Master Of The Omnitrix

Chapter 12 - Roadside Rumbles

Gwen POV

Though she didn't often think of it herself, but nothing was ever going to be the same ever again.

It had started on the summer vacation, after Ben found the watch .....

When aliens became real instead of something in a science fiction story , when mythical monsters became real as you were ...

When heroes were born .

When what could have been just a one time road trip started to turn into a serious routine, with all indications of going that after this one , it was going to be on every summer, like clockwork.

And why not? The adventures were fun. Ben could always use a Plumber and a magically-gifted cousin to back him up. They all enjoyed each other's company, even if she and Ben fought with the kind of untiring relentlessness that only came with being around a best friend. It had started then. Maybe it had actually started later, and only her paranoia had fueled the imagined tidbits between the lines, the tiny meanings in parentheses between the fun and the quips and the insults that no one else would have caught. But regardless of when it had started, it was definitely here now, no mistaking it.

A bond ....

After gaining the Charms of Bezel, Me and Ben research all over for magic and things of the , taoism, shalionsm , mysticism and the occult to understand and use .

She dove into her books, constantly keeping busy with school, with magic, with learning things that might help her fight with him.

Soon her popularity soon rose with the one - person alien army Legion.

The Royalties from the Lucky Girl merchandise makes me wonder how I'm going to spend any of it.

Forget shopping for whatever, I could buy Malls .

She wondered a lot about what he would say if she tried to put the questions into words. If he'd know what she was talking about, and pretend not to, or if he'd have an easy answer to satisfy everything, the way he always seemed to. There was pain, violence, risks, and stress ....

But it all seemed to flow over him, leaving him untouched, a smooth plain while the flowing lava hissed and splurted with ineffective anger. It wasn't that he didn't get mad, or that he didn't get serious, it was just that he never got more mad or more serious than was necessary for a situation. Even during the most totally grim moments, he never really broke down. Gwen sometimes cried or got the shakes or had to be alone for a little bit after a particularly hair-raising fight, and Ben basically superheroed with mental blinders on most of the time, ignoring everything except the fight in front of him, just to keep on grinning. But Grampa was different. Grampa's life was just as strange as theirs, maybe even stranger, but he was so well-adjusted that it scared her sometimes, made her wish that he was a little less well-adjusted.

If it wasn't for finding out he was an intergalactic cop , I would have been scared .

Ben's POV

A couple of days after Lucky Girl's introduction

As the RV drives to a gas station Me and Gwen are finally getting train with her new charms that she is adept at using right now.

The OG luck charm.

One for flight.

one for energy blasts .

Not to mention with the Charms of Bezel and the little magic I now know, is magically warded ....

Soo , yeah . Impossible to break in.

In front of me stood .... or rather floated Gwen in her updated Lucky Girl Mechamorph armour .

It was now a royal blue and black spandex - like bodysuit and the Charms of Bezel lined up on her right arm glowing. She had a light ocean blue hood or shawl combined with her cat helmet she wore made n. She had a jet black military / Batman estque level utiliy belt with a cat face on it, the same cat Gwen wore on her shirt when she was in civilian attire .

" OK guys, This is a spar , I want a clean fight, Ready ? "

" Ready when you are Legion , " she relies

I smirk .


I transform into Four Arms .


An instant later, a crack of thunder is all the warning I get before a purple mystic bolt of lightning burns hastily brought up block .

Ugh , The smell of burning Tetraman flesh.


I'd learned my lesson, so open up all four my arms then brought them together into a hard clap .


This pushes her back but she gains control and continues trying to him me from above.

Yeah , no.




As XLR8, I keep dodging until ....

"Discombobulus Mechano ! "

A purple flash , and all of a sudden I'm ...


How ?

" How ? ", I repeat my thoughts out loud.

" I was working on a special spell to stop technology, I guess it needs some working on ...."

A green energy projectile instantly brings her out of her thoughts, narrowly dodging .

Thus the fight continues.

I turn into a Mecha. She manipulates luck for some malfunctions.

I throw energy blasts which she returns .

It continues ...

Which eventually destroys the simulation surroundings

" Kids !"

We both freeze in our tracks and look around.



We both turn sheepishly to Grandpa Max.


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