Xiaolian almost widened her eyes and looked at Qin Feng in disbelief.

"That, Mr. Qin, stop joking, it's not a joke, it's something only desperadoes do!"

There are all kinds of strange people here, but there is no doubt that they are all poor. Qin Feng looks like a rich boy, why can't he think about it?

"You don't have to worry about this, you just need to take me there!"

Qin Feng took out a stack of money again and threw it on Xiaolian.

Xiaolian looked at so much money and knew that these young masters were not easy to mess with, she gritted her teeth and said, "Then you come with me, young master, breaking your hand doesn't mean you can challenge, you can challenge!"

Qin Feng followed Xiaolian and took Qin Feng to the registration office.

The people at the registration office were very surprised when they saw Qin Feng. After all, Qin Feng didn't look like someone who lacked money.

"This young master, it's not a joke to come on stage. We stipulate here that as long as you join in, you must play five games a day before you can choose whether to quit or not. One person can play a maximum of thirty-five games. From the second day on, every The enemies in the field will be stronger and more experienced than you! It's not that no one at your age has come, but most of them didn't even persist in the third game!"

That person said that because he wanted Qin Feng to retreat.

Qin Feng nodded disapprovingly and asked, "What about the reward?"

Although he came here to improve his ancient martial arts internal strength, it is not bad to have a large reward.

That person saw that Qin Feng was not giving up, and he was too lazy to care about Qin Feng's life and death. He would check Qin Feng's information in a while. If he was from a powerful and powerful family, then it would be good to tell his opponent to save his life!

"As long as the first game is won, there will be 10,000 rewards, the second game is 50,000, the third game is 100,000, the fourth game is 500,000, and the fifth game is 1 million!"

The opponent spat out this number, and after five consecutive victories, it was 1.66 million.

But most people don't get the money.

Because these rewards can only be obtained after five games. For example, Ba Hu, winning the first four games does not mean that he can get 660,000. On the contrary, he lost his life in it!

"Also, you can take one-tenth of the audience's reward!"

Qin Feng nodded and asked again, "What about the reward after six consecutive victories?"

The people at the registration office almost laughed out loud.

Can you survive today, maybe you still want six consecutive victories?

"In each subsequent game, your reward will be increased by one million, that is, the sixth game is two million, the seventh game is three million, and the eighth game is four million. If you can win 35 consecutive games The field, that is more than 30 million, by that time, it is not a problem for you to have 100 million!"

The man said sarcastically, but maliciously gave Qin Feng a big cake. If it was an ordinary young man, he would have been dazzled by this matter and immersed in his own dream.

One hundred million is almost an astronomical figure!


Qin Feng nodded, such a reward was enough for him to take risks!

Qin Feng took out the communicator and called up his information.

"I regestrated!"

The people at the registration office saw that Qin Feng still wanted to kill him, so they didn't stop him. After reviewing Qin Feng's information, they showed the original expression.

"You're an orphan? You just got the Awakening Potion injected last month!"


Xiaolian was surprised when she heard Qin Feng's words, but she didn't expect this person to be three years younger than her.

But seeing Qin Feng's clothes and communicator, Xiaolian seemed to understand something.

Maybe he made a fortune in the wild, and when he came back, he squandered it all, and was pushed into the underground black fist.

There are many people like this. After all, the Eagle Club also wants to expand its business. They will exaggerate the fact that the underground black fist became rich overnight, and many people were fooled.


The people at the registration office thought the same thing.

"It seems that you are very confident in your own strength. Okay, I have signed up for you. What code name do you use?"

The code name is naturally like a name like Tyrant Tiger, Broken Hand.

Qin Feng thought of the little fox who was still sleeping at home, and said, "Let's call it a mad fox!"


[The following player is called Crazy Fox. He is only sixteen years old this year. Hahaha, you heard it right. This is a boy who has just awakened for a month. Of course, his opponent is not very strong. How can we How can you do something so cruel! 】

The audience burst into laughter!

The underground black fist is not cruel, who can be cruel?

[His opponent is the black lunatic! 】

The audience immediately saw the information of the black madman. The strength of this black madman is actually good. Although there is no professional evaluation, the video shown to the audience is a fierce man who punched 1000 attack power.

In other words, this black lunatic has the strength of G2 segment.

The black madman is a gangster raised by the Eagle Club. He usually works as a thug. If he has a chance to take the stage, he will directly give him 10,000 if he wins. He will give more for fake shows. After all, the strength of the black madman is not very high.

However, the black maniac had a good record. After all, as a challenger, he already had 11 lives and only lost three games.

"Do you still need to think about this? The black lunatic must have won!"

"Go on the black lunatic, let me see your abuse of vegetables!"

"Buy a black madman to win!"

Qin Feng's odds are 1:1.3, while the black madman's odds are 3:4.

Qin Feng pressed 100 to 130, and the black lunatic pressed 300 to get 100. In short, the odds of the first battle are not high, no matter who wins, the casino will make money.

Because of this, old gamblers will not choose to bet.

What's more, the first game is just waiting and watching!

[Both players have crazy characters in their names, so let's see which of the two players is more crazy. Now, the game begins! 】

"Clang clang clang!"

The bell rang, the energy hood was raised, and Qin Feng and the black lunatic stood face to face.

Both of them were only wearing shorts and combat shoes, revealing their upper bodies.

The black madman is tall, 1.9 meters tall, with dark skin, bulging muscles, and full of strength.

In contrast, Qin Feng's skin was a healthy wheat color, his muscles were well-covered and strong, and his body was thin. He still looked like a teenager, and his 178-year-old stature was also a head short in front of the other party.

"Boy, I will shred you!" The black madman showed his white teeth, which seemed to be particularly sharp, "After shredding you, I will take it home and cook it by the way. You have thin skin and tender meat, the taste must be good!"

Qin Feng's face sank, and a murderous look flashed in his eyes.

It seems that this time there is no mercy.

The black madman has already attacked first, and his fist is fierce.

Qin Feng could kill with one blow, but he didn't want to reveal his strength, but that didn't mean he would keep his hands.


Qin Feng took the opportunity to punch the black lunatic in the face, the opponent's head deflected to the right under the tremendous force, a mouthful of blood foam spurted out, and White Fang fell two meters away.

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