All are seated.

After that, the core disciples of the 18th Hall Presented birthday gifts to Mingyue xianzun.

There is a ceremony official beside to sing the ceremony.

"If the Lord of the Li Tian Temple presents the source of the great moving skill to the immortal."

The VIPs below made a lot of noise.

"It's not easy for Li Tian Ruo Daoyou to find a magic power of big move and offer it to xianzun."

"That's not true. Big move is the top magic power in the three thousand Avenue."

"Three thousand Avenue, with a magic power, as long as you practice to the extreme, you can set up a school. If you leave heaven, you really have a heart for xianzun. "

"Mingyue palace is really grand. It's said that xianzun's great phagocytosis is unparalleled in the world. But this time, it has differentiated the source of the magic power of the great phagocytosis as a color head."

Chen Yang listened to the comments around him, he understood the source of the great phagocytosis. This great phagocytosis was originally the Taoist art of the moon immortal. But she can separate a seed from her original strength. In this way, other people can also refine the great phagocytosis.

However, Daoism also stresses Qi Yun. A Taoist art, two people practice, then these two people may exist for the possibility of Qi. Therefore, even if the master teaches his disciples, they usually don't teach the same Daoism. However, after master's death, he will leave this seed power to his disciples or posterity.

This is also the reason why Chen Yihan never practiced Taiyi Xuanjin Sutra.

"But why does the moon immortal have to separate the source of the power of the great phagocytosis? Isn't this for someone else to fight for her luck? " Chen Yang doesn't understand. He shook his head and decided not to think much. People like Mingyue xianzun have their own reasons for doing anything. But this truth may not be understood by outsiders.

All the temple owners and their disciples and grandchildren gave birthday gifts to the moon immortal.

Mingyue xianzun smiles and tries his best to help his disciples. Sometimes he will send out divine light to sort out their magic powers.

After the disciples finished offering birthday gifts, the official continued: "all the guests present birthday gifts!"

So, depending on the front and back of the seats, the guests presented birthday gifts one by one.

Many guests also presented all kinds of treasures. The moon offers Vajra and Ruyi. This Vajra jade Ruyi is not a particularly powerful magic weapon, but the Vajra quality in it is a good medicine, which is very helpful to the cultivation, and it can be regarded as intentional.

After that, Chen Yang.

"Lin Qianshan, the life taking scholar, presents to the immortal Star shuttle The singing ceremony official was stunned for a while, and then he sang it out.

Chen Yang comes to Mingyue xianzun and presents the fragments of the star shuttle.

When Chen Yang stands in front of Mingyue xianzun, he feels a pure fragrance from Mingyue xianzun. This kind of breath, pure Yang with refreshing taste.

"Even purple clothes don't smell like this. People say that if one person gets the right way, the dog and the rooster will rise to heaven. I'm afraid that if ordinary people stay with him for a long time, they will be able to break away from his wisdom and get cultivation. " Chen Yang whispered.

The moon immortal looks like jade, and a pair of eyes seem to penetrate everything in the world.

In front of Mingyue xianzun, Chen Yang did not dare to see Mingyue xianzun's eyes.

Mingyue xianzun always smiles. When Chen Yang's star shuttle comes out, her face suddenly changes. There was an extremely complicated look in her eyes.

Li tianruo hasn't seen xianzun all the time, so naturally he can't pass the news to Mingyue xianzun.

At that moment, the following guests, including the disciples of Mingyue palace, were boiling.

Nowadays, the star shuttle is not a particularly powerful magic weapon, especially Chen Yang's offering is just fragments. But when you come to the birthday of Mingyue xianzun, how can you not know what the meaning of the star shuttle is.

What happened in those days is not a secret.

"Yuhuamen forced xianzun away for the sake of the star shuttle. It's a shame that xianzun has achieved such accomplishments now! "

Some people are talking about it.

"Ha ha, that's not true. I don't know the origin of this deadly scholar. He can find the star shuttle in the eclosion gate and offer it to the immortal. This is the face of the eclosion door

"It seems that the eclosion gate is gradually declining. In those days, it was a trick to force xianzun away. Now people have to go to their mansion and take away all the star shuttles. "

"This shows that xianzun is powerful and prosperous all over the world. In order to please xianzun, it doesn't matter to offend the eclosion gate."

"It seems that the wind is changing!"

At this moment, the reputation of eclosion gate can be said to be a very serious blow.


This is the face eclosion gate of chiguoguo.

Mingyue xianzun didn't speak. As soon as she waved, she took the star shuttle into her hand.

In the scene, it soon quieted down. All the people were staring at the moon god on the throne.

At this moment, Mingyue xianzun took the star shuttle, and many past events were recalled in her mind.Chen Yang plucked up his courage and looked at Mingyue xianzun.

It seems that the moon immortal at this time has a trace of human breath.

"Good, good!" After a long time, Mingyue xianzun took the shuttle, looked at Chen Yang and said, "what's your name?"

Chen Yang said, "I've met master xianzun in Qianshan, Lin!"

"You sent me this shuttle, and I like it very much. This is the best present I've received for my thousand birthday today. " Then Mingyue xianzun said, "your life span How come there are only three months left? "

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly. He said, "report back to xianzun. I met a strong enemy before and nearly died. During the crisis, he used a method of burning life, which is why he has become like this. "

Mingyue xianzun said, "your situation is not rare. Since you have given me such a big gift, I will try my best to prolong your life. You come to see me after the birthday party. "

"Thank you, immortal!" Chen Yang said.

Then Chen Yang retreated.

Just then, there was a sudden change in the sky.

The white clouds rolled and a voice appeared.

"Mingyue, today is your 1000th birthday. I am very glad to see that you have made such achievements."

"My God, who is this man? How dare you call xianzun an apprentice

"Is it Xiao Yuanshan, the fourth leader of the eclosion sect, 800 years ago?"

"According to legend, the leader of the eclosion sect has been in office for a hundred years. After a hundred years, he will retire and continue to practice in the depth of time and space. It turns out that Xiao Yuanshan never died. "

"Only those who are in charge of the sect will be given the surname Xiao. Mingyue xianzun was also a disciple of Xiao Yuanshan. If that doesn't happen, maybe xianzun is the leader of the eclosion sect. "

"What's good about being the leader of eclosion gate? Now Mingyue palace is stronger than eclosion gate."

"It seems that Xiao Yuanshan came here today because of the star shuttle. He came here to get back his face."

There was a lot of discussion.

But Xiao Yuanshan never appeared.

The bright moon immortal's eyes flashed a fierce color. She looked at the white clouds in the sky and said with a sneer, "Xiao Yuanshan, how dare you come here to have a wild life."

Xiao Yuanshan snorted coldly, and he said, "Xiao Mingyue, the star shuttle can be given to you, but the thief named Lin Qianshan must be brought back by me."

"It depends on whether you have the ability." The Moon Fairy said.

"It seems that you don't hesitate to split your face with the eclosion gate?" Xiao Yuanshan said.

"It seems that there has never been friendship between us," said Mingyue xianzun

"Good, good, good!" said Xiao Yuanshan After a pause, he said: "today, I am here to issue the supreme order of the eclosion gate to the deadly scholar Lin Qianshan. This order has spread all over the world, but someone who can lift the head of a thousand mountains has come to our eclosion gate to enjoy thousands of elixirs, three kinds of original supernatural powers of three thousand roads, and one of the six magic wheels of creation. "

"What a big hand!" Many guests could not help but marvel.

"Such a big hand can be regarded as a mortal who can ascend to heaven at one step. The eclosion gate is really moving this time! "

"Hey, hey, let's make a good plan. Lin Qianshan is just the middle cultivation of jiuchongtian. When we get out of Mingyue palace, let's kill him to get a reward."

"Ha ha, good idea!"

"Shh, keep it down."

At this time, there are many unkind eyes on Chen Yang.

After Xiao Yuanshan finished, he saw that in the white clouds, many charms floated in the air, but they really spread to the sky.

The order was issued by the supreme order of the Supreme Lord Xiao Yuanshan and took effect immediately.

Chen Yang touched his nose and said to himself, "fortunately, I've hidden my identity. Otherwise, it's really hard to be good this time. But now monk Linghui is in a coma. If I want to change my identity again, it's hard to hide my breath. "

Chen Yang's breath is hidden, but now he also has his own breath. They locked him in, and it was hard for him to escape.

How could Chen Yang not know that Xiao Yuanshan's pursuit order was so highly rewarded that he was afraid that when he got out of Mingyue palace, the monks would rush to him.

Danger is all around!

At this time, Xiao Yuanshan said that he was ready to leave. Mingyue xianzun picked his eyebrows and said, "Xiao Yuanshan, since he has come, do you want to leave so easily?"

After she finished, she stood there and suddenly made a seal in her hand.

"All heaven and all world, listen to my command, flaming dragon!"

See bright Moon Fairy Zun's eyebrow center suddenly open, then shoot out a flame, fine awn rushed to the sky.

The flame essence instantly turned the whole sky into flame color.

It's like the sky is burning.

In this sea of flames, ten thousand fire dragons appear and roar in the air. Each fire dragon is thousands of feet long, and all over the sky, there are fire dragons.Rolling dragon interest, overwhelming, earth shaking!

"The magic power of Mingyue xianzun is so terrible?" All the monks were shocked.

Chen Yang also can't help losing face. "Supernatural power, supernatural power, it turns out that this is supernatural power. Once you do it, the sky will fall apart, which is more terrible than natural disaster."

Ten thousand heavenly dragons roared and attacked Xiao Yuanshan in the white clouds.

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