However, Qin Feng's consciousness was also limited. After releasing ten dark spheres, he also lost his strength.

Qin Feng didn't know how many giant bats he had killed, but at this time, the giant bat group seemed to be frightened, and they gave up pressing forward and turned back.

"Let's go!" Qin Feng's expression also changed. He is now out of strength and pale. He is really no match for this group of giant bats.

Bai Li quickly took Qin Feng and returned to the cave entrance that had collapsed before.

Zhou Hao's hand waving the dagger became a little soft!

Look at the time, it's already three o'clock in the morning!

In the past few hours, Zhou Hao's beheading was equally huge, killing 800 giant bats.

"No more?" Zhou Hao's arms were trembling, he was really soft at killing alien beasts!

"Stop dealing with the corpse, let's go back to the car and rest!" Qin Feng said.

"Okay, I'll report my dad's safety!" Zhou Hao saw the message on the communicator, and hurriedly called back and told Zhou's father and Zhou's mother that he was well, but I'm afraid he won't be able to go back today.

"I also ate the remaining blood phlegm fruit. I just consumed it violently. Don't sleep directly, just practice!"


Zhou Hao returned to his off-road vehicle. At this time, the advantage of being a big place was reflected. The seats in the back row could be directly retracted, freeing up huge space. Zhou Hao sat in it and began to practice internal skills.

In the blink of an eye, two hours had passed. Zhou Hao, who was cultivating internal skills, let out a long sigh of relief. His eyes flashed, exhaustion was swept away, and it was obvious that he had gained a lot.

"Haha, I seem to have been promoted again!"

A treasure of heaven and earth is enough to make people progress rapidly. Zhou Hao now has the strength of G4!

In one night, Zhou Hao seemed to feel that he had discovered the secret of Qin Feng's strength!

Only in the constant fighting, training oneself, taking treasures from the dragon pond and tiger's den, can rapid progress be made.

Qin Feng also finished resting, and the two began to pack up the spoils. After all, these are a lot of wealth.

Qin Feng asked Xiao Bai to take him back to the depths of the cave again and began to clean up the bodies of those alien beasts.

The number is beyond imagination.

Qin Feng did not waste these materials, and sorted them all out. At the end, he actually found the corpse of a beastmaster.

"I, I actually killed a beastmaster yesterday?" Qin Feng was very surprised.

The strength of this beast king was only similar to that of the herbivorous giant rat king, but he was also a beast king, but he was silently deprived of his life by a dark power of Qin Feng, and died tragically here.

"No wonder those bats suddenly ran away yesterday!" Qin Feng thought of yesterday's scene and found a reason.

In fact, the Beastmaster died a very wrongful death.

It came with a large number of descendants, but was blocked here, and kept using sound waves to urge these bats to break through the passage, but failed due to limited space, and was blocked in the center.

When Qin Feng used his dark ability, he also wanted to avoid it, but there was absolutely no way to do it, and he was killed by life.

"Darkness is really powerful!"

Qin Feng thought about it and was in a good mood.

Qin Feng began to pick up the corpses on the ground. There was not only the corpse of a giant bat king, but also the corpses of six beast generals, about 3,000 corpses.

Counting Zhou Hao, I am afraid that it is also a huge loss for the giant bats in the entire Qingshan mine!

It didn't take that long to fight, but it took three hours to collect the spoils.

Zhou Hao's side was also full of harvest, the car was full of loot, Qin Feng's things were also hung on Zhou Hao's car, and the number was terrifying.

When the two returned to the city, it was already eight o'clock, and with a large amount of goods, the two went to the Wanzong Equipment Store first.

Only they can eat this batch of goods.

"You can count the goods first, we have other things to do, just call the money after checking!" Qin Feng said.

Sun Yu nodded excitedly, thinking that the quality of the things Qin Feng sold last time was too low, but now he found out that people used quantity to make up for it, and the quantity was really terrifying.

Not only that, Qin Feng also left the materials of the giant bat king and customized a cloak and dagger.

You must know that the giant bat king is hidden in the dark, and the rune equipment made with its wings has a certain ability to hide. Qin Feng does not need it, but Zhou Hao does.

This would greatly increase Zhou Hao's life-saving ability, and coupled with Feng Xuan's leg's escape ability, it would be impossible for ordinary people to keep Zhou Hao.

After Qin Feng said goodbye to Sun Yu, he went to the certification hall for capable persons.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the Hall of Competency Certification had just opened, but there were people coming and going, and the morning was equally lively.

After all, the certification hall for capable people also issues tasks, unless there are certification agencies in special areas, such as the frogmen and wolves killed by Qin Feng, they can be certified in the hall, increase points, and exchange for some things that cannot be bought normally.

As soon as Qin Feng and Zhou Hao appeared, they attracted the headhunters who had been in the hall of ability certification all the year round.

Zhou Hao came here with Qin Feng the day before yesterday afternoon. Some people will not forget such a young and potential person as him, but they are wondering why the two of them appeared here.

Not only that, but the two of them also carried two combat backpacks.

"It's not what I thought it was!"

"How is it possible, didn't they apply only the afternoon before yesterday? If you count it like this, it's only been two days!"

"It's not two days, it's only 40 hours!"

Everyone was not sure, but they quickly discovered that Qin Feng and Zhou Hao were indeed authenticating.

Zhou Hao took out 200 bat tails and submitted the video at the same time.

[Didi Di, the certification is passed, congratulations, you have obtained the G-segment ability assessment, and joined the family of capable people! 】

On Qin Feng's side, the same is true.

"Qin Feng, do you still need attack power certification? How about raising the certification level!" Zhou Hao said excitedly.

After obtaining the G-segment ability badge, there is no need to hunt and kill alien beasts to improve. As long as the data is sufficient, the badge can be upgraded.

Zhou Hao also thought about raising the level to G4 in one breath, which would definitely surprise people's attention.

Moreover, the higher the level, the better the welfare in the base.

"No need first!" Qin Feng always knew that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Zhou Hao may have the strength of G4, but he has absolutely no experience in G4. He is afraid that after certification, Zhou Hao will be transferred to some dangerous places.

Of course this reason cannot be said.

"If you have certified the G4 segment now, how do you let those seniors handle themselves?" Qin Feng made a joke.

"Haha, yes!" Zhou Hao felt even more proud when he heard Qin Feng's words.

However, the idea of ​​certification level was also dispelled.

Just when the two turned their heads, they were surrounded by a group of people who were staring at them. The next moment, they were very enthusiastic about promoting their organization.

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