The decoration style of the wedding room belongs to the modern luxury style, whether it is furniture, or sofa, wood floor and so on, all show a kind of texture.

This kind of night is intoxicating.

Situ ling'er was wearing a red Qipao. Her figure was graceful. No matter how she looked, she was like a nine day fairy coming down to earth. Moreover, today's situ ling'er is particularly shy.

The night was deep.

Situ ling'er is sitting in front of the dowry. She is removing her make-up. Although she does not like make-up, but today this day of great joy, she can not avoid the vulgar make-up.

Chen Yang stands behind situ ling'er, standing quietly. Situ ling'er looks at Chen Yang in the mirror, her mouth involuntarily involves a sweet smile.

Chen Yang then said: "ling'er, today is our happy day. Originally, I shouldn't say some words of frustration, but... "

Situ ling'er was about to speak. She didn't want to hear these words. She can guess what Chen Yang is going to say.

But Chen Yang pressed situ ling'er's shoulder and insisted on saying what he wanted to say. "I'm sorry, I can't promise you that ordinary and simple happiness. I can't be sure to accompany you forever, but you can rest assured that I will work hard in this direction. Even if I return to my world in the future, one day I will try to pick you up, or I will come to you through other ways. Wherever I go, I will never forget that you are my wife. "

Situ ling'er's eyes suddenly turned red, and she nodded heavily.

Then, Chen Yang said with a smile, "well, today is a happy day. Let's not say these unhappy words."

Situ ling'er said, "you always make me cry."

After finishing his makeup removal, situ ling'er went to take a bath first.

This is the wedding night, she has her girl's shame.

After taking turns bathing, they hugged each other in bed. Situ ling'er's head is tightly buried in Chen Yang's neck. She is obviously full of expectation and fear for the coming scene.

The light in the room is hazy blue and faint yellow, and there are also destructive stars on the roof, which are the special visual effects brought by the light. This is in line with all the girls about romantic expectations.

Chen Yang is not in a hurry to do anything. He always cherishes ling'er. It's just like in their four years in college, no matter how early other couples get in bed, painless abortion. But Chen Yang never crossed the forbidden area.

College life is beautiful. Chen Yang doesn't want to complicate situ ling'er's pure and beautiful life.

What's more, men shouldn't let women get pregnant by accident. Abortion, no matter how painless, is a kind of trauma to the body. Men should be responsible for themselves, for their own women, they should cherish, responsible.

"I have been married to ling'er for several years." "But you know, we never had a relationship," Chen said

Situ ling'er was slightly stunned. Then he raised his head and asked strangely, "why? Can't you? "

"Cough!" Chen Yang didn't expect that situ ling'er's first reaction was this logic.

"You really can't?" Situ ling'er blushed immediately, and then said thoughtfully, "it doesn't matter. We can cure it slowly."

"Damn it Chen Yang said, "you silly girl, you want to go there."

Other things can be tolerated, but when it comes to questioning men, Chen Yang absolutely can't.

"I have no problem." Chen Yang said.

Why is she so shameless? Is there a normal person like you

In other words, situ ling'er is also a normal girl's family. He has no abdominal blackness in his heart. When he was in college, Chen Yang had been acting in a proper way, which made situ ling'er feel that there was something wrong with him.

Chen Yang cherishes it. It's not that he doesn't know how to pick up girls. If Chen Yang is a real ordinary college student and has not experienced those deep-rooted things, he can't help it.

Chen Yang's experience in his early years is that he is a good girl seeker.

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and said nothing. He then said, "she is still a little different from you, because at the earliest time..."

Then Chen Yang told the story of ling'er.

"In that life, your mother disappeared because she didn't find her. Maybe we have found the ends of the earth. We don't know what the result is. Her father suddenly disappeared and her daughter and wife disappeared. So, she had no parents since she was a child. I grew up with the old man. So her character is much more lonely than you. Later, after we got married, she was afraid and resistant to men and women, so I never forced her. I want to wait until that day, when she's ready. "

Chen Yang sighed slightly and said, "you will know that many things happened later, which led to her sleeping all the time."

Situ ling'er was serious. She took Chen Yang's hand and said, "she will get better."Chen Yang nodded and said, "Well!"

Situ ling'er said: "I don't know why. Although I haven't met her, I feel close to her. Just like she and I are good sisters

Chen Yang said: "in fact, theoretically speaking, you can never meet her. Because this is a parallel world, you should not have known her existence. I'm here for a special reason. "

Situ ling'er said, "you let me know that the wonder of this world is far beyond our understanding."

They chatted happily.

Situ ling'er then said, "in the next few years, I don't want to work. I want you to accompany me all over the world. "

Chen Yang said with a smile, "of course, no problem."

Situ ling'er couldn't help explaining: "I don't want to be lazy, just..."

According to situ ling'er, no matter how rich the family is, girls should work. But she thinks time is short, and she wants to spend more time with Chen Yang.

"I understand." Chen Yang said.

Situ ling'er then said, "if you go to work, what will you choose to do?"

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "it's probably business. You want me to be a white-collar worker in the check room. I can't stand the restriction. "

"Ha, although you are good at martial arts, what kind of business will you do?" Situ ling'er asked with a smile.

Chen Yang said, "look down on me, don't you? In business, the time, the place and the people are in harmony. How can I make money? What can I do to make money? I still have this judgment. I used to run a bar in my life, and the business was booming. "

Situ ling'er kisses Chen Yang and says, "husband, you're amazing."

This kiss, but is the thunder hook fire, never stop.

And tonight, Chen Yang doesn't need to endure or suppress anything.

Tonight is their wedding night.

In the past night, the two people have been lingering for several times, of which, of course, there is a lot to be said.

"Dare you say your husband has a problem?" Chen Yang asks situ ling'er jokingly in the morning.

Situ ling'er gives Chen Yang a white look, which is hard to describe.

After that, situ ling'er wanted to get up and cook breakfast for Chen Yang. Chen Yang held down situ ling'er and said, "I'll go. You're tired. Ha ha!"

Situ ling'er is so embarrassed!

At noon, Chen Yang was summoned by Chen Ling.

Situ ling'er also understood that Chen Yang had a task after all.

Situ ling'er went to the party with song Lingshan and Tong Jiawen.

Chen Yang came to the research room of the former industrial park, where there were Chen Ling, Wuwei master, Shen Moneng and Shen JINGLUE.

Ouyang is in infusion, he has been carefully studied by experts and professors for several times, and he has also taken all kinds of CT.

When Chen Yang arrived, Chen Ling was quite sorry and said, "Xiao Yang, I shouldn't have called you today, but something is important, so..."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "uncle, are you still polite to me?"

Chen Ling laughed.

Professor Zhao came forward to explain to the public, he said: "we have done all kinds of research based on Ouyang's blood, cells and skin. His cell evolution is different from that of ordinary people. Basically, all the cells in his body have undergone special evolution. The material that led to his cell evolution probably came from the insect emperor. We can call this a magic gene, or we can call it a virus. "

"The evolution of ordinary people, even if the environment changes greatly, will take a long time and reproduction to achieve its goal." Professor Zhao said: "this kind of gene virus in the insect emperor's body is really terrible. It's meat and bones, the living dead. If this virus is popularized, it is likely that there will be a big problem in the human cycle. In other words, too many people will not die, and a new generation will continue to multiply. This kind of gradual breaking is extremely terrible. "

"Not to die?" Chen Ling said: "Professor Zhao, you are too optimistic. How can you not die? I'm afraid there are still some big problems that we haven't found yet. "

Professor Zhao said: "chief, what you said is also reasonable, so our research should continue."

Chen Yang said: "the evolution of Ouyang is really fast, but what he doesn't know is that he is destroying his own life. I found this problem when I played with him yesterday. Even if he didn't come to me, he would not live for a year. Professor Zhao, you can focus on this. "

Professor Zhao nodded.

After that, Chen Ling and others left the Industrial Park Research Institute.

Chen Ling asked Chen Yang and said, "yesterday I could feel Ouyang's strength was very strong. How did you use a move to dissolve his evolutionary cells?"

This question has been bothering all the people present, so Chen Ling asked it in public.

With a smile, Chen Yang said: "uncle, you seem to forget that in my evolution, blood has become the enemy of the insect king. Ouyang's evolutionary cells will be destroyed quickly when they encounter my blood. "

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