was released.

The golden scale python king came after Lei Chen.

Lei Chen saw that the golden scale python king was so vicious, he didn't dare to fight, and hurriedly avoided.

Four people were besieging, and now three have been repelled, and Lei Chen is also running away.

However, Lei Chen soon saw Qin Feng, thinking of how powerful Qin Feng was before, he had to run in Qin Feng's direction at this time.

"District Chief Qin, hurry up, let's fight together and kill this beast!" Lei Chen shouted.

Qin Feng sneered: "No need, I will let you fight for a while, otherwise the spoils will not be distributed for a while!"

"呲!" The King of the Golden Scaled Python stopped walking when he saw Qin Feng, and even circled around and crawled backwards.

It can still feel the pain of broken tail now, hate Qin Feng, and fear Qin Feng even more.

After this battle, the strength of the Golden Scaled Python King will probably drop to the D-rank!

When Lei Chen saw that the Golden Scaled Python King was no longer chasing him, he breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt uneasy in his heart.

"District Chief Qin, it's a bit early to say these words. It's better to kill the Golden Scaled Python King first!" Lei Chen instigated Qin Feng to fight.

Qin Feng didn't do anything, but said: "I see everyone is very enthusiastic, I'd better wait for you to finish the fight, I'll be on it, the so-called contribution, get a share of money, as much as you play, you will get it in the end. How much, why, are you giving up now?"

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