These people still have no way to join the Fengli Group, because they are not pure enough, and the forces are too intertwined and messy, and they are in two directions with the group.

Therefore, this sudden suspicion made them also feel baffled, and they couldn't figure out what Qin Feng was thinking.

Soon, under the expectation of everyone, Qin Feng walked into the conference room and arrived at the main seat.

"Sit down!" Qin Feng asked everyone to sit down.

These people did it, and then Qin Feng thought about it, and then began to say: "The current situation in Beihai Prefecture has changed a lot from a year ago. Half of the Beihai Desert has become an oasis. There are fewer and fewer alien beasts, or they are expelled, and the security level is improved, but at the same time, resources are also decreasing!"

These are unavoidable things.

In fact, in many cases, the best way for a powerful city is to have countless controllable entrances to secret realms. At that time, they will invade other places, instead of the city being invaded by alien beasts.

In this way, among the floating population, people with advanced abilities increase, tax revenue increases, and cities and continents develop better and better.

It's a pity that Beihai State is at the bottom of the list, and there are absolutely no such discounts.

Qin Feng continued: "Because the Beihai desert has been changed, the original four cities surrounded by the city walls have become history, and there is no need to spend resources to build them, but now the disadvantages have also appeared, that is, the geographical location of the four cities is dense, and many wildernesses have no land. Exploration, at the same time, the management is chaotic, and the ancient Wu family is the only one, and they can't even pay the taxes collected!"

In fact, this point is not the fault of these ability users. Speaking of it, it is a problem left by Gao Yukang from the beginning.

This group of people belonging to the Huaxia Alliance officials used to be motherless children, and Gao Yukang didn't care about them at all.

Meng Lin and the others had no choice but to let the ancient martial arts family gnaw off a large piece of meat, but they still couldn't beat them.

However, the ancient martial arts family only cared about profiting for themselves. When the beast tide broke out, they didn't send people to die. On the contrary, when they were profiting, they were everywhere.

The responsibility of resisting the alien beasts is not taken, and the money is earned by them. No wonder Beihai State is at the bottom of the list.

But Qin Feng naturally wouldn't speak ill of Gao Yukang, the dead are the most important, not to mention Gao Yukang passed the position to himself, Qin Feng also felt grateful for the other party's trust and entrustment.

What Gao Yukang couldn't change, Qin Feng could!

After everyone heard Qin Feng's analysis,

Embarrassment also appeared on their faces, and some people were aggrieved.

"Governor, it's not that we don't want to collect taxes, but the industries that make money are controlled by the outer sect disciples of the Guwu family. They are strong, and the outer sects have caught up with our patrol team. There is absolutely no way!"

"Yes, governor, don't blame us, who told us that no one backed us up before!"

"Those ancient martial arts families also have C-segment powerhouses!"

Qin Feng's gaze swept across the crowd, and gradually, these people stopped talking.

"It's over? No matter what happened in the past, but from today onwards, people from the Gu Wu family must pay me taxes. Send me a message. If there is a penny less, I will come to talk to them!"

Qin Feng emphasized the word "talk".

As for whether such a civilized thing as "talking" will really happen? No one knows.

However, these high-level officials had a premonition that Qin Feng might be ruthless this time!

When Qin Feng's new official took office, he didn't release three fires, but now they are burning.

Qin Feng continued: "I gave them a year to adapt to the current situation. I hope they know who is in charge of the current Beihai Prefecture!"

This sentence is already a faint threat.

The people present were not the targets of Qin Feng's threat, but they all cheered up when they heard Qin Feng's words.

This is a good thing for them.

"Governor, we understand!"

"Governor, you are right, I will definitely do as you say!"

"It should have been like this long ago!"

Qin Feng waved his hand to calm everyone down, and said, "The biggest threat in Beihai Prefecture has been eradicated. In one year, the strength of capable users has increased rapidly, and the number of people has increased. We must properly prevent the outflow of personnel!"

In the past, Shadong Town, the Beihai desert in Beihai Prefecture, was a place where people could eat people without spit out their bones. Countless capable people followed suit. Even Yanyang Prefecture, which was more backward, would send E-segment capable people here.

But now, without this meat grinder, there are naturally many capable users preserved.

But capable people need resources to grow, money, beast crystal cores, runes, and ancient martial arts cheats. If Beihai City can't satisfy them, these people can only go to more powerful places.

The outflow of personnel has led to the decline of Beihai State's strength, which is not what those in power want to see.

At this time, the people present finally understood that this was what Qin Feng wanted to announce!

"Boss, do you want to build Beihai Prefecture well? Have you improved the strength here?" Meng Lin said cautiously, not sure what Qin Feng really thought.

In fact, this matter is nothing to put it bluntly.

Qin Feng's strength has become stronger, and it is a pity that he serves as the governor of Beihai Prefecture because he has no taste for food and discards it.

At this time, Qin Feng had three choices. The first one was to abandon Beihai Prefecture, resign from the post of governor, and serve as a support general. I am afraid it would be more profitable than this.

The second one is to be transferred to be the governor of another place, just to take advantage of it, but it will offend people. After all, this kind of position is a radish and a pit.

The third is to improve the overall strength of Beihai Prefecture, but this will cost more money, and it will take time to pay back, but it will benefit endlessly if it is truly established.

In the Northern Territory, apart from Beihua City, there is also Hanchuan Prefecture established by Han Mou, a person with A-level abilities. That kind of place is full of talents and very prosperous. Compared with Beihua City, it is not much more. Chest raised, very confident.

On the other hand, the people in Beihai Prefecture are three points weaker when they meet each other. Such a situation makes Qin Feng, who is the governor, feel ashamed. .

So Qin Feng chose the third one without hesitation.

Qin Feng affirmed Meng Lin's words.

"I do have such a plan, so I'm here to ask for your opinions!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately chatted about it, some were very constructive, while others were careful to benefit themselves, Qin Feng scoffed.

"Okay, I think there is another proposal that is good. I plan to build a new city behind the four Beihai cities, and at the same time gather the idle population around it. The location is right here!"

Qin Feng turned on the virtual screen and pointed to a place on the map!

However, what others didn't see was the anticipation in Qin Feng's eyes.

Here, Qin Feng knew that in less than half a month, a great opportunity would erupt.

Now, Qin Feng is going to preconceive and occupy this place.

You know, before rebirth, in February of 219 in the Great Crack Era, Qin Feng was only an F8 level ability user, and he didn't even have the chance to participate in the competition here!

But now, he will control the resources here and become the ultimate beneficiary.

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