At night, in the bedroom, situ ling'er curls up in Chen Yang's arms. At this time, there is not much to say between husband and wife.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "I remember when I came here, blue and purple clothes reminded me several times. She said, "it's like a dream. Don't get lost in the parallel world."

Situ ling'er didn't speak in silence.

Chen Yang said: "sometimes, I dream many times about my world. I fly to escape and fight with others. But when I wake up in the middle of the night, I feel like it's a dream. It's ridiculous. Only the world I live in now is real. I wish everything in it was just a dream. What immortals and demons are there in the world? "

Situ ling'er buries her head in Chen Yang's chest. She wants to let him stay. But she can never say it.

"If my daughter grows up in the future, ask about my father..." Chen Yang turned his voice and said.

"I will tell her that her father is the greatest hero, her mother's hero, and her mother's pride forever." Situ ling'er interrupts Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's eyes were moist. He hugged situ ling'er and said, "thank you."

Finally, he said, "after I'm gone, you'll have to find someone else if you can. I hope you don't have no place for old age. "

Situ ling'er said, "OK, I promise you. As long as there's one person I'm interested in, I'll look for. "

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing bitterly. Naturally, he knew that situ ling'er said this just to make him feel at ease.

The evening was spent in such a peaceful atmosphere.

When the clock passed zero, it reached June 15.

All the time points fit in at this moment.

In other words, in Chen Yang's world, the clock began to go.

Chen Yang has been living in a parallel world for 12 years. The end of the 12 years coincides with Chen Yang's time point.

So Chen Yang suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

"What's the matter?" Situ ling'er immediately sat up. How could she sleep well that night?

Chen Yang's face was solemn. He said to situ ling'er, "the passage has been opened. It's my way back to my world. They finally got in touch with my brain waves. "

Situ ling'er turned pale. She subconsciously grasped Chen Yang tightly.

Chen Yang said: "now as long as I am willing to commit suicide, then my soul wave will be brought back by this channel force."

Situ ling'er said, "but you haven't found the insect king yet?"

Chen Yang said: "there is no need to find the insect king, because its purpose is to break through the rules and restrictions of the world. It has no way to destroy the world and break the rules. Its only chance is to go back through my channel. "

Situ ling'er was surprised and said, "do you mean it will come to you on its own initiative?"

Chen Yang said, "that's right."

Situ ling'er said, "what would you do? You're going to take it back. It obviously didn't want to die. "

Chen Yang said: "so I don't know exactly how it plans to do it. But the only thing I know is that it will act these days. "

As soon as Chen Yang's words came to an end, there was a sudden sound from outside.

"So soon?" Chen Yang was surprised.

He got up quickly.

Situ ling'er followed him.

In the room, situ Yan, Yang Jie, situ Xinyi and Chen Ling are all here.

The house is a duplex building with many guest rooms, so we all live here. It's not crowded at all.

All the people were awakened by this vibration.

"Watch out!" The voice of Shen Mo Nong came from outside.

The whole community has been basically emptied in advance.

At this time, outside the building, a monk suddenly appeared in front of the building.

Shen Molong and Shen JINGLUE have prepared the explosion-proof police, and arranged the sniper, as well as all kinds of powerful weapons.

They also guessed that the insect emperor might want to leave with the help of Chen Yang, so they made preparations early.

Chen Yang and Chen Ling, as well as situ Yan and his family, all quickly left the house.

There are bright lights in the community.

The monk is very beautiful, but who is not the insect emperor?

The insect emperor was dressed in white monk's clothes, just like the immortal who came out of the dust.

If all the people are ready, they will be like a big enemy.

Chen Ling's eyes are full of cold light. He has been preparing for this moment for a long time.

The insect emperor's eyes were fixed on Chen Yang. He said with a smile, "king of heaven, I should congratulate you. You can finally return to your original world."

Chen Yang light smile, said: "you come today, should not be a special trip to congratulate me."The insect emperor said, "I'm here to make a deal. This deal, whether it's for you, for me, or for Chen Ling, is good for you. "

"Oh, tell me." Chen Yang said.

The insect emperor said, "I can give you my main brain nucleus, and you can take it back to complete the task. But my other cerebellar nucleus will be attached to Stuart After a pause, he said, "situ ling'er is the love in your heart. She lost her brain nucleus in that world and will never wake up. The only way is to let the brain nucleus of situ Ling ER in this world fuse with her body. In this way, the memories of the two generations of ling'er are fused together. You don't have to worry, and situ ling'er in front of you doesn't have to suffer from separation. It's destiny, don't you think? And after I leave, Chen Ling, you can also breathe a sigh of relief. Parallel world, no more insect king. "

Situ ling'er's body trembled, and her heart beat.

She is willing to live with Chen Yang wherever she goes.

The conditions offered by the insect emperor filled her with hope again.

But Chen Yang immediately rejected the insect emperor's offer.

"I can't promise you. First, you must die. For if you do not die, it is the disaster of the world. Second, no matter in front of the spirit, or the spirit of that life, they are my love. I will not sacrifice anyone. "

"It's not sacrifice, it's saving each other." The insect emperor said, "you have too much obsession in your heart. It's not good."

Chen Yang said, "whatever you say."

The insect emperor said, "I know that you have tried to clone brain nuclei, but it is impossible. Because the two generations of linger must be of the same age, otherwise, the brain nucleus can not be fused. "

Chen Yang said: "I think we'd better stop talking nonsense. Since you're here today, you don't want to leave."

"Ha ha ha..." The insect emperor said, "Chen Yang, you are too much of yourself. I can make your world, even the way of heaven, fear. Do you think that when I come to this world, I can't even deal with you? "

Naturally, Chen Yang knows that the insect king is a big deal, but Chen Yang is also very strange. In the absence of mana, what else does the insect king have?

"Shoot!" Chen Ling suddenly ordered. He is the absolute master.

Shen Mo Nong gave the order immediately.

So, for a moment, the bullets were concentrated like rain and shot at the insect emperor.

Most of these bullets are high explosive, and their penetration is particularly strong.

And the snipers, the bullets were all shot at the insect King's head. In the powerful body, this kind of shooting is a dead end.

At this time, the insect emperor suddenly roared, and his body changed.


The insect emperor stamped his feet. At that moment, his body suddenly rose about three feet.

Its head instantly turned into a black bloody mouth, and its head became a monster, just like the head of a spider. The difference is that the spider's head is as big as a round table.

Its body is also mutated, full of scales and eight feet.

Each foot is six meters long and as thick as a water tank. That foot is like black steel.

All the bullets came, crackling like sparks.

When such a giant appears, everyone should look up to its existence.

It's hopeless.

Shen JINGLUE immediately said to Shen monong, "mobilize the emergency plan and use the bomb to solve it."

Knowing that the situation was serious, Shen did not dare to delay and immediately mobilized the emergency plan.

Faced with such a guy, Chen Yang and Chen Ling feel desperate. No matter how strong the body is, it can't deal with such a guy!

The insect emperor stood high. He opened his mouth to Chen Yang and Chen Ling, and said, "Yanjing is the symbol of China. If I leave here now and make a riot everywhere, what will be the consequence? Can you bear international public opinion? If I come every other time? Do you Chinese people still have a sense of security? "

Chen Ling said coldly, "no matter how strong you are, there are weaknesses. We will find your weakness and kill you. "

"The way of heaven has nothing to do with you?" The insect emperor sneered.

It suddenly waved its huge claw, just like lightning, and suddenly came to kill Chen Yang.

Its huge claw is like a spear, falling from the sky, almost to an incredible point.

Chen Yang's figure flashed and quickly dodged.

The huge claw immediately penetrated into the ground for more than three meters. What's more, the Giant Claw was extremely flexible, quickly broke through the soil, and then continued to chase Chen Yang.

At the same time, the insect emperor uses other claws to deal with Chen Ling. Chen Ling has to avoid it.

Yang Jie, situ ling'er and they all quickly hid in the room.

Insect emperor speed is faster, it also chase toward that duplex building.

This guy's huge claw suddenly inserted into the forbidden area, and the compound building could not withstand its attack, and the beam broke rapidly. The whole duplex began to crumble.Situ ling'er, a group of them, had to escape from the duplex building at once.


At this time, Chen Yang's eyes were red.

His body also began to burst up, his body pulled up, the moment also has nine meters high. He also grew golden scales.

At the moment, Chen Yang is like the Hulk.

All his clothes broke apart.

"Roar!" Chen Yang fell into a state of beast. He called and rushed to the insect emperor.

The insect emperor was surprised. After turning back, he quickly assassinated Chen Yang.

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