"Of course, don't be discouraged. As your consciousness becomes stronger and stronger, you can practice more time than others, and advanced abilities are not something you can have now. Work hard!" Cheng Chao encouraged Qin Feng.

"Well, thank you teacher!"

Qin Feng took back his test sheet and looked at the last two words "passed" on it. Now, as long as he pays some fees, he can become a student of Chengbei Higher College!

Qin Feng did not leave immediately, but went to another place.

This is naturally the place where the ancient warriors are tested.

The machine that appeared in front at this time was the one Qin Feng had tested in the hotel. Zhou Hao was already in the front, and there were still a few people left to arrive at him.

"The test begins!"

"Ah!!!" The person who took the test in front of him suddenly roared and threw a punch.


"Attack 279, you can give me another chance!"

"Thank you teacher, thank you!"

The man nodded quickly and waved his fist again, but this time he only hit 256, completely missing the opportunity.

If it is said that the ability users to come to the higher academy are very loose, then there is no doubt that the ancient warriors are very strict.

The attack power must reach 300, and the speed and reaction power also have certain requirements.

Of course, those with an attack power below 300 did not mean that they could not become ancient warriors, but their future prospects would be less.

Soon, it was Zhou Hao's turn.

"Look at me!"

Zhou Hao swung his fist, and the wind was blowing.

He was among the top grades in the middle academy and has a natural acumen for combat.


This punch machine is powerful, and the explosive power makes the numbers on the test instrument skyrocket!


There was a sudden exclamation from the crowd.

"With an attack power of more than 500, doesn't he already have the strength of the G segment?"

"too strong!"

"I've been training for such a long time, and I'm still struggling to get to 300, but he actually surpassed 500!"

At this time, the test teacher also paid attention to Zhou Hao and seemed to appreciate it.

"Go and test the others!"

Zhou Hao clenched his fists and was so excited!

"Hey, your test is over? Let's walk around and accompany me to test something else!" Zhou Hao hurriedly dragged Qin Feng to another place.

Qin Feng naturally accompanied him, he had time anyway.

After a series of tests, Zhou Hao's results were excellent, Zhou Hao was happy, and Qin Feng was even happier.

'Zhou Hao died because of me in the last life, and now I have changed his fate. He didn't die. With his talent, the future is boundless. I hope we can fight side by side in the future! ’

Qin Feng was in a good mood.

After paying the tuition fee of 50,000 yuan, the two received the school uniform of the higher school.

The dark purple school uniform is very straight, not only that, in fact, it is also a combat uniform. The mountain high boots make everyone a lot more capable. Wearing such clothes in the gathering place is almost equivalent to the unlimited future. logo.

"The class starts tomorrow, and I can learn internal skills!" Zhou Hao was very excited.

Qin Feng's expression was stunned.

"What is the unified internal strength issued by the higher school?" Qin Feng asked.

Zhou Hao said, "It's Hunyuan Art, it's F-level internal strength!"

"After you go back, I'll give you another internal skill. You can also practice the Hunyuan Jue without delay! If you have any questions, you can ask me!" Qin Feng said.

Zhou Hao looked at Qin Feng strangely.

"Why do you have so many good things now? Did you get some secret treasure?"

"Does it count as picking up a dead body?" Qin Feng made up a beautiful lie.

Zhou Hao's eyes lit up.


Didn't you encounter some powerful space equipment in the wild? There are peerless magical powers, super rune weapons, and a lot of gold and silver jewelry! "The more Zhou Hao thought about it, the more outrageous it became.

Qin Feng did not interrupt, but just smiled lightly.

At this moment, Qin Feng's communicator rang.

Qin Feng clicked the automatic answer, and a figure appeared over the communicator. It was just yesterday that he met Zhang Haoyang, the person in charge of the Bounty Hunter Network.

"Qin Feng, are you free now? We are catching a fugitive. I think you are nearby. Could you please help? After the matter is completed, I will give you a quarter of the commission!"

Zhang Haoyang's voice was very fast, and there was the sound of emergency braking coming from the surroundings, which was piercing, and he knew that they were chasing each other urgently.

"Okay, share the location of the other party!" Qin Feng said.

"Okay, thank you!" Zhang Haoyang quickly shared the criminal's information and location, three streets away from Qin Feng's current location.

"Haozi, get out of the car first!"

Zhou Hao had better not take part in such a dangerous thing. The criminals that Zhang Haoyang was chasing had at least the strength of Section F.

"You are the bounty hunter net? You want to hunt down the wanted criminals? Take me and take me, the big deal is that I won't get out of the car!" Zhou Hao was obviously very excited.

"Okay, sit tight!" Qin Feng turned on the suspension device, the car floated up, the wind-based rune device exploded, and the speed soared.


The car was almost wrapped in a hurricane and swept across the border.

In the blink of an eye, the distance of three streets has passed, and Qin Feng has already seen the other party's car.

It was a large dark blue truck, and because of this, it appeared to be rampant, the driveway was paralyzed, and many cars were knocked to the side.

Qin Feng saw that Zhang Haoyang's car was a white sports car, but maybe he was active in the city, and he didn't buy those hover cars. After all, millions of dollars can still be exchanged for a set of rune equipment.

It's just that now he's clearly at a loss!

Qin Feng's car whizzed past.

"Switch to autopilot, lock the blue vehicle!"

Qin Feng changed the operation mode and raised the sunroof at the same time, Qin Feng directly fought from the driver's seat.

As soon as his hand touched his waist, the energy gun exchanged from Xue Xingfu appeared in his hand.


The energy gun emitted a ray of light, and the next moment, the big blue truck tire in front made a muffled sound.

The tires dried quickly.


Qin Feng shot down again.

The car collapsed backwards, the spinning wheels sparked on the ground, but the speed dropped dramatically.

A figure quickly jumped out of the cab of the truck.

【Attention Bounty Hunters, Criminals: Viper Lock! 】

The name is clearly a codename!

It is natural to have a code name, and there is another possibility that the real name has never appeared in the human alliance.

Qin Feng glanced at the communicator and saw that it marked that the Viper was a member of an anti-human organization and had planned many massacres.

"Little Wang Bagaozi, die for Lao Tzu!"

Viper had a grim expression on his face, grabbed the small car parked on the side of the road, swallowed up his inner strength, and lifted it up to smash in the direction of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng jumped off the suspended car and kicked the car.

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