Chen Yang fished a lot of good things in the treasure Pavilion of yuhuamen this time, including many top-grade pills. Yuhuamen is one of the best schools in Tianzhou. There are countless vassals below, of which the accumulation is needless to say.

However, at this time, Chen Yang did not dare to act rashly.

In the seeds of xuanhuang holy Valley, Linghui monk constantly absorbs the gas of chaos, which is the most pure and primitive gas in the world and can nourish all things. Unfortunately, it can't be used to moisten human body or animals.

Fortunately, Linghui monk does not belong to human body or animal.

The air of chaos in the seeds of xuanhuang Valley is endless, cyclic and endless.

About two hours later, monk Linghui jumped out of the seeds of xuanhuang valley. He quickly grew into a sapling in front of Chen Yang. The sapling is one meter high and has many branches and leaves. What's more, a flower suddenly bloomed on the branch. The flower was in bud first, then in full bloom. In the middle of the stamen bear a fruit. The fruit is bright red, first green, then red, and finally grow to the size of strawberry.

"What is this?" Chen Yang can't help calling himself strange.

The top of the sapling showed the outline of the wise monk. He said, "this is the fruit of chaos that the poor monk grows after absorbing the Qi of chaos. It breeds infinite nutrition. Its effect is ten times stronger than Tianzhou's Shendan. But it's a pity that even if I absorb the Qi of chaos every day, I can only breed one in a month. "

"So powerful?" Chen Yang said: "the effect of one pill is comparable to that of ten pills, which is unthinkable."

The Linghui monk said, "the God pill is man-made. How can it be compared with the thing made by the poor monk on this day. Originally, it was difficult for all the physical objects to enjoy the chaotic Qi. Because chaotic Qi is the purest thing, it will produce a change when it comes into contact with the saliva of human beings and animals. But the poor monk solved this problem by taking advantage of the great luoxianteng to absorb nutrition and then blossom and bear fruit. The seeds of Daluo xianteng and xuanhuang Shengu are made in heaven and earth! "

Chen Yang said, "that's great. With this fruit of chaos, I will be able to cultivate pills in the future. "

Monk Linghui said: "chaos fruit is really powerful, and it has less impurities than Shendan. It will reduce the side effects of the pill. This is a difference between taking medicine to keep fit and taking fruit to keep fit. But Daoyou, when you get to shichongtian, you will find that the power of pill provided by chaos fruit is not enough. You need more power savings. From jiuchongtian to shichongtian, there are huge obstacles. What we need is not only pills, but also more experience and accumulation. "

Chen Yang said: "I understand what you said. The accumulation and experience of some top ten or nine heaven masters I know are beyond words. It's also scary. I have a long way to go

After collecting the chaos fruit, Chen Yang put it in a box for collection.

"Daoyou!" Monk Linghui sighed and said, "chaos fruit is a treasure, but not a pill! You put it in a box It's going to be bad. "

Chen Yang said, "will it be bad? What can we do? I'm afraid that if my aura leaks out, it will lead to the enemy! "

Linghui monk said: "you can put it in the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu. There is a dense air of chaos in it. It will never be bad."

"It makes sense!" Chen Yang patted his head and thought he was stupid!

"However, you say you can grow a chaos fruit in a month. How can you get one in only two hours?" Chen Yang asked curiously.

Monk Linghui said, "that's because the best spirit liquid in Daluo fairy vine still exists, but it takes a month to recover after using this original spirit liquid once. Otherwise, it will hurt the root of Daluo xianteng. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

In the end, Chen Yang said, "it's not the only way for us to be trapped here all the time. After all, my time is limited. Moreover, there are only twenty-three days to go before the birthday of Mingyue xianzun. "

Linghui monk said: "the situation is really difficult. Let's go to Cangzhen Pavilion and steal the star shuttle. This is the old face of eclosion, they will not give up. It's not surprising that it's been a forest blockade for two months. They can afford it, but we can't

Chen Yang said: "moreover, there are many experts in eclosion. If there is a master to find out us, it will be even worse. I think it's better to run away sooner rather than later. "

Linghui monk said: "the main problem is Lin Jin. Now Lin Jin has a problem. There are so many experts in eclosion gate, they can't find it. I'm afraid they'll find clues through Lin Jin and find them. "

Chen Yang said, "we need to break through as soon as possible."

Monk Linghui said, "well, Taoist friend, I am a spirit of wood. It's a natural barrier in this forest. Taoist friend, you hide in jiexumi. I will take you away quietly. If the enemy is found, the poor monk will turn into a big tree. "

Chen Yang said, "well, this is the only way now."At the moment, Linghui monk left jiexumi. He has a way to grow a tentacle first, and then grow infinitely.

Linghui monk's speed is very fast, his center of gravity is in the tentacle head. Once the enemy situation is discovered, it can shrink instantly.

Eclosion gate boasts a hundred thousand mountains. It's difficult to leave the forest quickly.

And after a night, Linghui monk found that there was a border guard ten miles ahead. There will be disciples guarding at a distance ahead.

The eclosion gate obviously attaches great importance to this event.

Linghui monk shrinks to jiexumi to discuss with Chen Yang.

"I can't really see the border monk. If it's easy to rush out, it's OK. But if there's something strange in it and we're trapped, we'll be very passive. " Linghui monk said.

"But we have to try," Chen said

Linghui monk said, "OK." He paused and said: "after breaking through this barrier, there is the tide formation of eclosion gate. It's at least 300 miles away from the tidal array. If we fly, we can get to the tidal array in 20 minutes. But once flying, it's very easy to be found

Chen Yang pondered.

This matter is obviously very difficult. It seems that it is still calm at the moment, but if there is any mistake, it will lead to immediate disaster.

On the eclosion platform of eclosion gate, the golden light is dim and the clouds are shrouded. And the inner hall, wide and boundless, with many Feixian stone carvings carved on the walls, seems to describe the ancient world.

At the top of the main hall, there is a picture of Xiao Ling's emergence.

In the main hall of the eclosion gate, there is a fairyland atmosphere of Yunding heavenly palace.

At this time, in the main hall, Xiao Yi, the Supreme Master of Zhang Jiao, was dressed in a black robe, and his eyes were cold.

Below Xiao Yi, there are 38 floating Xuanjin chairs, of which 28 are occupied, and the remaining 10 are vacant. Among those seated, there were men and women. Sitting on the front porch chair are two elders. They are the supreme elders of the eclosion gate. They are elder Xiao Hua and elder Lingli. The next one is the owner of the thirty-six peaks. Except for those who are closed or traveling, the rest have already come.

In the eclosion gate, there is also a deputy head teacher. The deputy leader didn't come because he practiced in the depth of time and space of eclosion gate. The cultivation of this deputy leader's sect has reached a virtual fairyland. His cultivation is only one level lower than Xiao Yi's.

This pair of Zhang Jiao is always practicing hard. After a certain period of time, he can compete with Xiao Yi. As long as you win Xiao Yi, you can be a new leader.

In the internal regulations of eclosion gate, the supreme leader can be changed through this promotion challenge mechanism. In doing so, one is to make the supreme leader dare not slack off. Second, if there is something wrong with the supreme leader, the foundation of eclosion will not be affected.

The strength of eclosion gate should not be underestimated.

As for Xiao Yi's attack on Dakang before, he didn't bring the sect's deputy leader or the supreme elder, and these peak leaders. That's because he's been working with the protoss on several occasions. This is a big taboo of the sect. He can only act with his confidants.

At this time, Shen Xinghua and Lin Jin stood in the center of the hall, reporting the whole story of the treasure Pavilion event to Xiao Yi.

When it came out, there was a big uproar.

Soon another elder came.

The elder is called xuanyuanqing. Xuanyuanqing came forward and said, "I have checked the treasure Pavilion. A total of 100 Shendan and 1000 Tiandan were lost. There are thirty-six original skills lost in the counting of magic power formula. In terms of magic weapons, there are 160 immortal swords. There are 36 pure Yang golden knives, one jade gourd, 81 soul eating needles, one death bell, and the fragments of star shuttle have been lost! In addition, there are three dragon grain steel soul stones. "

"That's ridiculous!" Elder Xiao Hua is furious.

These losses sound like heartache.

Although eclosion is a big business, it may not be a big thing. But the daily consumption of eclosion gate is also very important. How many disciples can these things benefit!

Xiao Yi's face was gloomy.

Suddenly he said, "is the shuttle lost?"

Everyone was stunned.

"It's nothing to lose the shuttle. It's just debris, and it's useless. " Sky lonely peak chief Sima lie said.

Xiao Yi said coldly, "the star shuttle is lost. I'm afraid it's the most important thing for us."

"How do you say that?" When everyone was stunned, Xiao Hua asked Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi said coldly, "don't you forget that the traitor Mingyue has passed the customs now, and her 1000th birthday will be held soon. At this time, the shuttle is lost again. Is it really just a coincidence? "

After hearing this, they finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

Elder Lingli pondered and said: "is the supreme suspect that the thief came here mainly for the star shuttle?"

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