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On the Huoyan plane, Qin Feng completely turned into a water-type supernatural being. Because of his strength, he wiped out the Huoshu detected by two human races in one day.

However, Qin Feng didn't stay here. After killing the two Huoshu, he returned to Huoyan City.

"What you want is ready for you!" Qin Feng turned on the communicator and sent Z a message.

I owed Z's favor before, and even felt a little coerced by Z. Qin Feng wanted to pay off the debt to Z as soon as possible!

"You send it to my lab!" Z replied.

Qin Feng refused politely.

Although he can't beat Z himself, and Z has a three-year contract with him, but Z also said that using special means, some effects have been achieved.

Therefore, Qin Feng would never go to places like Z's headquarters.

"Where do you need to put things, I'll send someone there! Find someone to take over!" Qin Feng said.

"Okay, send it to Mingsha City in Luzhou, remember to send it, I will not send someone to contact you outside the city!" Z replied.

Mingsha City? This Z can really run around.

Back to Luzhou was given to Z when Hu Shan and Z made an agreement, so he has been there since then, most of which are deserts, but there are many mineral deposits, and huge wealth is bred underground.

But because of the sandstorm, it is very dangerous, barren, and endless, and there are even a few quite dangerous illusion locations.

Mingsha City is a place where people from the dark forces gather, hidden in the desert, and no one knows about it.

However, Qin Feng was not troubled by these.

Qin Feng knew the space beacon of Mingsha City.

"I'll ask Bai Li to send it to you!"

Qin Feng gave Baili's communication number to Z, and then asked Baili to help deliver the goods.

Z, who wanted to embarrass Qin Feng, was defeated with the support of the space behemoth, so he could only study with his freshly obtained materials.

Another reason why Qin Feng was unwilling to meet Z in person was that Wan Zong sent the things Qin Feng needed.

It's a soul lock stone!

"The Ten Thousand Wraith Slash is actually still on the surface of the Wraith Blade, such a magical weapon, but it is a pity that it was turned into ashes in the end!"

The secretary Qin Feng obtained not only had the records of sword skills, but also had the records of the life of the murderer who created the sword skills. Some of them were naturally written by later generations.

When Lin Wanzhong died, all the millions of ghosts who used the weapon as a seal broke through the divine weapon, and the saber lost its spirit bit by bit. After repeated battles, it finally turned into ashes at the end.

And no one knows how the ghost knife was made, because many magic weapons are unique, maybe they are treasures left by some unknown plane.

Even if someone has a soul-locking stone, it is impossible to make a ghost knife.

However, with the God's Rubik's Cube, Qin Feng can naturally save the research on how to make the ghost knife!

That night, Qin Feng integrated the soul-locking stone into the Qingwang Dao. After the Qingwang Dao possessed ten thousand weights of force, a thousand fluctuations, and a black flame, it added the feature of soul-locking.

The next day, Qin Feng went to the Huoyan plane with great interest.

The air was still very hot. Qin Feng identified the direction and drove in the opposite direction. This time, he encountered another group of fire crows.

This group of fire crows is obviously not the group of yesterday. They are stronger and more numerous. There are more than 5,000 words in them. Can form a rain of flames.

There are very many fire crows in this plane, but it may also be the entrance of the crack where they descended, which is the site of fire crows.

Bai Li restrained her breath, these fire crows were from another group, so naturally they didn't know that there was a beast god appearing here.

"Wait!" Qin Feng stopped Bai Li from using his breath to destroy the group of fire crows!


Bai Li looked at Qin Feng suspiciously,

Seeing Qin Feng setting the floating state of the aircraft, he flew towards the crowd of Fire Crows.

Those fire crows didn't expect that there would be humans provoking them, and opened their mouths wide for a while, making an annoying sound.

"Quack quack quack quack!"

Qin Feng's internal strength protected him, and his consciousness was strong, so he was not impacted by these fire crows.

If it were other B-segment ability users, I'm afraid they would have fallen headlong.

"Myriad ghosts are lost!"

In an instant, Qin Feng's shadow changed into hundreds of thousands. Such shadows are not only phantoms, but also Qin Feng telling the movement.

The Green King Saber in his hand was simply injected with internal force, spreading the light of the sword to more than ten meters. The black flame passed through the red fire crows, like a pitch-black sharp blade, stabbing fiercely into the fire crows. ethnic group.

In an instant, these fire crows were strangled to pieces!

Whether it is Qin Feng's strength or the strength of the Qingwang Saber, these fire crows cannot resist.

These fire crows fell one after another, but apart from that, there was actually a strange phantom that was torn out and merged into the Qingwang Saber.

However, when these phantoms approached Qin Feng, they became transparent as if they had been bitten again.

Qin Feng was very surprised.

But he reacted quickly.

"It's devouring ability!"

The soul is mysterious and unpredictable, it cannot be captured by the naked eye, and even the consciousness cannot detect it.

Unless a special method is used, the soul lock stone is one of them.

It's just that people in the era of the Great Crack no longer believed in the legend of resurrecting from the dead and keeping the soul intact.

Such an apocalypse, for some people, is a complete nightmare, death is a relief, why resurrect?

For Qin Feng, even though he knew better about the nature of the devouring ability, maybe it was the soul in this strange beast that was absorbed by him with power, he didn't feel any guilt or feeling.

To kill is to kill.

It's just that the center of his brows frowned involuntarily.

"I don't know, will it affect the strength of Ghost Slash!"

Thinking so, Qin Feng decided not to experiment now, but to continue to slaughter.

With a team of 5,000 fire crows, Qin Feng could kill three to fifty of them in a minute, and it took ten minutes to kill them all. Of course, there were still some fire crows that scattered and fled, and Qin Feng didn't bother to chase them.

At this time, his Green King Saber was actually surrounded by a layer of black air, and Qin Feng could feel that this black air had nothing to do with the black flame!

"Could this be the external state of the ghost knife?"

With a wave of Qin Feng's hand, internal energy injected, and suddenly a gray-black trace appeared.

Within a fan-shaped range of 50 meters, there was a terrifying howling sound, and even the fidgety sound of the fire crow yelling, which was deafening!

At this moment, even Qin Feng was taken aback!

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