"These 100 sacred pills and 1000 heavenly pills, ha ha, if I take them all..."

"It'll explode at once." Huiyou said, "it's not so easy to develop Lingyou's cells. Besides, if you want to grow up, you have to eat every day. There is absolutely no reason to be fat with a meal. In the process of brain cell evolution, your experience and experience are still accumulated. Once you don't keep up with it, it's possible for you to have a lot of demons in your heart, a strong magnetic field in your brain, go crazy and burn your brain. It's impossible for a master to pile up the pills. "

Chen Yang said, "well, well, I still understand that. I'm just talking about it. "

Linghui monk also began to check the spoils, he said: "these swords are of good quality, but you can't use them. But you can keep it for future trading. And this pure Yang gold knife is also very good. When you learn the great phagocytosis, it's wonderful. As well as these dragon steel, you have to wait for you to learn big phagocytosis, in order to play its role. As for these soul eating needles, the death knell, the blood demon God of Youming flag and the black demon God complement each other. Unfortunately, you don't know how to refine weapons, so you can't put these things into the Youming flag. "

"The art of refining utensils?" Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

Linghui monk said: "there are magic powers in array arrangement and weapon refining. These many magic weapons are not made by the senior. To a certain extent, it is necessary to arrange arrays and refine weapons. Many of the magic tools handed down by experts contain their wisdom and spirit. "

Chen Yang is thoughtful.

He thought of his own emperor's mirror, Emperor's sword and so on. These two magic weapons are engraved with the spirit of the emperor. These magic weapons have such power in their own hands. If they were used in the hands of the emperor's predecessors, it would be even more unthinkable.

"I do have some magic weapons, but I still don't have one of my own. I have a long way to go Chen Yang thought.

Linghui monk said: "poor monk, come to see if there are any good things in these supernatural powers from eclosion gate."

Chen Yang's heart moved, so he and monk Linghui came to see the secret collection.

In the past, Chen Yang's idea was very simple. He thought that if he had magic power, he didn't need any magic power. But now it seems that he was wrong. Because a lot of supernatural powers need a kind of source to activate them. It's like being lost in the continent. People need to understand some elements before they can communicate with the power of the elements.

It's a magnet to hold other iron objects.

Only if it belongs to the real fire of the sun, can it mobilize the power of the real fire of the sun.

This is the source of the magic power!

These sources can be slowly transformed and cultivated through secret collection. It can also be that the predecessors left their seeds and passed on their fuel and fire.

Qiao Ning changes her genes by taking Lei Dan, so that she can refine the source of magic power and communicate the power of thunder. Chen Yang's essence of Disha is also through taking Disha pill, gradually changing the body's genes, condensing the origin of Disha magic power. Before Chen Yang, it was impossible to touch the essence of the evil spirit. But now, even if he falls into the sea of Disha essence, he will swim in the water like a fish, which is free.

Chen Yang looked at the secret collection of these magical powers, including burning heaven palm, fighting heaven leg, Rongtian finger, Zhentian Chui, Gaitian hand and killing heaven. There are also changhen fingering, northern prison big freezing magic boxing and so on. If these supernatural powers fall into the hands of ordinary people in the lower world, each of them can change their fate. But in Chen Yang's hands, none of them can play a big role.

Both of them have their limitations.

"The source of these powers, Daoyou, you can actually use them in this way." Linghui monk said.

"How to use it?" Chen Yang asked.

Linghui monk said: "it's really a bit miscellaneous for you to practice these powers. It's not good if the powers are too miscellaneous. But Daoyou, you have a big Heidan! This great Heidan is known as the Dharma phase of heaven and earth, including all things. You can use your great Heidan to absorb these powers. At that time, you can use the big black elixir, and you will be able to change a lot

"It makes sense!" Chen Yang's eyes brightened.

"Why, what is this?" Chen Yang sees another secret collection at the same time. There are several big characters on the secret collection. "Secret collection of heaven!"

Monk Linghui's eyes were on the secret collection of heaven, and he was excited immediately. "Ha ha, Daoyou, we are so lucky. It's really drowsy, so someone put on a pillow. This secret collection of heaven is the secret collection of refining weapons and array! With this secret collection, you can use the soul eating needle, the death bell, many pills, and collect the ghost Qi to strengthen the ghost flag. "

Chen Yang was also excited and said, "is it so amazing?"

Linghui monk said, "you can see, Daoyou."

Chen Yang immediately picked up the secret collection and began to read it. In the secret collection of heaven, it is true that it records all kinds of skills of refining utensils, and expounds the mystery of heaven and earth. In this secret collection, there are profound meanings, supreme principles and rules. There are also many difficult and abstruse arrays. And some ways to make space.Chen Yang combines the knowledge of parallel world and has a deep research on Quantum Science, relativity and evolution. In addition, Chen Yang learned all kinds of difficult equations and atomic theory.

Chen Yang knew about array before, but he lacked a systematic research and knowledge accumulation. In the parallel world, this regret is completely made up.

The secrets of the heavens are profound and difficult to understand. If you show them to modern people, they are just like a Book of heaven. Without the accumulation of modern knowledge, it would be difficult to understand the magic of the secret collection of heaven just by the knowledge of Tianzhou.

This secret collection of heaven is a rare book. Unfortunately, few people in the eclosion gate know the value of this book. Those bigwigs didn't understand the secret collection of heaven. However, Chen Yang was infatuated with it.

"Refining, refining, so it is, so it is!" Chen Yang clapped his thighs several times.

Linghui monk also watched, but he also understood. Today's Linghui monk, although the cultivation of mana is greatly reduced. But his wisdom did not disappear.

Monk Linghui said: "Daoyou, although this weapon refining technique is magical, it's a pity that we don't have pure Yang fire to refine the weapon array. Otherwise, our strength can be greatly improved. At present, I have to follow the refining method in this secret collection to refine the soul eating needle, the death knell, the spirit of the nether world and the spirit of the stars into the netherworld flag. In this way, the power of Youming flag can be improved. "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "it's up to you to do this. Then I'll set up an array in the Youming flag to let these blood demons, dark demons and other Youming ghosts attack according to the array."

Linghui monk said: "now the poor monk is moistened by xuanhuang Shengu seeds, and his body has no scruples. Even in the Youming flag, it can also be integrated. Well, Taoist friend, your Youming flag is short of spirit, so I will take Da Luo xianteng in. When you fight in wartime, I can also help you. If there is a need, the poor monk can come out alone to meet the enemy. "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "that's all. Take these things in. After you refine the stars and the nether world, I'll set up the array. "

Linghui monk said: "good!"

Monk Linghui began to act.

After thinking about it, Chen Yang first takes out the chaos fruit and devours it.

He also needs to improve his mana.

The power of chaos fruit is already very powerful, and Chen Yang does not dare to take it casually. Although there are a lot of pills at the moment, people will die if they eat too much.

A chaos fruit into the throat, immediately into a sweet air stream, moisten Chen Yang's body up and down.

Chen Yang felt that the whole body was full of Qi.

Chen Yang's body cells are complete and unable to absorb these air currents. Then, naturally, the airflow rushes into the brain. The development of the human body, food first into the throat, through the digestion of the spleen and stomach, turbid gas sink, Qingqi moisten the whole body, as well as the development of the brain. This is a process of normal people, normal human body cells, there will never be all development. If all the real human cells are developed, then the power of this person is extremely terrifying.

When the human body cells are not fully developed, the cells in the brain are even less likely to follow the development.

This is the shackles of the human body.

Ordinary people can't escape this curse.

The difference of immortals is that they can break the magic spell and let the body cells develop completely. After that, Qingqi finally rose to the brain domain, and the brain domain began to develop again.

The development of this brain cell promotes not intelligence, but mental power.

The more brain cells are developed, the better the spirit will be. To a certain extent, mental power will become mana.

In this way, the door of cultivating immortals was opened. After the Qi of chaos fruit rushes into Chen Yang's brain, Chen Yang's mana magnetic field quickly absorbs the Qi. This Qingqi is really strong, like the water of the Yellow River.

Wave after wave of waves towards Chen Yang's brain.

The impact is extremely strong. Chen Yang must use his mana to digest and resist the impact. Chen Yang also realized that the elixir was too strong, which was also a test of metamorphosis for the cultivators. A carelessness is the end of being possessed!

Chen Yang has been running all day and all night.

After a day and a night, Chen Yang's brain finally calmed down.

Chen Yang's cultivation reached the middle of jiuchongtian.

Hundreds of millions of brain cells have been developed! Mana doubled!

It's hard to imagine Chen Yang's powerful magic power now. From the peak of qichongtian when entering Tianzhou, millions of brain cells have been developed. Up to now, Chen Yang has made great progress.

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