"It's Murong girl." Chen Yang said with a smile.

Murongxue said, "I heard that you want to buy some news from Tianchi pavilion?" Chen Yang said, "that's right."

Murong Xue gently smile, she also sat down on the throne, and then hands to the mouth of tea tea. Then she said, "I don't know what news Mr. Leng wants to buy?"

This woman has a kind of unspeakable and moving style. And there's also a kind of aura that you have in mind.

This is a good negotiator.

Chen Yang immediately made a judgment on Murong Xue, but it doesn't matter. He said directly: "I heard that Mingyue xianzun is about to celebrate his 1000th birthday in Mingyue palace. Before this, Mingyue xianzun was a genius of eclosion gate. Now Mingyue xianzun can compete with eclosion gate. Then, can we have detailed information about the past events in Tianchi pavilion? "

Murong Xue was slightly stunned. She took a look at Chen Yang and said, "those old stories are not secret news. Is it that Mr. Leng wants to buy this news?"

Chen Yang said, "of course not. I want to know what kind of magic weapon Mingyue xianzun seized in those years is, and where is it now? "

Murong Xue was thoughtful. Then she said, "is it not that Mr. Leng wants to find the magic weapon and present it to Mingyue xianzun as a birthday present?"

Chen Yang lightly said: "this question, I don't have to answer Murong girl?"

Murong snow a smile, said: "cold childe is a cautious person." She said, and then said: "indeed, we should not ask what Mr. Leng wants to do. We open the door of Tianchi pavilion to do business. We don't have to worry about the rest. "

Chen Yang gave a faint smile.

Murong Xue said: "the news that you want to buy is true in Tianchi Pavilion. But what price can you offer, young master? "

"It shouldn't be my bid, but how much do you think the news is worth?" Chen Yang said.

Murongxue said: "one hundred thousand taels of gold."

Chen Yang takes a cool breath and says that Tianchi Pavilion is really a vampire. However, he didn't think much about it. Money is external. There is still a lot of gold in his commandment.

He immediately said, "no problem."

Murong Xue was slightly stunned. She then giggled and said, "young master Leng is really cool."

Chen Yang then took out the gold ticket from Jie Xumi and said, "I believe the girl can tell the truth of the gold ticket."

Murong Xue took the ticket. She looked at it for a moment, then said with a smile, "it's real."

Then, Murong Xue leads Chen Yang into the inner room to wait.

Chen Yang waited for about ten minutes, then an old man in his sixties came in. The old man was dressed in black, thin and solemn.

When he came in, he closed the door.

The room fell into darkness.

Chen Yang's eyesight is amazing. Even so, he can see everything around him clearly.

The old man said without expression: "my name is Zhao Bo, Mr. Leng. I'm very polite."

Chen Yang got up and said, "you're welcome." He is a person who cares about the details, and knows the truth that the hell is easy to say and the kid is difficult to deal with. If he is arrogant and rude, Zhao Bo is not happy for a moment, and deliberately omits some important details when he tells the news, it will become a devastating disaster.

Zhao Bo is a little stunned in the face of Chen Yang's return, because he has received too many guests. It is the rule of Tianchi Pavilion for him to salute, but most of the people who come here are proud friars, and few of them take Zhao Bo as a dish.

At the moment, Zhao Bo had a good feeling for Chen Yang. His face softened a little and said, "Mr. Leng, you want to know where the magic weapon that Mingyue xianzun had been taken away by the eclosion gate, right?"

Chen Yang said, "that's right."

Zhao Bo said: "that magic weapon is called the star shuttle, which can span space distance. In addition, the star shuttle contains the power of the stars, and it can also absorb the power of the cold evil of the stars. It's a pity that Mingyue xianzun was forced by the elder of eclosion gate. In a rage, Mingyue xianzun destroyed the star shuttle. Now, the fragmentary star shuttle is placed in the treasure Pavilion of Beidou peak in yuhuamen. "

"Zangzhen pavilion?" Chen Yang said.

Zhao Bo said: "yuhuamen, like yuntianzong, has 100000 mountains. Yuntianzong now has 39 peaks and thousands of disciples. There are 36 peaks in yuhuamen, and Beidou peak is one of them. "

Chen Yang listened very carefully.

"Anyone who can stand on his own mountain is at least the cultivation of jiuchongtian. If you set up a mountain peak, you can accept apprentices and expand your own power. Every peak owner will have his own treasure. As for Beidou peak, it is the third largest peak of eclosion gate. Its main peak is wanlianhua. Wan Lianhua's cultivation is the pinnacle of shichongtian, with a pure Yang artifact, Beidou Tianshu. On Beidou peak, there is also a big array of nine palace pagodas to guard, which is also to guard the big array of zangzhen Pavilion. If you don't get permission from the sect, even the top ten experts can't break the nine palace pagoda array. If you can't break through the nine palace pagoda array, you can't enter the treasure Pavilion. "After Zhao Bo said that, Chen Yang nodded and said, "thank you for your explanation."

Zhao Bo said: "now that you know the eclosion gate and the tight protection of the treasure Pavilion, you should not think about this star shuttle any more, right?" After a pause, he said: "you know, there are many treasures of the eclosion gate in the treasure Pavilion. If outsiders break in, it's a big taboo of the eclosion gate. From then on, they will never die."

Chen Yang smiles and says, "I'm just curious. I have no other plans. I'm just a little bit of self-cultivation. I don't think my life will be long before I go to the treasure Pavilion. "

Zhao Bo light a smile, then no longer say.

Chen Yang then said goodbye to Zhao Bo and left Tianchi Pavilion.

After leaving Tianchi Pavilion, Chen Yang finds a hidden corner and releases Hu Changchun and Zheng tianlie.

"Mr. Hu, Mr. Zheng, you should act according to the circumstances. I won't take you with me when I go to zangzhen Pavilion. " Chen Yang said.

Hu Changchun and Zheng tianlie were surprised at the news.

Hu Changchun said: "young master, do you really want to play the idea of yuhuamen zangzhen pavilion?"

Chen Yang said: "now that we have reached this stage, there is no reason to retreat without fighting. But don't worry. I'll do what I can. I won't do it if I find it impossible. "

Hu Changchun said: "if so, Mr. Zheng and I should follow you. We can always help. "

"No!" Chen Yang said: "if you really want to take the star shuttle, you should also be wise. It's impossible for us to get into zangzhen Pavilion by fighting. "

"So be it!" Chen Yang said, "go to the overseas fairy mountain first, and I'll contact you then. In the meantime, we don't know each other. "

When Hu Changchun and Zheng tianlie see that Chen Yang has made up his mind, they can't say anything more.

After Hu Changchun and Zheng tianlie left, Chen Yang was alone.

But Linghui monk changed his position and stayed in Chen Yang's ear.

He changed as little as a hair.

Chen Yang thinks that this product really has a taste of Ruyi golden cudgel. It can become a pillar of heaven when it is big, and it can be as thin as hair when it is small.

Chen Yang talks with monk Linghui. Monk Linghui looked excited and said, "the poor monk of Yuhua sect knows something about it. I had a fight with Xiao Ling on the spot. The boy was a genius. I knew many magic powers, but I didn't get any advantage from him. What's more, Xiao Ling can do great reincarnation. His great reincarnation ranks fifth among the three thousand avenues. "

"Have you ever dealt with Xiao Ling?" Chen Yang was surprised. He said, "how many years ago?"

"More than 3000 years ago." Linghui monk said.

Chen Yang said, "it seems that you haven't been very good before. You can't win Xiao Ling 3000 years ago. "

Monk Linghui was immediately excited and said, "I didn't lose to Xiao Ling more than 3000 years ago. Besides, Xiao Ling is a very talented person. I was already oppressed by the way of heaven at that time. If it wasn't for this level, even if Xiao Ling was powerful, he would not be my opponent. "

Chen Yang said, "I wonder if the way of heaven is making a fuss to guard against you?"

Monk Linghui said, "hum, Daoyou, you don't know. At that time, if it wasn't for the way of heaven, I could tear the whole Tianzhou apart soon after integrating the ten powers. After the tearing of Tianzhou, the big spaces are in a mess, so I can learn the power of space rules. At that time, the whole 3000 worlds will be destroyed. "

"Xiao Ling, will these masters tolerate you?" Chen Yang said.

Linghui monk said: "they can't help it, poor monk. I was immortal at that time. If it wasn't for the way of heaven, I would never have been today. "

Chen Yang said with a smile: "it seems that you are still not willing to be my little brother!"

Linghui monk said: "Amitabha, I'm happy to be converted to a Taoist friend, but I'm not unwilling. Every time I think of the sins I committed to my Taoist friends, I feel miserable. Now it's a blessing for me to be able to serve my Taoist friends. "

Chen Yang was amused.

Later, he said: "there must be many treasures in this treasure Pavilion. Let's not say it's hard for us to get in here. Even if you steal the star shuttle successfully, I'm afraid you will be chased by the eclosion gate. It's not a good deal to do this business! "

Monk Linghui said, "but you know, there are a lot of talented young people going to pay homage to mingyuexian this time! Daoyou, don't take the opportunity to gain some benefits and improve your strength. After a long time in the Moon Palace of the moon immortal, will you be sure to press all the young talents to get the gift of the moon immortal? "

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "I'm not sure."

"Wealth is in danger." Monk Linghui said, "Daoyou, we should have wolf nature. This is the law of the monastic world. If we are not cruel, we will be killed. "

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