Master Of The Omnitrix
Chapter 20 - Space Superheroes
A wormhole in space opens up and a ship comes out.
Another opens, but this time, it attacks the ship that previously appeared.
An alien attacks the vessel bum rashing through an entire battalion of robots from which they failed to retaliate , and it seems that he was after a crystalline substance called Element X.
Exiting onto the attacking ship saying.
" Where will we get the missing ingredient ?"
To complete the mixture, the familiar figure of a heavily modified SixSix shows a projection where they will find the next ingredient:
" I should known that we would have to go to the cesspool of the galaxy."
Art Museum
1st POV
It had started with when I was wishing for a ninja form on the Omnitrix.
I mean why not?
There was a mummy, a werewolf, a Frankstein's monster, a midget genius, a guy made out of crystal, a guy made out of fire... a ninja wouldn't have particularly stuck out in the lineup. Then it got at how I have 1.12 million different alien lifeforms. What if there was one and I don't know about it.
" BEN!"
I was interrupted by Gwen, who says that I've been sitting on top of a statue. I jump down chewing on a chocolate bar.
" Can I have some ?" Gwen asked.
After she takes a piece she walks towards a different part of the art museum. I turn to the other direction wondering how long until something crazy happens.
While he walks down the steps, an alien vessel flies by .
" .... That was quick. "
3rd POV
, called Vulkanus, comes out and he asks the crowd where he can find the Bicenthium Alloy.
Nobody seems to understand what he's talking about, so Vulkanus infers that they're protecting such an element.
Vulkanus hits the ground with his fist.
It begins shake and crack open the asphalt, threatening the people, while Ben seems to be ready for action.
He transforms into Four Arms and he grabs a hold of Vulkanus, trying to pin him down.
" A Tetramand. This planet really is a dump."
' Wow. That's speciest.'
He knocks Four Arms off him and throws him to a nearby building. He , however, instantly gets up and throws a double haymaker knocking him out.
" YOU?!?" Fourarms shouts in shock.
SixSix flies by to shoot and Fourarms's memory seems to be jumpstarted by his appearance.
Grandpa Max and Gwen come around the corner to see this situation.
" Grandpa, look its one of the bounty hunters."
" He must've escaped Galactic Jail."
SixSix shoots missiles, but Four Arms was able to redirect it back. SixSix avoids them, but lands on top of a truck.
" Aaargh!"
But before Four Arms was able to attack, SixSix releases a capsule, which shocks and temporarily disables his body functions. SixSix opens up his compartment of missiles and gets ready to shoot.
' OK XLR8-.'
Before SixSix shot a missile, he was interrupted and stopped by three aliens who are the Galactic Enforcers.
The first is Synaptak, he appears to be a large brain inside, held in a container and rests atop of a body similar to an octopus.
And lastly, Ultimos, a caped alien, who is the leader of the group.
" You. Have. Got .To. Be .Shitting. Me." Fourarms said.
" OK. This is weird. " Gwen states.
" Rescue Formation Alpha Nine! " Ultimo commands.
" Capes . I hate capes."
Ultimos heads towards SixSix and SixSix tries to shoot him down with no luck.
Then Tini comes up and she claps her hands to create a powerful sonic wave to push him to the truck where Four Arms is.
' Oh yeah I'm the prime specimen of the Tetraman species right now... Great.'
Lastly, Vulkanus tries to attack Synaptak, but he uses telekinesis and was able to carry him up to the sky.
Ultimos delivers the final blow.
Ultimos orders SixSix and Vulkanus to surrender, but Four Arms doesn't seem to like the idea.
He insists for them to "kick there butts before they try to pull something", but they were distracted enough for SixSix to release a flash capsule to use for an escape.
As the vessel prepares to leave, he delivers one more blow towards the columns of a nearby building.
Luckily, Four Arms and Tini held it in place before the roof collapsed. Synaptak uses his telekinesis to hold it in place while Ultimos uses heat vision to join them back on.
" What's a big strong guy like you doing on a planet like this ? You and I make a great team."
" Yeah... I work alone... most of the time. "
' Quickly Omnitrix, Benjamin Time ! '
Luckily enough the Omnitrix does as its commended to do and times out and he reverts back into Ben, confusing Tini.
It seems that the Galactic Enforcers were aware of the Omnitrix also and that it was in the possession of a child. Their pose doesn't seem to intrigue Ben and Gwen much .
With that, they teleport Ben and the others with them to discuss matters.
Outside the Earth's Atmosphere
In space, a floating vessel is near Earth. They're then teleported inside the ship. To start things off, Max has questions about SixSix and Ultimos explains that he was able to escape incarceration and teamed up with Vulkanus, Vulkanus is a Detrovite, who has limited mental capacity, but with powerful strength. Synaptak looks at Ben to take a quick comparison.
" Just being a brain in a jar doesn't make you anymore smarter than the next squid I'll eat. " Ben deadpanns
All he does is glare at him.
It seems that SixSix and Vulkanus were hired to steal Element X. When combined with the compound Bicenthium alloy, it'll create a massive explosion, which can destroy a whole solar system. Gwen is intrigued by the explanations so far and Ben doesn't want to hear anymore from her.
They release observers to find SixSix and Vulkanus. As they do, they offer a tour of the ship, but Ultimos explains that only Ben has the privilege to. Gwen and Grandpa Max are to remain in the bridge.
" Why does he get to go ?" Gwen asks.
" Wearing the Omnitrix grants Ben full hero status. "
' Really. Just like that. That explains... so much ', Ben thought.
Gwen is angered by the rules.
" Don't worry about us , we'll be fine .... Super jerks."
While Ben looks out of the window to see the Earth, Ultimos wants to show him something.
It was a huge book the size of a desk and Ultimos says that it was the galactic code of conduct. Ben is absolutely dumbfounded to see such a large book.
' .... Omnitrix scan the book and mentally transfer the information. '
" The first 1,200 pages are a bit dry but after-" Ultimo says.
An alarm then sounds off, signaling that the observers found something.
It was SixSix and Vulkanus at a mine and they seem to be searching for iron ore. Ultimos offers Ben to join the Galactic Enforcers. Although Tini wants him to join, Synaptak is against it. In a final vote, Ultimos decides to put him in uniform.
" No."
" Bu-"
As for Max and Gwen, they're told to stay in the ship.
SixSix and Vulkanus continue to search and the Galactic Enforcers arrive. Before they ready for attack, they call Ultimos for what to do next. It seems that he was weakened by the chocolate. Ultimos reveals their location and as an officer, he says that he's to address their presence.
Vulkanus throws a truck towards Ben and Tini, but Synaptak was able to hold it in place. Ultmos orders SixSix and Vulkanus to surrender, though they don't seem to listen to his order.
They attack back and Tini insists Ben become Four Arms.
' Hmmm , instead of strength maybe speed will do .'
" I'll draw fire , you take out Vulkanus ."
Ben transforms into XLR8 and decides to draw their attention.
XLR8 makes a tornado to bring SixSix down.
Tini takes Vulkanus down and heads towards XLR8.
' Great , whilst I am distracting him , she can take him do- '
Instead of attacking SixSix, Tini declares that she must protect XLR8.
'What .'
She ends up being hit in the head.
" Tini !"
Synaptak takes Vulkanus down, but SixSix was able to disable him.
XLR8 and Ultmos corner SixSix and think of what to do next.
In the ship
Max and Gwen watch the battle. Max sets the teleporter's coordinates to their location to help out.
While SixSix tries to shoot down XLR8, he can't seem to aim straight for him. He ends up being brought back down onto the ground. Max and Gwen arrive on Earth after, only to end up under a falling vehicle. XLR8 speeds up just in time to save them.
SixSix orders Vulkanus to pick up the container where they collected enough iron ore, and SixSix starts a rock slide to try and slow the team down. Ben thinks of something to try to stop the slide, and he steps forward. Synaptak comes in time to put a barrier around them. It seems that it was just to annoy Synaptak to go into action. They lost SixSix and Vulkanus, and it was explained that the Element mixture can be bound only with extreme heat. To make matters worse, they're in an area where such a facility is held. Ultimos regains his strength, and this time, Ben insists that they do it his way.
Inside the mill, Vulkanus looks for the purest mixture of iron to mix with the Element X. The Galactic Enforcers arrive just in time,
Ben transforms into Cannonbolt and attacks SixSix. Gwen on the other hand, decides to mess around with the recipe. Cannonbolt heads to SixSix, but SixSix shoots him causing him to fall down into the hot liquid metal. Synaptak was there in time just to carry him before he was literally melted to death. Ultimos and Tini fight Vulkanus and throw him into the hot metal.
Meanwhile, Synaptak and Cannonbolt fight SixSix, and SixSix releases a whip, which he uses it to grab onto Synaptak. Cannonbolt comes to the rescue after.
Vulkanus then throws a large ball of metal, which destroys the controls of the mixture. The team was finally able to collaborate and finish the fight, and they drop liquid metal on SixSix and Vulkanus, while Ultimos cools it down. In the end, Ultimos is intrigued by Ben's method of fighting, and promotes him to a full-pledged Galactic Enforcer.
He says he'd rather not, but Ultimos tells him to keep it anyway and if they need him they'll call .
A wormhole in space opens up and a ship comes out.
Another opens, but this time, it attacks the ship that previously appeared.
An alien attacks the vessel bum rashing through an entire battalion of robots from which they failed to retaliate , and it seems that he was after a crystalline substance called Element X.
Exiting onto the attacking ship saying.
" Where will we get the missing ingredient ?"
To complete the mixture, the familiar figure of a heavily modified SixSix shows a projection where they will find the next ingredient:
" I should known that we would have to go to the cesspool of the galaxy."
Art Museum
1st POV
It had started with when I was wishing for a ninja form on the Omnitrix.
I mean why not?
There was a mummy, a werewolf, a Frankstein's monster, a midget genius, a guy made out of crystal, a guy made out of fire... a ninja wouldn't have particularly stuck out in the lineup. Then it got at how I have 1.12 million different alien lifeforms. What if there was one and I don't know about it.
" BEN!"
I was interrupted by Gwen, who says that I've been sitting on top of a statue. I jump down chewing on a chocolate bar.
" Can I have some ?" Gwen asked.
After she takes a piece she walks towards a different part of the art museum. I turn to the other direction wondering how long until something crazy happens.
While he walks down the steps, an alien vessel flies by .
" .... That was quick. "
3rd POV
, called Vulkanus, comes out and he asks the crowd where he can find the Bicenthium Alloy.
Nobody seems to understand what he's talking about, so Vulkanus infers that they're protecting such an element.
Vulkanus hits the ground with his fist.
It begins shake and crack open the asphalt, threatening the people, while Ben seems to be ready for action.
He transforms into Four Arms and he grabs a hold of Vulkanus, trying to pin him down.
" A Tetramand. This planet really is a dump."
' Wow. That's speciest.'
He knocks Four Arms off him and throws him to a nearby building. He , however, instantly gets up and throws a double haymaker knocking him out.
" YOU?!?" Fourarms shouts in shock.
SixSix flies by to shoot and Fourarms's memory seems to be jumpstarted by his appearance.
Grandpa Max and Gwen come around the corner to see this situation.
" Grandpa, look its one of the bounty hunters."
" He must've escaped Galactic Jail."
SixSix shoots missiles, but Four Arms was able to redirect it back. SixSix avoids them, but lands on top of a truck.
" Aaargh!"
But before Four Arms was able to attack, SixSix releases a capsule, which shocks and temporarily disables his body functions. SixSix opens up his compartment of missiles and gets ready to shoot.
' OK XLR8-.'
Before SixSix shot a missile, he was interrupted and stopped by three aliens who are the Galactic Enforcers.
The first is Synaptak, he appears to be a large brain inside, held in a container and rests atop of a body similar to an octopus.
And lastly, Ultimos, a caped alien, who is the leader of the group.
" You. Have. Got .To. Be .Shitting. Me." Fourarms said.
" OK. This is weird. " Gwen states.
" Rescue Formation Alpha Nine! " Ultimo commands.
" Capes . I hate capes."
Ultimos heads towards SixSix and SixSix tries to shoot him down with no luck.
Then Tini comes up and she claps her hands to create a powerful sonic wave to push him to the truck where Four Arms is.
' Oh yeah I'm the prime specimen of the Tetraman species right now... Great.'
Lastly, Vulkanus tries to attack Synaptak, but he uses telekinesis and was able to carry him up to the sky.
Ultimos delivers the final blow.
Ultimos orders SixSix and Vulkanus to surrender, but Four Arms doesn't seem to like the idea.
He insists for them to "kick there butts before they try to pull something", but they were distracted enough for SixSix to release a flash capsule to use for an escape.
As the vessel prepares to leave, he delivers one more blow towards the columns of a nearby building.
Luckily, Four Arms and Tini held it in place before the roof collapsed. Synaptak uses his telekinesis to hold it in place while Ultimos uses heat vision to join them back on.
" What's a big strong guy like you doing on a planet like this ? You and I make a great team."
" Yeah... I work alone... most of the time. "
' Quickly Omnitrix, Benjamin Time ! '
Luckily enough the Omnitrix does as its commended to do and times out and he reverts back into Ben, confusing Tini.
It seems that the Galactic Enforcers were aware of the Omnitrix also and that it was in the possession of a child. Their pose doesn't seem to intrigue Ben and Gwen much .
With that, they teleport Ben and the others with them to discuss matters.
Outside the Earth's Atmosphere
In space, a floating vessel is near Earth. They're then teleported inside the ship. To start things off, Max has questions about SixSix and Ultimos explains that he was able to escape incarceration and teamed up with Vulkanus, Vulkanus is a Detrovite, who has limited mental capacity, but with powerful strength. Synaptak looks at Ben to take a quick comparison.
" Just being a brain in a jar doesn't make you anymore smarter than the next squid I'll eat. " Ben deadpanns
All he does is glare at him.
It seems that SixSix and Vulkanus were hired to steal Element X. When combined with the compound Bicenthium alloy, it'll create a massive explosion, which can destroy a whole solar system. Gwen is intrigued by the explanations so far and Ben doesn't want to hear anymore from her.
They release observers to find SixSix and Vulkanus. As they do, they offer a tour of the ship, but Ultimos explains that only Ben has the privilege to. Gwen and Grandpa Max are to remain in the bridge.
" Why does he get to go ?" Gwen asks.
" Wearing the Omnitrix grants Ben full hero status. "
' Really. Just like that. That explains... so much ', Ben thought.
Gwen is angered by the rules.
" Don't worry about us , we'll be fine .... Super jerks."
While Ben looks out of the window to see the Earth, Ultimos wants to show him something.
It was a huge book the size of a desk and Ultimos says that it was the galactic code of conduct. Ben is absolutely dumbfounded to see such a large book.
' .... Omnitrix scan the book and mentally transfer the information. '
" The first 1,200 pages are a bit dry but after-" Ultimo says.
An alarm then sounds off, signaling that the observers found something.
It was SixSix and Vulkanus at a mine and they seem to be searching for iron ore. Ultimos offers Ben to join the Galactic Enforcers. Although Tini wants him to join, Synaptak is against it. In a final vote, Ultimos decides to put him in uniform.
" No."
" Bu-"
As for Max and Gwen, they're told to stay in the ship.
SixSix and Vulkanus continue to search and the Galactic Enforcers arrive. Before they ready for attack, they call Ultimos for what to do next. It seems that he was weakened by the chocolate. Ultimos reveals their location and as an officer, he says that he's to address their presence.
Vulkanus throws a truck towards Ben and Tini, but Synaptak was able to hold it in place. Ultmos orders SixSix and Vulkanus to surrender, though they don't seem to listen to his order.
They attack back and Tini insists Ben become Four Arms.
' Hmmm , instead of strength maybe speed will do .'
" I'll draw fire , you take out Vulkanus ."
Ben transforms into XLR8 and decides to draw their attention.
XLR8 makes a tornado to bring SixSix down.
Tini takes Vulkanus down and heads towards XLR8.
' Great , whilst I am distracting him , she can take him do- '
Instead of attacking SixSix, Tini declares that she must protect XLR8.
'What .'
She ends up being hit in the head.
" Tini !"
Synaptak takes Vulkanus down, but SixSix was able to disable him.
XLR8 and Ultmos corner SixSix and think of what to do next.
In the ship
Max and Gwen watch the battle. Max sets the teleporter's coordinates to their location to help out.
While SixSix tries to shoot down XLR8, he can't seem to aim straight for him. He ends up being brought back down onto the ground. Max and Gwen arrive on Earth after, only to end up under a falling vehicle. XLR8 speeds up just in time to save them.
SixSix orders Vulkanus to pick up the container where they collected enough iron ore, and SixSix starts a rock slide to try and slow the team down. Ben thinks of something to try to stop the slide, and he steps forward. Synaptak comes in time to put a barrier around them. It seems that it was just to annoy Synaptak to go into action. They lost SixSix and Vulkanus, and it was explained that the Element mixture can be bound only with extreme heat. To make matters worse, they're in an area where such a facility is held. Ultimos regains his strength, and this time, Ben insists that they do it his way.
Inside the mill, Vulkanus looks for the purest mixture of iron to mix with the Element X. The Galactic Enforcers arrive just in time,
Ben transforms into Cannonbolt and attacks SixSix. Gwen on the other hand, decides to mess around with the recipe. Cannonbolt heads to SixSix, but SixSix shoots him causing him to fall down into the hot liquid metal. Synaptak was there in time just to carry him before he was literally melted to death. Ultimos and Tini fight Vulkanus and throw him into the hot metal.
Meanwhile, Synaptak and Cannonbolt fight SixSix, and SixSix releases a whip, which he uses it to grab onto Synaptak. Cannonbolt comes to the rescue after.
Vulkanus then throws a large ball of metal, which destroys the controls of the mixture. The team was finally able to collaborate and finish the fight, and they drop liquid metal on SixSix and Vulkanus, while Ultimos cools it down. In the end, Ultimos is intrigued by Ben's method of fighting, and promotes him to a full-pledged Galactic Enforcer.
He says he'd rather not, but Ultimos tells him to keep it anyway and if they need him they'll call .
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