The ancient warrior's head was twisted and his body was limp. Qin Feng shook his hand and threw him to the ground, like a rag!

A powerful ancient warrior had his neck cut off by Qin Feng's palm!

If it is true, no one will believe it.

Section C is already an extremely strong existence, and it's actually dead just to say that.


Everyone else was frightened.

Di Rang was also a little shocked. He never expected Qin Feng's physical strength to be so strong, but he still couldn't believe it. Maybe it was just a coincidence, just the ancient warrior's carelessness.

"Everyone go together!"

Di Rang roared angrily, and then his consciousness was mobilized. The ground under Qin Feng's feet became sticky, and even Qin Feng's body sank down.

"Desert trap!" Dirang roared.

Qin Feng's feet fell into the sand, and his body was fixed. Seeing this situation, the eyes of the people around him lit up and they shot at the same time.

The knives, guns and sticks, which contained internal force, all fell on Qin Feng's body.


A light shield rose up around Qin Feng's body, and all the weapons fell on it, making it impossible to move forward.

"Inner strength!"

"Gu Wu, he really knows Gu Wu!"

Just now Qin Feng punched the ancient warrior's internal energy, but they didn't react because the speed was too fast. At this time, Qin Feng released the internal energy, and these people finally understood how that person died!

Qin Feng, an ancient warrior, must have extremely powerful strength and internal strength!


Di Rang roared, and the other two supernatural beings also raised their hands.

"Flame Lianzhu!"

Fireballs the size of washbasins rose into the air one by one, and dozens of them appeared in succession.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

The flames hit Qin Feng's inner strength,

If it was an ordinary person, his internal energy would have already been broken at this time. This man's ability is very precise and powerful.

It's just that compared with Qin Feng, it's a little worse.

There was a sneer on the corner of Qin Feng's mouth, and his consciousness also exploded, pointing at the fire-type supernatural being.

"Flame Lianzhu!"

In an instant, fireballs appeared in front of Qin Feng. The fireballs had a diameter of one meter and five meters, floating in mid-air, and were taller than people. Visually, these huge fireballs gave people a strong pressure.

"Playing with fire in front of me? Then let's compare!"


With Qin Feng's finger, the fireball flew out quickly, and a fireball flew out from where Qin Feng was originally pointing.

A series of at least dozens of fireballs appeared continuously, flying!


The huge fireball whizzed away and landed directly in front of the fire-type superhuman.

"Ah!" The superhuman screamed in horror. He had no idea that Qin Feng would use such a trick.

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, and the speed is so fast that there is no time for people to react.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Huge fireballs shot out one by one, landing in front of the supernatural being.

"Flame Rush!" The supernatural being couldn't dodge at all, but he ran away crazily. At this moment, a huge wall emerged, blocking the fireball.

This is the ability of the earth-type ability user.


The two fireballs had already crashed into the wall. If they hadn't started running, the supernatural person would have died on the spot!

Even if he didn't die, the explosion of Qin Feng's internal power and supernatural ability of this ancient martial arts immediately made the ability users who were still encircled suddenly retreat in fright and dare not rush forward again.

It's just that they retreated, but Qin Feng didn't say to let them go.

"Star Attraction Technique!"

An ancient warrior who was close to Qin Feng before was entangled by Qin Feng. The battle a few days ago seemed to happen again.

No matter how hard they struggled, these people just couldn't avoid Qin Feng.

"Leave me a whole body? Let me have green on the top of my head?" Qin Feng sneered, "You are worthy?"

"Ah!!! I fight with you!"

The ancient warrior's internal energy suddenly exploded, all contained in the weapon in his hand, and stabbed at Qin Feng.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

Under the frantic dancing, the weapon and Qin Feng's internal energy slammed, but Qin Feng raised his hand and pointed, and the man's weapon fell off.

It is not a level of existence at all.

"Pfft!" A mark the size of a thumb was pierced on the top of the ancient warrior's head.

The footsteps of those who besieged Qin Feng before were even faster!

Di Rang, who didn't know why, no longer dared to confront Qin Feng head-on.

What kind of gunman is this? The internal strength and abilities are also shockingly strong.

Di Rang had already regretted it countless times in his heart. If he had known this, he would never have made up Qin Feng's mind!

Just as these people were fleeing frantically, a levitating chariot came from a distance, extremely fast, and appeared between Qin Feng and Di Rang, blocking Qin Feng's footsteps.

This levitating chariot looked familiar, because it had walked with Qin Feng before!

Afterwards, Kong Ting jumped off the chariot with two bodyguards.

"Qin Feng, are you okay? I brought someone to rescue you!"

Kong Ting said righteously.

It's just that she didn't notice at all. In the current situation, Qin Feng still needs her help?

Before Kong Ting could say the opposite, Qin Feng broke out with the star-absorbing formula, sucking the internal energy of an ancient warrior.


The ancient warrior screamed, trembling all over, as if suffering from some terrible disease, rolled his eyes, foamed at the mouth, what made people stand on end was that the opponent's body became thinner rapidly!


After draining the other party's internal strength, Qin Feng immediately threw the man down.

The corpse just landed at Kong Ting's feet.

"Ah!" Kong Ting exclaimed, feeling confused for a while!

But soon, Kong Ting also noticed Di Rang in the crowd.

Di Rang was the culprit who kidnapped her last time, how could Kong Ting not know him.

Now that the enemy met, she was extremely jealous, Kong Ting didn't even think about it, and scolded directly: "It's this bastard who kidnapped me last time and killed him!"

The two C-sections did not act, and doubts appeared in their eyes. Obviously, it was such a coincidence that these people besieged Qin Feng in front of them? Couldn't it just happen to be the killer that my eldest lady found!

They were not sure, but Di Rang knew Kong Ting's identity, rolled his eyes, and immediately shouted: "Kong Ting, you bitch, you actually betrayed us, you issued the killing order!"

Qin Feng's eyes suddenly tightened and fell on Kong Ting.

In an instant, what happened had already appeared in Qin Feng's mind and became clear.

No wonder they met Kong Ting halfway, it turned out that the other party actually chased and killed them.

What an ungrateful villain!

At this time, Kong Ting was excited and anxious. She wanted to become Qin Feng's savior and gain Qin Feng's favor. Naturally, she couldn't let Qin Feng know the truth, so she quickly defended: "Qin Feng, they just talk about it. How could I do such a thing, kill them quickly, don't let them spread rumors again!"

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