Master Of The Omnitrix

Chapter 26 - Butterfly Effect Pt. 2

Author's Note

Hey guys , sorry for the delay but now this little chapter is to show how the actions of the MC has affected the universe around him.

Unknown POV

Something was wrong.

Very Wrong.

In the vast empty yet overcrowded nexus of the Infinite multiverse forming the tree of the Omniverse stood up a dark indigo dshimmering ,shadowy figure staring into the maddening abyss.

During his 4,000 year journey to free his people, after countless leaps though reality his body grew weaker and weaker.

Power weaker and weaker.

He could no longer power The Hands from the other side.

All hope seemed lost.

But through his voyage across the multiverse he learned of the Omnitrix.

With it could create a new Chronian to replace himself in his travels.

Battles with Ben Tennyson time after countless times, .

With every failure, he would go back in time and try again.

Until one try, in one timeline, it finally worked. Eon transformed Ben Tennyson into a Chronian

He augmented his soul into Ben's body, and was reborn anew. But this solution to Eon's problem would be only temporary as this new body would one day fall too.

Every time his body would reach it's limits, he would go to a new universe and obtain another Ben Tennyson. 

Now because of... Whatever this was ... Everything changed.

Waves of causality were bashing over him.

New Timeline after Timeline. New Dimension after Dimension.

What was once a looping war of equal opportunity with only a few varieties of loss by one specific timeline turned into such a epic curbstomp that the only reason it is still a time war is that it lasts years .

Thousands of years of acquiring Tennyson after Tennyson with only a precious few dozen timelines of defeat has turned into defeat after defeat .

Failure after failure.

Death after death.

Inexplicable Mastery of the Omnitrix, Power beyond what was given and Intelligence suddenly spawned everywhere, growing in like a fungus across the Multiverse.

It was almost like they knew he was coming.

The teenage and a.d.u.l.t versions almost instantly defeated him , some even attempted to annihilate him the second he encountered their timelines or dimension .

Something was wrong.

Something needed to be done .

Azmuth's POV

At a small desk, the smartest being in the universe (or at least 3-5 galaxies) typed at a computer, scowling heavily.

Despite the negative expression there was the possibility  that with time, there could be  peace in the universe now, as much as there could be.

And accroding to the accursed time-walker , all thanks to Ben and his allies.

His scepticism was immense.

Using the Omnitrix remote view system vanquished it immediately.

His genetic storage device was used in ways even he never thought of. In ways that benefit one's fellow members of the universe. Medical treatments, Transport, Energy Management ...

Maybe with the potentially worthy user ... she may come back.

Vilgax POV

When people looked upon him they saw his a professional monster. If anyone showed weakness then it would only make me more eager to crush them. It prevented the Galactic pest from thinking that the Legend of the Omnitrix wielder would stop him from anyone who attempted to make a mockery of his .... setbacks.

At first , luck and the power of the Omnitrix didn't reflect anything on that .... boy's personal skills.

I have walked over the corpses of far better than their likes to attain that which I seek. The soil of a thousand worlds has been purged by fire and millions of foolish little children have been given back to the void. Only a fool or a madman would stop now, so close to the ultimate goal of conquest .

Then his skills showed.


And Again.


This requires further planning.

Clancy's POV

Entomology , the study of  insects , a branch of zoology.

Ben gave Clancy a home, now he's the authority on Entomology.

A simple solution for a simple problem.

Billy Billions POV

"-fits from DIAL are rising through the roof with new product launches in technology and ..."

The brain's ability in tuning out useless is truly amazing. Especially with my genius intelligence.

The . Best. Decision. Ever.

Admittely , I had been jealous of Ben during middle school, due to the attention he was getting while my genius rich boy was ignored by my so called peers. 

I'll admit though , he is smarter than the rest of the sheep.

When he came to me a month before summer with the idea of a partnership with my family's empire with his rising startup, I was sceptical but when I realized he acknowledged my brilliant self , well , sensible people should be rewarded.

Then Aliens.

Aliens .

Actual goddamn extraterrestrial creatures come down to earth, start saving people and causing mischief and no-one. NO-ONE . reacts except for merchandise that DIAL copyrights and PR managing.

My partner is hiding something ....

Gwen's POV

Professor Paradox's POV

Well ....

Things are getting interesting.

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