"There are 30,000 carrion corpses in the G segment, but we have only 5,000 capable people. The most deadly are the F-segment carrion, which are extremely fast and even mutated. They have different abilities. Very It’s not easy to deal with, and the number is about a thousand!”

Qin Feng couldn't help frowning.

Zhou Hao opened his mouth wide and asked, "Then how many F-segment ability do we have?"

Those with G-segment abilities obviously don't have an advantage, they can only be counted on the basis of advanced level. Unfortunately, what Xiao Jing said could only disappoint Zhou Hao.

"More than 100, this is still jointly dispatched by Chengyang City and the fourth district, and now it is asking for support from the other districts!"

Xiao Jing also sighed.

Qin Feng knew that this number was already quite a lot!

Many F-segment abilities have multiple roles, such as Xue Xingfu, as the captain of the patrol team, it is impossible to protect the security in the gathering area.

"What about the E-segment? It should be easy for those with E-segment abilities to eliminate them, right?" Zhou Hao asked impatiently, and now his face also showed anxiety, feeling that the situation was very bad this time.

Xiao Jing nodded, this time to say good news: "Now there are 10 people with E-segment ability, and our Chengbei gathering place touched Lin Zeng, the deputy head of the district, and Deng Nian, the dean of the College of Higher Education. Ah, by the way, you are now students of the Higher Academy, you should know!"

"That's good, I thought these monsters were going to enter the gathering place!" Zhou Hao relaxed.

Qin Feng was not so optimistic.

"What happened to the black light and the stable space channel before?"

Xiao Jing unconsciously sighed again.

"I was about to say this, now the F-segment Beastmaster class is not only the king knight you saw just now, but also a black-robed bloody man, who is extremely powerful, and is also at the F-segment king class, he can open the space channel, Release more carrion, now the number of carrion is increasing every day!"

It is very difficult to open the space of the plane from the outside, but it is very easy to open it from the inside.

Qin Feng had already thought that the root of all this was probably caused by the master who had cut off a hand by Xiao Bai back then.

He may have put in the bloody man in black robe first, and then used the bloody man in black robe to open up the space, and then let some creatures from the plane enter.

The reason why the master of the bone hand did not enter is probably because he is too powerful, and he does not want to consume his own strength to travel through space.

Otherwise, the oppression of space can make his strength less than 1/10,000.

"Then kill that bloody man in black robe!" Zhou Hao said in a hurry.

Xiao Jing shook his head.

Qin Feng said expressionlessly, "If he could kill him, he would have killed him long ago. Isn't Liu Ba just interfering?"

Xiao Jing nodded with a wry smile, "Yes, 10 capable people came before, thinking that they were strong, they chose to kill Muzi Mountain in one fell swoop, wanting to capture the thief first and the king, but they were attacked by the bloody men in black robes, and their combat power dropped instantly. There are also king knights, which directly caused serious injuries to four of them, and now there are not many E-segment ability users with combat power!"

Zhou Hao, who had just relaxed, only felt a bolt from the blue.

The high-level thugs who have been working for a long time have been killed.

Qin Feng also knew that the situation was very serious now!

The bloody ones in black robes are a kind of humanoid creatures that are similar to the crack creatures. They are intelligent races, and they are powerful, but they are also more terrifying, otherwise there would be no such name as the bloody ones.

They are covered in blood, absorb energy through blood, and release dark abilities to attack the enemy.

This is the great enemy of mankind.

"Could it be that the gathering place is just watching? Is there no way to solve it?" Zhou Hao asked.

Xiao Jing said: "The upper management has announced the battle plan, but unfortunately it is not the same!"

Having said that, Xiao Jing lowered her voice.

Some things should not be said blatantly.

"The upper floor needs to arrange an internal space stabilization device here to prevent cracks from being damaged from the inside. However, to arrange a space stabilization device, you must first kill the carrion inside. Now there is no such strength in the gathering place, so it is in a dead end!"

How precious is the space stabilization device. In fact, in every gathering place, there are cracks that threaten the entire ethnic group in one way or another. Only then can there be a stabilization device to suppress it. Then, in order to prevent someone from destroying such a stabilization device, and the principle of not wasting, Gradually form some gathering places.

But it can also be guessed that any gathering place is built on a volcano that may erupt at any time.

"Come on, take it!" Zhou Hao scolded angrily, feeling that the leadership of Chengyang City was not at all realistic.

Qin Feng was thoughtful.

"In other words, they will still attack, how about those capable ones?" Qin Feng asked.

Xiao Jing was a little surprised by Qin Feng's analysis, but replied, "Indeed, their injuries have healed, and they can fight tomorrow. You two have a good rest, and you must keep your spirits up. Be careful when you go to fight tomorrow."

"I'm going back now, I'm still busy!"

Xiao Jing waved his hand and followed him away. Qin Feng looked at Xiao Jing's blue and black eyes and wanted to know that the other party hadn't had a good rest for a long time.

"Let's sleep too, and continue fighting tomorrow!"

"it is good!"

For the past two days, due to the G-segment ability badge, the two of them have been out at night, and they are also very tired. Zhou Hao has eaten and returned to the tent to rest.

The night gradually shrouded the human position, and the high-strength searchlights turned on, sweeping the surrounding area, preventing the approaching corpse army, and the garrison guarding.

From time to time, in the night wind, the inhuman roar of the carrion could be heard.

In the middle of the moon, Qin Feng, who was sleeping in the tent, opened his eyes.

Raise your wrist, it's 10 o'clock!

Qin Feng got up and walked out. The darkness covered him with a cloak, and no one found Qin Feng's existence.

Qin Feng stepped into the left side of Zimu Mountain, which was called Dazi Mountain, and the other small mountain was Xiaozi Mountain.

Now all the flowers, plants and trees on the mountain are dead and turned into pitch blackness, but the more this is the case, the more terrifying it becomes. He has only walked fifty meters, the position behind him seems to be isolated thousands of miles away, and Qin Feng seems to have entered a giant beast. mouth.

"This matter, in the end, it's because of me, I can give as much strength as I can!"

Qin Feng walked into the mountain.

Night is heaven for alien beasts, and for carrion, there is no unpleasant sunlight, and the fighting power is also greatly increased.

But these corpses are stronger, and Qin Feng is stronger.

As a person with dark abilities, Qin Feng also felt that night was his world.


Qin Feng shook his shoulders, and Bai Li, who looked like a little fox, jumped off Qin Feng's shoulders, then fell to the ground and turned into a human shape.

The moonlight shines on her body, like a fairy under the moon, beautiful.

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