The ecological environment in the northern hemisphere is better, and the land is vast and sparsely populated. After the end of the world, the wild has almost become the dominant field of mutant plants and animals.

The place Qin Feng came from was a huge forest, the Neil Forest.

Of course, this did not exist before the end of the world.

Qin Feng recognized the direction and walked towards the west.

First of all, you have to find Dawning Town next to Neal Forest. This town is similar to Sanddong Town. It is the front line, but it is not often attacked by creatures in the forest.

Therefore, Dawning Town stands here for a hundred years!

Qin Feng walked in the tropical rain forest, moving carefully and avoiding other creatures as much as possible.

It's just that in such a dense and complex place, how could it be possible to avoid everything.

A green poisonous snake suddenly burst out from the grass and wrapped around Qin Feng's legs.

This poisonous snake is also thick enough, more than 3 meters long, and the widest part is also the size of a palm. If the grass just now was not big enough, it could not hide at all.

It's just that such a poisonous snake is just an alien beast in the F segment.

As soon as Qin Feng raised his hand, a finger-thick flame hit the poisonous snake, instantly piercing its head.

The poisonous snake suddenly fell to the ground, its body twisted a few times, and there was no movement at all.

Such a creature, coming to trouble Qin Feng, is just to die.

Qin Feng continued to move forward, and along the way, he killed some alien beasts and Zerg that did not have long eyes.

Suddenly, Qin Feng's mind moved, and he looked down.

The ground under my feet was a little damp, and it seemed to exude a single fragrance.

This smell, once smelled, will never be forgotten.

Qin Feng glanced around and quickly found a special plant under a small sapling.

This plant looks very much like a sunflower, but the center of the flower is light blue, the petals are green, and the whole plant is no more than the size of a palm.

"Teardrop flower!"

Qin Feng smiled slightly.

He came here specially this time, naturally, for this special plant.

For others, the strength of Section D, not to mention reaching the Western Hemisphere, even if they use the Wanzong Group, I am afraid that there is no way to collect such things.

But now, for Qin Feng, it's not a problem.

Qin Feng took out an ordinary F-segment dagger and slashed horizontally at the small sapling.

The little sapling trembled wildly, and it turned out to be a mutant plant.

However, the strength of this little sapling is too low, even only in the G2 stage, the branches hit Qin Feng, but there is no response.

After cutting off the small sapling, Qin Feng dug out the teardrop flower.

Under the mottled trees, a few rays of sunlight fell. Qin Feng held up the teardrop flower and let the sun shine on the flower. There were suddenly two more openings on the blue flower center of the flower, and then the water droplets rolled down from it.

This is the teardrop flower.

This thing is very magical. When it encounters sunlight, it can leave water droplets, and as long as there is sunlight, it will never be exhausted.

That water drop is not a simple water drop, it also has the ability to disperse alien beasts

The first function has no effect in this tropical rain forest.

But the ability to disperse alien beasts is enough to make people flock to them, smearing the liquid with teardrop flowers on their bodies to ensure their own safety.

This has also become the reason why teardrop flowers are expensive.

Such a small flower is worth half a million.

Qin Feng was looking at the flowers when suddenly a "bang" sounded in his ear.

Under Qin Feng's perception, a bullet rushed towards him, a high-intensity sniper gun shell.

The cannonball passed through countless trees and hit Qin Feng's eyebrows.

Only Qin Feng frowned slightly, the bullet that was about to penetrate Qin Feng's head stopped in place!


Controlled by consciousness, the slender sniper bullet bounced back immediately.

Even faster than before.

In the blink of an eye, the bullet penetrated 500 meters away, on a gunman squatting on a tree.

The man's eyes widened, and the fluctuations in consciousness all over his body gradually disintegrated. It wasn't that he didn't think about fighting back, but his little consciousness was unable to even catch the bullet at the speed.

This is just an e-segment gunner.

The huge body fell backwards, instantly fell from the big tree, and let out a muffled groan. The person who had been quietly lurking beside Qin Feng was slightly taken aback.

Just the next moment, Qin Feng moved.

Shutting through the shadows, Qin Feng suddenly flashed behind an ancient warrior.

Of course, the Western Continent does not like to be called ancient warriors, but physical ones.

It is a pity that the strength of this physical person is too weak for Qin Feng!

Qin Feng suddenly raised his foot and kicked the opponent on the opponent's back.

For this kick, Qin Feng only used one-tenth of his strength.

But this man flew forward in the blink of an eye and hit a huge tree.


Physical fitness practitioners in the West pay more attention to the strengthening of the physical body. They have rough skin and thick flesh. They are almost the same as the ancient martial artists. They are tall and seldom less than 2 meters.

What Qin Feng kicked and flew out was simply a huge and hard humanoid bomb.


The trees were directly smashed, but at the same time, the Western physical fitness was obviously not too long.

His spine was directly broken by Qin Feng, and the internal force invaded his internal organs and shattered his heart.

Die again!

"My cousin raised it!" A roar like a female Tyrannosaurus appeared, and then a huge flame erupted.

"Playing with me?" Qin Feng sneered, raising his hand, a burst of fire erupted.

This fire is more powerful, more turbulent, and the rune is mobilized violently.

In the blink of an eye, flames hedge.

Qin Feng's flames drowned the western woman in the blink of an eye, and the flames surrounded her.


Terrified screams came.

When the flames dissipated, there was only a charred corpse left.

What a tragedy for a fire-type ability user to die under the flames.

At this time, Qin Feng felt that there were still two people, but at this time, the two of them were so frightened that their legs were softened, so they could only quietly and carefully step back.

Even Qin Feng's consciousness "saw" that one of them was still on his forehead and throat, with a cross on the left and right sides, probably praying to God.

It's a pity that God couldn't save them either. Just when they planned to attack Qin Feng, they should have such a realization.

"Magma column!"

Just a slight movement of consciousness, these two people didn't know what happened at all, the ground under their feet turned into magma, and then shrouded upwards, they were trapped in the magma, and they were baked by the scorching temperature in the blink of an eye, and turned into grey carbon.

Qin Feng raised his hand, and the cloth bags of these people fell into Qin Feng's hands.

It may be due to local differences. The space rune equipment on the western side is in the form of pockets.

Then, Qin Feng walked to the capable person who was kicked to death by him, and took away the other party's communicator.

When the communicator was connected, Qin Feng quickly obtained the map here.

There is still a long distance from Zhuguang Town.

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