Master Of The Omnitrix

Chapter 33 - Murphy takes a break

Author's Note: Sorry for the long dry spiel of chapters on my story, I needed to focus on college and had to come up with more original ideas with the story and the ideas for character development.

Summer is about to end and the biggest Butterfly is about to be shown.

Just be patient please.

To sate you, I'm sorry but I have to give some filler chapters focused on character development instead of plot.

Yes I have a plot.

Now , On with the show.

-DNA Scan Complete.

-RNA Scan Complete.

-Plumber Database Scan Complete.

- Recalibration Protocol Activating...





eeEEəərrroorr ....

As I walk through the quiet streets of Bellwood with Grandpa Max and Gwen by me , I can help but admire the serenity of the small town.

it has always been warm enough outside for everyone to be able wear their summer clothing and make beach days . 

If I wasn't (cursed) blessed with such knowledge and understanding beyond my ten years of life, the monotony of it all combined with the immaturity/impulsiveness that comes naturally with youth would have me seeking out new things and dangerous adventures.

Now when I look back ai see the time of peace before everything goes crazy ....

I wonder what we were doing here.

I ... I can't remember how or why we're here.

Summer isn't over.

Growing nervous, I turn to Grandpa and Gwen to ask what was going on only to find no one.

Whirling around 180 degrees , I agitately look for Kevin to ask what the hell was going on-

Only to find no one there.


Before anything could be done about the ( worrying-)mysterious absence of my allies I am nearly blinded by a searing tapestry of light and deafening sonic waves that's shockwaves continued on emanating.

After shaking the black spots from my vision , blinking rapidly, I turn around my environment wondering why it was so quiet despite the panic of random people until a constant hum appeared in my ears did I realise that my eardrums are now adjusting.

OK , It's Hero Time.


No matter how many times I transform , it never gets old. It probably never will.

The new height, weight , senses and limbs are all so invigorating as it is so nauseating.

See , a change in anyone's body in anyway possible, whether puberty, disease , dismemberment or prosthetics , there is always this vertigo.

Except with the Omnitrix.

Can you imagine the having the unconscious reflexes on a different, utterly alien , such as not needing to breathe yet remembering having lungs , or one's body layered with soft skin , muscle or bone becoming a solid yet moveable structure.

That's not even getting into the mind rendering ability to actually process the entire electromagnetic spectrum with all the unknown colours, the and the constant propagating waves of radios, infrared from people's body and phones transmission.

Yet my mind knows this and somehow doesn't have massive disassociation or body dismorphia.

{ Transformation process check: complete.

Completely operational. }

As Lodestar , I remove any metal with ease with the wave of my pincers in a very good Magneto impression.

Unfortunately, The slaps of concrete every the constant , ongoing , explosions everywhere and the people trapped underneath them aren't magnetic.


The weirder part of transformation is the relative speed. The shows may have made it seem as if it was long anime like sequence but it was actually instant.

One moment I'm Lodestar, the next moment in a flash of green light I'm Big Chill.

The light but strong limbs in my blue and black exoskeleton, the wings and the kaleidoscopic vision of that of a fly , rushes through me.

I don't usually get so... introspective of my allies.


It doesn't take more than a second to clear my head of any distracting thoughts and focus on the task at hand.

Saving everyone I can.

I absorb the ambient heat from the fires ( I didn't know I could do that , how-) causing them to go out and solidifying the smoke, clearing the air.

Turning intangible, I flew through the concrete and grabbed as many people as I could.

And again.

Again and again.

Again and again.

And Again...

Something had changed, some kind of tone… something.

It was as if I was suddenly in a vacuum. Everything was blank from my mind. Sight, sound , pressure , touch. For one split second, there was nothing.

Then everything erupted.

Dozens upon dozens of familiar crimson automatons burst from the wreckage. One even did a Kool Aid Man impression.

I was completely surrounded by Vilgax's bots. With civilians in sight.

This is going to be easy.


Soon as the light was dispatched , they swarmed viciously around me.

It only made it that much more easy, and satisfying, to roll over them.

All my added mass and impossible momentum made the alien alloys that the android were made of as tough as wet tissue paper.

I, Ben , Cannonbolt, Ơ̷̩̩̔̒̃͋̾̈̈́͆͊͊̉̀̎̕͜m̶̡̧̛͓̗̫̫̣̰̮̱̬͔̟̖̦̮̟͉̫͙̈͌͛̒̓̆͊̽̀̓̀̋͘̚͜͜͠͝͝͠͝ͅį̴̡̛͇͖͍̦̱̮͎̺͔͔̰̖̝̲̳̪̳̼͎͔̔̽͌̍͒͗́̇̄̎̊̓̇͒͠͝͝͝n̵̡̛̙͉̰̤̩͉̙̦̦̹̭̠̖̳̯̗̮͇͚͒̌̈́̈̿͑̿̓͐̓̀͗̾̌͆͂̑̕͜͝͝į̶̛̰̺̜̝̣͇̜̜̯̭̠̬̙͒̉͌̊͌̇̒̃̀̑̓̀̊͐̽̂͊͗̿͘̕͝ͅͅ ̸̧̨͎͎͖̬͍̭̜̭̝̫̭͙̳̱̠̔͛̒̈͛̀͋̓̀̄̂̕M̷̧̧̡̘̠͓͕͍͈̜͍̭̺͎̙̘̩̜͉̰̩̦̦̘̎̾̓̂̎͒̔̆͋͆̏̈͆͛̒͆̋̃̃̒͆͝͝͝ǎ̴͔̻̙͈̙͆́͜͜ͅt̸̮̬̻̪̥͙͕͇̋̓̈́͊ē̷̬̻̠̱̝̼̱̬͓͉i̴̹̯͔̎͂̏̂͜͜x̴͕͇̟̳̾̀͂͗̆̾̽ , I bounce of

multiple enemies like a pin ball machine on meth.

Then in the middle of a



Four Arms,



It didn't matter how much melatonin, Tylenol PM, Nyquill, Benadryl, whatever Ben took- sleepless nights plagued him, and had since he was a child.

Okay , he's still a child, a younger child. But still...

( If I fail at ANY point in my life. Every one is dead. Not just earth , the galaxy, the universe. The Ben 10 MULTIVERSE. Billions, Trillions, Octillions rely on me.

I can't- )

That's the price of being a superhero; the unending nightmares or weird dreams. 

This though ....

As I rush upwards from bed with a gasp , after my heart stops racing, and making sure everyone else is still sleeping I facepalm at my stupidity.

'I have the most powerful tool in the universe and I'm still sc-worried about what-ifs.'

Part of him knew that, logically, he should have nightmares about all the other shit he'd gone through and the possible alternatives what with the multiverse being very real.

With a gasp I pinwheeled my arms and tried to get my tired cramped legs under me properly to start the day and get to work. 

{ Processing....

Processing ....

Task complete.

Simulation Complete.

Processing Data. }

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Waking from sleep to the sound of her cousin gasping while he was crashing out of bed should have pissed Gwen off. It would have if it was a one time thing and if she was tired.

Ever since she gained the power of magic, she always had energy...

He seemed to have been having them since the start of summer. It was... worrying.

It tampered after our visit to the future

' I did it. I've already one. I can do it again. Even better.'

But he's ... aura ? was different.

A little bit like the watch.

Watching bruised eye bagged Tennyson brooding over a national readings on holographic interfaces in Sumo Slammer pyjamas is too bizarre to put into words.

When I first met him in that arcade I thought he was just a chill guy , then when he save - helped me and got in with the Plumbers. He was the real deal.

I wouldn't mind staying onboard, at least to keep his head above water.

Looking at his 'sleeping' cousin and grandfather, I don't think I need.

I'll visit sometime.

I pat him on the shoulder as I go out of the RV , to space bus waiting for me.

" See ya around egghead."

A prodigy.

That's what my parents, their friends, and preschool teacher called me. Of course, like the "good son" that I was, I always made a show of just how "smart" I was whenever I was asked to. On the outside, I smiled like I should be proud of how much I was ahead of all the children 'my' age, but inside I wanted to cringe.

I was basically surfing in real life.

I hated how everyone was so patronizing towards me, and I never missed the jealous looks my classmates would send me

For most of my second childhood , stuck with "padding out his resume," as his parents' call. They made him apply for different after school and weekend hobbies to polish and maintain his abilities, "Apply your talents onto good use," his teachers remark.

He knows it's never truly for him though, it simply comes down to the title he's been brandishing from the start.

'As long as I save the day , It will be worth.'

Prodigy child, they all say.

My Overpowered future self showed me that I would and that I could improve.

As I'm waiting for a disaster to strike because I'm-basically-the-protagonist-so-of-course .. I mean , I kept vigilant , I can't help my mind wandering as I reminisce my infancy.

My first words...

My dad was telling me about a high school story when I decided that I had waited enough and My first words were 'bored'. To this day whenever I would say I'm bored, my mom would crack up and start laughing.

My dad was still sore about it.

I remember when I started taking all those extracurricular activities for training when I was with Grandpa.

It's one of those rare evenings where the family gathers together and eats, instead of travelling or overworking themselves, holed up in their own rooms doing their own things.

I won't get into the exact details but...

"Darling, me and your mother have been thinking about your future," His father starts after he finishes his coffee.

This caused me to pause my eating movements midair and turn to look at the person speaking.

Ah, there it is.

He can't help but glance towards his mother that's sipping her jasmine tea, she never did like coffee, something his dad drowns every night to get ready for late at home work.

Sarah, seated beside her husband, decides to bite the bullet and addressing the elephant in the room. "We're signing you up for extra training after school, son."

They acted as if this was a bad thing.

After a year of training in "padding out his resume," his parents sign him up for recitals and competitions. He despises it, hates the fact that he's fighting for gold he'd never dreamt of having. 

Because anything else is death ... not just for him but everyone.

Now I know it was worth it.

Max had been a soldier for most of his life, both in the military and for the Plumbers. As a young man growing up in the Cold War era, he'd never imagined that there could be anything more frightening than a nuclear bomb. They were just so powerful, being capable of leveling entire cities, that his young mind could not conceive of any force beyond it. It was terrifying, but it also gave him a sense of safety. No matter how bad the aliens got, they had the bigger stick.

That was until he had to use one on an Vilgax; and it didn't even kill it.

Since that time, he'd learned that Vilgax, while highly dangerous, was far from the worst.

He and his comrades had fought against the horrors of deep space, from the most benign but out of place Nosedeenian on one end to galactic warlords on the other. But there was no fighting the eldritch abominations the size of entire star systems that drifted between galaxies.*

You just kept you head down and prayed they never found you.

Max had seen plenty of his squad-mates (and later his subordinates) struggle with both the knowledge of their insignificance in the universe as well as the tangible dangers Plumber work put them in. He'd seen men break in their first week or after twenty years. It did not matter; in due time, the nightmares would come for all of them. Rose had been his light through that darkness, but not everyone was so lucky.

Which was why it broke his heart to see the gaze of veteran soldiers stare back at him through the eyes of his grandchildren.

For his part, Max knew how to deal with traumatized people. Make sure they have a social safety net (the kids fulfilled that role for each-other better than he ever could). Don't rush them, let them set the pace. Make sure their environment was consistent and that it was normal. And be there in the event that they wanted to talk.

All of these things he could provide in spades, and while they did not heal, they at least learned to smile again in the weeks since they returned. He provided the stability, they provided each other with support. It was working, slowly, but it was. It was good.

But summer was ending.

Later in the Afternoon

After no chaos showed , He brought up a topic that hasn't been discussed.

"Hey, remember Gwendolyn?" Ben asked offhandedly. Gwen snapped out of her thoughts and was confused for a second before she realized he was asking after her future counterpart.

She scoffed, rolling her eyes

"Pretty hard to forget your future self, doofus." Ben bounced a little where he sat.

"I know right?While I was the best you could fly! And throw around all sorts of spells!" He continued excitedly gesturing for emphasis, making a wooshing noise as he thrust out his hand to mimic her casting.

It was so bad that it made her snicker, then outright laugh at him. She missed I smirk he had.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be awesome." She boasted, looking at her hands and feeling the magic thrum through her body. Gwendolyn hadn't been weak. She couldn't be. The doofus would croak in a day if she gave the universe half a chance. She clenched her hand. Gwendolyn would prevent that.

"I am awesome."

It didn't sound like a boast there, more like a reassurance.

Ben grinned at her, eyes twinkling.

"The power of dweebiness will destroy all your enemies."

He declared imperiously before bursting into a fit of giggles, falling on his back and clutching his belly. Gwen rolled her eyes so hard she that she was sure she was going to pass out.

'Power of dweebiness'?

Cheeky little... 

If Ben was in a mood to stroke her ego, then having a little fun couldn't hurt. "The flying looked really cool. Much more graceful than Stinkly." She needled..

"Not much of a victory there, but I guess you're right." Ben retorted, closing his eyes as he stretched on the economic chair.

Gwen opted to remain seated.

"And I got a college degree. Glad to know that's going to pan out well." She continued ponderously.

"Yup, still a nerd after all those years. So proud."

Her cousin intoned sarcastically, absently. He was running on autopilot. Good.

Gwen nodded sagely before springing her trap.

"And I grew up to be hot too. That's one teenage insecurity I can skip."

"Yup, totally-" Gwen's eyes flashed and she pinned him with her cheekiest smile. Gotcha.

Ben cut himself. Dammit.

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