Han Nuan became Qin Feng's agent, which was the envy of almost all E-segment capable people in Shadong Town.

She has a lot of resources in her hands, Qin Feng doesn't care much about things, and the trust of carte blanche makes Han Nuan let go.

Of course, Han Nuan didn't embezzle anything from Qin Feng, but the reward that many people could not imagine.

In the past month, she has made great progress, and she has a lot of trump cards in her hands, and she has made rapid progress mechanically.

Gunsmiths are such a profession.

Rich, able to defy the sky!

This is also the reason why Han Nuan was able to escape the pursuit of Xue Yumang and ran to the headquarters in Shadong Town.

Fortunately, Shadong Town is not very big.

It's just that Han Nuan's current situation is not good. Her consciousness is overdrawn. One arm is rubbed by the blood-turning palm, and the muscles inside have turned into blood. The severe pain and internal bleeding seem to kill her immediately.

It's just that she is still gritting her teeth.

"Hu Liang, don't pretend anymore. Who do you show it to?"

"I just maintain my order, and you are the destroyer of order!" Hu Liang was furious.

Xue Yumang didn't take him seriously.

It's just who made their blood family, a blood gold madman, and the strength of the C-segment, in the entire Beihai four cities, is also a feared existence.

"Hahaha, order? What the hell is that? Hu Liang,

Hand over that woman, or you'll be bleeding for your order today! "

Xue Yumang is extremely arrogant, and the blood gold mad has arrived in Shadong Town, and now I am afraid that Qin Feng has already been killed.

If Hu Liang is ignorant, Xue Yumang will file a complaint and kill Hu Liang in minutes.

Hu Liang naturally knew it.

He is now in a dilemma.

"General Hu!" Han Nuan said suddenly, with a space button in his hand.

Here, there are materials that Qin Feng gave to Han Nuan that have not yet been processed.

As for the funds, Han Nuan had already given it to Qin Feng when he returned it a few days ago.

"General Hu, this is Lord Qin's thing. I hope you can take this thing. If Lord Qin comes back, give it to him. If he dies, you can handle these things? How? It's better than letting someone grab it. Good to go!"

Han Nuan knew that he couldn't protect these things.

But she didn't want to be cheap.

"And I believe that Lord Qin won't just die like this!"

Han Nuan's silver teeth almost bleed.

In the entire Shadong Town, Han Nuan felt that he knew Qin Feng the most, and even more so, he knew what kind of ability Qin Feng had.

How can such a person die?

Qin Feng will become an invincible powerhouse in the future!

"Keep? This thing, I see who can keep it!" Xue Yumang raised his hand and was about to snatch it.

Hu Liang stopped him.

For Qin Feng, Hu Liang is still very optimistic. Even if Qin Feng is really dead, Han Nuan and Hu Liang want to keep the empathy.

"The blood family is too deceiving!"

A voice sounded, and sharp earth thorns suddenly appeared on the ground, killing the blood jade glow.

Then, far away, Chen Xiang also appeared!

Of course, only Chen Xiang was alone.

As a supernatural being, he is full of confidence.

As for the people who fought side by side with Qin Feng before, they didn't show up at this time. Maybe when Qin Feng didn't want to organize a team, and later, when he kept selling Beastmaster materials, the kindness had already turned into jealousy!

Only Chen Xiang, who was fearless at the time, still stands for Qin Feng now.

Seeing Chen Xiang appear, Hu Liang also gained confidence, and gave Han Nuan medicine to hang Han Nuan's life.

Xue Yumang looked at the two men fiercely.

"You guys, you really can't cry without seeing the coffin. When the head of my blood family comes back, we'll see if you can protect this woman. At that time, it won't be as simple as Qin Feng's business, yours..."

Xue Yumang Yin smiled twice.

At that time, Xue Yumang can completely say that Han Nuan's hand is not enough, it must have been swallowed by Hu Liang and Chen Xiang, and then the lion opened his mouth.

Xue Yumang did this kind of thing a lot.

It was just at this moment that Hu Liang and Chen Xiang's expressions changed.

As for Han Nuan, there was a brighter light in his eyes.

Xue Yumang felt that something was wrong, and there seemed to be someone staring at him behind him, making him feel like he was on his back.

Xue Yumang turned his head and immediately saw two people.

Qin Feng and Bai Li.

At this time, Qin Feng's face was very bad.

Not only because of the battle, but also because of the things that Xue Yumang did.

Before he died, Xue Yumang wanted to bully Qin Feng's subordinates.

If he really died, let alone Han Nuan, the gathering place of Feng Li would probably be swallowed up by the blood family.

Oh, by the way, there are others, such as Lei Chen, or Yan Fang.

"Blood Yumang, we meet again!"

Qin Feng's body was filled with astonishing coercion, making people feel that they could not get close.

Just facing it head-on, there is a feeling of being forced to lower your head and bend your back.

Qin Feng's aura was amazing!

Xue Yumang seemed to have lost the ability to speak, and his mouth was so wide that his eyes were about to pop out.

"How dare you come back!" Xue Yumang said in disbelief.

Qin Feng sneered, "Why don't I dare to come back? Instead, you are the official capable person of my dignified human alliance, but you belong to the dark ancient martial family. Why are you showing off here? Do you really think that no one can kill you?"

Ordinary dark organization people naturally dare not swagger into the city.

The blood jade glow is only because of its strength.

In fact, even wanted criminals would go to ordinary gathering places to remain anonymous, because no one is their opponent.

The blood jade glow is just relying on this.

"Qin Feng, you dare to come back, you are not afraid that my patriarch will destroy you! It doesn't matter if you die, Shadong Town will be buried with you. The people in this town are not enough for the ancestors to eat!"

Xue Yumang laughed wickedly. If he could see Xuejin madly killing Qin Feng, then he would also end up hating Xue Yumang. Qin Feng was very rude when he was in Tangshanling.

"Blood gold mad? I'm back, but you are still delusional, he is safe and sound?"

Qin Feng's words made others stunned.

Even Xue Yumang was a little surprised, and then he actually laughed.

"Qin Feng, are you really crazy? Don't tell me, you can still kill my blood clan head!"

This is simply not possible.

It's just that Qin Feng didn't answer, his expression was very indifferent, looking at Xue Yumang, it was as if he was looking at a clown jumping on the beam.

The superiority is broken, and the jumping clown who dare not face reality!

Qin Feng's expression was too indifferent, which made Xue Yumang's wild laughter gradually subside. He raised the communicator and finally dialed out.

However, the news that appeared made Xue Yumang feel chilled.

"DiDiDi... Communication equipment not found!"

The communicator is broken!

If it is to go to the different plane, it should just be unable to get through.

(End of this chapter)

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