There was a great commotion under the stage. Fortunately, Chen Yang went to get the star shuttle. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not be allowed to go up to capture the great phagocytosis and the fragments of creation in my own identity this time.

Although xianzun is generous, he is not stupid. I'm not willing to let some people with bad intentions fish in troubled waters.

Soon, someone will be on the stage. A shadow of people flew to the challenge arena.

Looking up at the elder brother Chen Ziyang, he looked like a young man. His cultivation is the peak of jiuchongtian!

The master at the top of jiuchongtian is basically the king fighting for the pieces of nature. Because people in shichongtian can't participate in it. When it comes to shichongtian, it's the great elder. It's not very good-looking for face when the elder comes to compete with the younger generation.

The eunuch immediately sang, "this is situ Nan, the first disciple of the leader of yuxu sword sect. Is there a hero who is willing to compete with him?"

Soon, a figure flashed across the stage.

The figure came on stage and said, "in xiahai, there is a man named Salmonella yuan. Please give me some advice!"

Yuanyi Taoist is the middle cultivation of jiuchongtian. It looks like he is in his forties. It's nothing new to go up and teach in the middle of the Ninth Heaven. The cultivation gap between jiuchongtian is not so big. In the middle of jiuchongtian, if the technique is advanced and the magic weapon is powerful, it may not be the opponent of jiuchongtian's peak.

"Please Situ Nan immediately hugged his fist and said.

At the same time, with a wave of his hand, Mingyue xianzun laid a border on the challenge arena. The purpose of this border is to prevent the two sides from fighting too fiercely and causing too much damage in the end.

The original intention of Mingyue xianzun is to boost the fun, but I don't want someone to destroy Mingyue palace. That's bad for the mood, too.

The fighting on the stage soon unfolded.

But Chen Yang didn't pay attention to the stage, because at this time, the crowd under the stage had moved, everyone was closer, and not all of them were sitting on the seats. When Chen Yang walks around at this time, he won't attract people's attention. He came quietly behind Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning did not know Chen Yang because Chen Yang's breath was concealed and his face was covered with a macromolecule mask. Otherwise, when Chen Yang goes to present, Qiao Ning can be so calm there.

Qiao Ning is very serious in the stands, but she doesn't realize that Chen Yang is behind her.

There are many people at the scene, who will be in charge next to them. However, several friars accosted Qiao Ning, saying that they wanted to be close, but Qiao Ning didn't care.

"Qiao Ning, Daoyou." Chen Yang came forward and said with a smile.

Qiao Ning is slightly stunned. She looks at Chen Yang, but she has some doubts. "You are Lin Qianshan, the life taking scholar who offered the star shuttle to the immortal

"It's just me." Chen Yang said.

Qiao Ning nodded and said directly, "what can I do for you?"

Chen Yang said, "can't you be close to Taoist friends if you have nothing to do? I've been looking for Taoist friends. Are you interested? "

"No interest!" Qiao Ning said coldly.

"Why do Taoist friends refuse people thousands of miles away?" Chen Yang cheekily said.

There was a friar nearby and said, "Friends of Qianshan Taoist school, several friends of Qianshan Taoist school have come to eat and shut the door. I think you'd better forget it. The silver shark king is a demon immortal. His cultivation has reached its peak. How can ordinary people deserve it? "

Qiao Ning is going to go away.

Chen Yang grabbed Qiao Ning's arm and said, "Daoyou, let's have a chat again." He used the original voice in this sentence.

Qiao Ning was very angry, ready to open Chen Yang's hand. However, after hearing Chen Yang's voice, she immediately became very delicate and shocked.

"You..." Said Qiao Ning.

Chen Yang immediately winked.

Qiao Ning is also a wise man. He immediately knows that since Chen Yang has changed his appearance, there must be a reason.

However, she certainly can't open Chen Yang's hand.

Chen Yang embraces Qiao Ning's waist and says, "right, Taoist friend, if you talk more, you'll get closer."

Qiao Ning takes a look at Chen Yang, but doesn't push him away.

The friars next to him were stunned.

"It's all right. Chiyama Daoyou is really powerful!"

"Oh, if I had known that silver shark king was such a good match, I would have had the courage to have a hug!"

"Who said no, but we are afraid of her turning over! It's not a joke that she has the power of thunder. "

This is the voice of the monks after Chen Yang left with Qiao Ning in his arms.

When he reached a secluded place, Qiao Ning opened Chen Yang's hand and said, "can you let it go?"

Chen Yang let go.

"Why are you here?" They then asked in unison.

Chen Yang did not answer, Qiao Ning said: "also, you are too bold to steal the star shuttle. Now the eclosion gate has issued the highest order to pursue you. How can you live a better life in the future? "Chen Yang said with a smile, "what are you afraid of? They are after Lin Qianshan, but I'm not Lin Qianshan."

Qiao Ning said: "they may not be able to find out your real body." After a pause, she thought of something and said in horror, "besides, how can you only have three months to live? What the hell are you doing?"

As soon as Qiao Ning thought of this, he was full of anxiety and tears in his eyes.

Chen Yang could feel Qiao Ning's real concern. He sighed and said, "it's hard to say. When I came here, I met Chen Tianya. He recognized me at a glance, and then he wanted to kill me... "

"Ah?" Qiao Ning was shocked. Although Chen Yang is now safely standing in front of her, she is worried to the extreme when she thinks of the danger.

"What happened then? Why do you lose so many years of your life instead of being OK? I think your cultivation is already in the middle of the Ninth Heaven, at least two thousand years old. " Said Qiao Ning.

Chen Yang said, "after I was separated from you, I practiced a magic power called little fatalism. This magic power is very special. Its power is different from any other power. Chen Tianya's accomplishments exceed me too much. In front of him, I have no power to fight back. Finally, I cast the little fatalism, which communicated with the forces of the void, but at the same time burned my life. It's also my destiny. If Chen Tianya insists on a little more time, I can't even keep the last three months. You can't see me again. "

"You are the king of destiny. You will be fine." Qiao Ning said: "xianzun has great powers. She must have a way to help you prolong your life."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I'm not too worried. In three months, I can always find a way. But today, I have an important thing to do

Qiao Ning was slightly stunned, and then said, "do you want to capture the fragments of creation and the great phagocytosis?"

Chen Yang said: "yes, after I enter the hall of stars, I will work for the star master. If the task fails, the consequences will be very serious. Now my task is to bring the fragments of nature back to the hall of stars. As for the great phagocytosis, it's my own. "

Qiao Ning nodded and said, "I'll do my best to help you win."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "good!"

Between him and Qiao Ning, naturally, there is no need to say thank you.

A lot of words, everything is in silence.

Two people's eyes on the stage, at the same time, two people began to communicate with ideas.

"You haven't said, how did you come here?" Chen Yang asked.

Qiao Ning said: "after leaving the lost continent, I went to the world. I stayed there for a period of time. Although it is very comfortable in the world, it seems that that kind of comfort is not suitable for me. After that, I went back to Tianzhou. "

Chen Yang said, "how did you get here?"

Qiao Ning said: "although the teleportation array in West Kunlun was destroyed, don't forget that Tianchi Pavilion still has a teleportation array in Daxinganling. I came from there

"So it is," Chen Yang said

Qiao Ning said: "I have only now realized what it means to stay at home. There are many beautiful things in the world, but I can't forget this Tianzhou full of disputes and hatred. It's only here that I feel good! "

Chen Yang said: "I miss the whole world. If possible, I wish it was me. Not me now. "

Qiao Ning said: "you are the king of destiny, doomed to be helpless."

Between the two people talking, the stage has changed.

Situ Nan practised Yuanji Yin Yang Sword, holding a magic weapon to chop the sky sword. It was like God blocking and killing God, and Buddha blocking and killing Buddha. The Yuan Dynasty was defeated by situ Nan without two faces.

Then several people went up and were defeated by situ Nan one by one.

"Is there anyone else coming up?" At this time, situ Nan was superior to the others.

There was silence under the stage.

His fierce methods have chilled the courage of many monks.

"I'll meet him!" Said Qiao Ning.

Chen Yang said, "be careful."

Qiao Ning said, "don't worry!"

The next second, Qiao Ning has appeared in the challenge arena.

The border was quickly repainted.

"Silver shark King vs. stunnan!" The official singing ceremony.

There was a lot of discussion on the stage, and they all thought there was a good play to watch.

"Silver shark king is one of the four demon immortals. His thunder magic power is extremely terrifying. This time, situ Nan met a strong enemy."

"But situ nannai is a novel show. His Yuanji Yin Yang Sword is really powerful, and the sky chopping sword is the supreme magic weapon, which has the spirit. I'm afraid that King silver shark may not be his opponent. "

"You can't say that. Silver shark king has been famous for a long time. It's not so easy to be defeated."

Chen Yang listened to the comments from the audience. He didn't think too much, just thinking, if Qiao Ning can't clean up situ Nan, can he go up by himself?It seems that situ Nan's accomplishments and means are more powerful than those of nasubai and cangyunsou.

"No matter what, I have no way out. I will take situ Nan anyway." Chen Yang said in secret.

At this time, the voice of monk Linghui came from Chen Yang's xuanhuang Valley seed.

"Amitabha, I fell asleep so soundly

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