Qin Feng ate a little jerky stored in Xiaobai's space at noon, so he continued to check the data, but this time the data he checked were runes of other types.

Especially the fire runes, after all, Qin Feng himself also has a mutated fire rune.

It's just that when he was addicted to this place, there was a sudden vibration from the communicator.

Qin Feng saw that it was Zhao Yu, the squad leader who had just added his own communication.

"Monitor, what's the matter?" Qin Feng asked casually.

"Qin Feng, why did you skip class again? The teacher of the firearms course called your name. You have already skipped class twice. The teacher has lost his temper. Are you still in school? Come over to class quickly!" Zhao Yu said , There is a sense of fear in his tone.

Qin Feng was silent for a while, as if he had already thought of the scene of being the class leader and being scolded for his bad student.

After all, the teacher of the firearms class, when he loses his temper, he gets angry at everyone!

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

"En, then come here quickly, we are at the shooting range!"

"it is good!"

The shooting range of Chengbei College of Higher Education is built on the highest floor of the sports hall. It is said to be a venue, but it is actually an urban environment. After all, the gathering place is so old.

The sports hall also had eight floors. By the time Qin Feng arrived by the elevator, the class had already been going on for twenty minutes.

When Qin Feng walked in, all the students around looked at Qin Feng, and the teacher naturally looked over too.

"Which class? How did you come here? Did you take this class?"

The firearms teacher said sneeringly.

Zhao Yu was afraid that Qin Feng would be driven away, and also that the teacher would lose his temper, so he quickly said, "Mr. Yang, this is a student of our ability class, who is here for class!"

"What happened to the supernatural class?"

The teacher Yang's voice was so loud that it was almost deafening.

"Don't think that the awakened power is great. When you are low in strength, what can the power do? Can you light a cigarette? Can you drink water? Can you grow wheat and turn a screw? Although you are assisting in the firearms course, but this It's your ability to save your life, if you don't want to learn it, get out as soon as possible!"

This teacher Yang's tone was light, and there was even jealousy in his eyes.

He has a great temper. In the first class yesterday, he gave his classmates a slap in the face. He used an old-fashioned pistol, and he shot a few targets without telling them to wear earplugs, making the classmates ears buzzing.

In this way, it also made the students remember this teacher, and even a little scared of him!

At this time, Qin Feng stepped forward unhurriedly and glanced at the console, which was full of firearms.

Qin Feng said coldly: "Although your words are good, teacher, you should use firearms to save your life when you are at a low level, but I don't think this course is helpful to me at all for the freedom of study in higher schools. Why should I come to the class?"

"No help at all?" Teacher Yang glared angrily! "What does it mean to be completely unhelpful, boy, you are crazy, are you a G-segment power user now? If not, shut up for me, you can't lift your hands and shoulders, you can't resist, without firearms to save your life, power users have What's the use? Even in the future, they will be protected by people and become rare animals!"

Saying this, the classmates in the class clearly showed disapproval.

Abilities are the strongest among the combat professions. This is recognized, but in Teacher Yang's mouth, it is so unbearable.

What's more, they are all abilities. Teacher Yang said that, isn't he also belittling them?

These people have awakened abilities and are still proud of their luck!

Qin Feng sneered, with a hint of irony in his voice.

"Teacher, I'm not actually talking about the firearms, I'm just saying that I don't need to learn what you teach!"

"What?" Teacher Yang felt angered. Hasn't such a thorn hit him before?

It must be because I didn't see the dismount he gave yesterday.

"Boy, believe it or not, I can prevent you from graduating. The firearms class is the second largest course in the ability class. You actually said that you don't need to learn what I teach!"

"Oh? Graduation?" Qin Feng thought about it and felt that Teacher Yang, who was roaring like a mad dog, finally threatened him, "In that case, why don't the teacher test me directly. If I pass, I won't come to class in the future, you still have to fill in the full marks on my final report card, how?"

Teacher Yang gave a grim smile.

"Okay, have the guts, I haven't seen such a crazy person before, Qin Feng, right? Then we'll be fine. If you don't pass, get me out of Chengbei Higher College immediately!"

The people around suddenly exclaimed, obviously not expecting Teacher Yang to say this.

"Mr. Yang, this is not good, the big deal is that you will come to your class every day after you punish Qin Feng!"

The other students in the class dared not speak out, but they all felt that Teacher Yang's approach was a bit excessive.

"I'm a teacher or you are a teacher, go away! I can't teach such a student, and I won't want him!"

Zhao Yu was said to shrink his shoulders, bow his head, and his eyes were red.

At this time, Qin Feng's face turned completely cold.

This teacher Yang is indeed going too far!

But before he could say anything, this teacher Yang pulled out a gun from the machine, just a pistol.

The firearms learned by power users are all pistols, which are easy to carry.

But obviously, the workmanship of this gun is much more complicated than other firearms, and it looks more powerful.

"Assemble this gun within 30 seconds, then aim at the heart, and pass the 8-ring test on average for ten guns!"

The surroundings were silent again, I didn't expect the content of the exam to be so difficult!

You must know that when they were in the middle school, they at most learned some fighting courses, and they would not let them touch firearms.

They just learned to dismantle a rudimentary pistol yesterday.

Now this pistol, after being disassembled so complicatedly, doesn't even know what it is.

Qin Feng nodded with a calm expression.

"Mr. Yang, why don't you take the assessment together with me. If you fail, get out of Chengbei Higher College, how about that?"

"You kid won't give up until you reach the Yellow River!" Teacher Yang sneered, feeling that Qin Feng was embarrassed.

The other party must have not seen his actions clearly just now, and now he wants to test with himself, so that he can imitate his actions to assemble, and then rely on Hu Meng's random guessing, as long as all eight rings or above, this game is Qin Feng wins!

But Mr. Yang did not mean to refuse at all.

"Okay, let's see what a real gunsmith is!"

Teacher Yang flicked his fingers, making a snapping sound, took out a firearm of the same model, and dismantled it on the console.

Zhao Yu came up with red eyes and became the referee and timed.

"Get ready, start!"

With an order, the two moved at the same time.

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