Bright Moon Fairy Zun light a smile, way: "you say."

Chen Yang said: "as far as I know, master has always been reluctant to teach his disciples the same Taoist skills. Because every Taoist art has its origin and qi movement. But you don't seem to care about these things. You are willing to give them away, whether it's your all heaven and ten thousand dragons refining skill, or big phagocytosis skill, big moving skill. Why is that? "

Mingyue xianzun said: "there is such a saying, but it is also very narrow. How big is Qi Yun? Just a few people can finish it? For those who practice Taoism, the pattern should be larger. I also taught the great phagocytosis to tianruo and the world of mortals. They didn't affect me either. Everyone and every Taoist art has its fate. When it comes to fate, acceptance means that you don't have to think too much about other things. If I have no fate with heaven, she hasn't practiced all the time. She has her own Taoist art

Chen Yang suddenly realized, he said: "the pattern of xianzun is so big that I admire it. It's no wonder that Mingyue palace is a rising star, but in a few hundred years, it has developed to the point where it can compete with the eclosion sect and yuntianzong sect. "

Mingyue xianzun said, "well, I'll give you the magic power seed of big move."

"Thank you, master!" Chen Yang said.

Then, with a wave of his hand, a wisp of light flashed into Chen Yang's brain.

Chen Yang's brain area immediately has the magic power source of the big move technique.

Mingyue xianzun said, "you are in a lot of trouble now. If there is no emergency, you can stay in Mingyue palace for a few more days. When you're leaving, I'll give you a ride. As for your future, it's up to you to go by yourself. It's all up to you, too. "

"Thank you, immortal!" Chen Yang thanks again and again.

Then, Mingyue xianzun waved his hand and let Chen Yang go down.

After Chen Yang goes down, he joins Qiao Ning.

Chen Yang is not in a hurry to go, he said to Qiao Ning: "I still have some magic powers to sort out. I want to stay here for a few days."

Qiao Ning said: "that's just right. I also need to concentrate on cultivation."

Chen Yang then said with emotion, "Qiao Ning, I had a talk with xianzun today, and I gained a lot. In our world, the older generation of martial artists, or other artists, like to hide their secrets. I'm afraid I taught my apprentice and starved my master. This kind of habit is even more terrifying in the religious world. It's a kind of Taoist art. I don't want to pass it on to a second person. I'm afraid it's bad luck. As xianzun said, how great is Qi Yun? Just a few people can share it. "

Qiao Ning thought deeply, she said: "xianzun taught some magic powers without any privacy, which I really admire. The reason why Mingyue palace has developed so fast and has so many disciples is inseparable from the atmosphere of xianzun. "

"So, I want to teach you the big phagocytosis, the big migration and my little fatalism," Chen said

Qiao Ning was surprised. "This..."

Chen Yang said: "you just said xianzun is grand. How come you are here? You can't think of it?"

Qiao Ning couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "I'm nothing else. It's just that you give me everything all of a sudden, which makes me feel like you're giving me your last words."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "you think too much."

"All right," said Qiao Ning

At present, Chen Yang teaches Qiao Ning the big phagocytosis, the big moving and the small fatalism. At the same time, he gave Qiao Ning the seeds of the golden light talisman of Da Lei Yin Pudu.

Qiao Ning then went back to understand.

Chen Yang himself began to understand and practice.

He practiced the great migration first, and the seeds of the great migration became bigger and bigger in his mind.

Of course, it's a big idea of imagination. Just as the brain is a universe, the seeds of great migration contain infinite space-time and space rules.

The light has the seed, but not necessarily can cultivate the method.

Chen Yang needs to nourish himself with magic power, and fully understand the rules, spirit and rules, as well as all kinds of hard to crack procedures and the use of some incantations.

It's a very complicated process.

Chen Yang gradually realized that the rule of big move is to crack the surrounding space and tear the space at the same time. There are too many laws in its seeds.

At the same time, different mana cast big move has different effects. People like Mingyue xianzun can move eight thousand miles at a time. At present, Chen Yang can move more than 100 Li at most.

Moreover, the big move skill is bound by the master, and it can't be moved out.

But when you get to Mingyue xianzun, Mingyue xianzun will break the boundary, so you can move it out.

Chen Yang's talent is undoubtedly brilliant. Especially during his ten years in the Taiyu scepter, he understood a lot about the mystery of the universe. This time, he spent another 12 years in the parallel world. He made up for a lot of modern knowledge, which made him have a better understanding of magic.

Science, magic, martial arts, Taoism, physics and so on, all things can be unified in the end.The truth of the universe can be found in one's body.

Many cells of human beings, like the universe, are closely related to the universe.

From one person to the universe, the truth is the same.

Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching has written this truth for the first time, that is, life is two, life is two, life is three, and life is three. On the contrary, everything is equal to one!

In addition, when a sergeant hears the Tao, he will do it diligently; when a sergeant hears the Tao, he will live as if he were dead; when a corporal hears the Tao, he will laugh, but not laugh is not enough for the Tao.

Literally speaking, when the staff sergeant hears the word "Tao", he does it diligently, which means that the savvy people are deeply convinced and have no doubt about it. That's what it is, and they practice and use it diligently and persistently. When a sergeant hears the word "Tao", if he keeps it, if he forgets it ", it means that when people with low understanding hear about" Tao ", they sometimes put it in their heart, sometimes forget it without a trace, and believe it and doubt its existence. That is to say, they are half convinced and half doubted. They do not believe it completely and some believe it. They neither deny it nor doubt it.

The meaning of the sentence is that people who have no understanding at all will not stop laughing when they say "Tao". They think it is absurd and unreasonable. The reason why they laugh is that they show disdain and sneer and hold a completely negative attitude.

Because the theory of "Tao" is so profound that it is difficult to understand. If everyone can understand it so easily, it is not enough to be called "Tao". So "not laughing is not enough for Tao.". It's just the difference of age, culture, accomplishment, interest, hobby and understanding, and the difference of understanding of Tao. Not surprisingly, it's normal.

But from another understanding, the sergeant is three, the sergeant is two, and the law belongs to the corporal, the corporal is one.

Chen Yang also sprayed the magic power of big move on big Heidan.

At this time, his great Heidan had twelve kinds of magic powers.

Big Heidan is no longer pure big Heidan. It is colorful and has various colors.

The great Heidan is not only the Dharma phase of heaven and earth, but also Chen Yang himself, and also a kind of energy embodiment.

As for the great phagocytosis, the great phagocytosis is a kind of unification. Its mysterious laws, rules and power are a wonderful filtering mechanism.

All the power, through this wonderful source of power purification, and then for their own use.

The water in the sand can't be drunk, but it can be purified by the purifier.

Of course, big phagocytosis is not a purifier after all, its magical effect is much more powerful than purifier.

Chen Yang then began to clean up the old man's body. He thawed old man Biluo's body first, which made Chen Yang feel a little depressed. Although he had frozen old man Biluo's body, old man Biluo still lost a lot of vitality. The mana in his brain is almost gone.

And then the mana comes from the brain cells and dies.

Chen Yang called out Linghui monk.

Monk Linghui jumped to Chen Yang's head and said, "what can I do for you, Taoist friend?"

Chen Yang said: "how to do it?"

Monk Linghui said, "it's easy. Smash his body, and then his vitality and all kinds of messy information will start to dissipate. At this time, Taoist friends, you will use the big phagocytosis to devour all these messy things. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

So he immediately mobilized the power of the burning palm in the great Heidan.

A blue fire spewed out and quickly burned the old man's body to ashes. At the same time, Chen Yang felt a lot of vitality leaking out.

He immediately cast the great phagocytosis.

The great Heidan whirled, and the great phagocytosis turned into a red vortex. The myriad laws in this vortex work quickly, just like a highly functioning machine.

The red vortex quickly absorbs the vital energy and messy brain waves.

Then, Chen Yang felt that after the transformation of the great phagocytosis, those vitality turned into a pure vitality. He quickly absorbed it into the brain. Including many of the information, the origin of the supernatural power was absorbed by the great phagocytosis.

Chen Yang immediately learned something.

It is not that old man Biluo has no savings, but that his savings are hidden in his eyebrows.

In the center of the eyebrow, there are 100 divine pills and 5000 heavenly pills. In addition, there are other magic weapons, such as Xueyan Dao, chaos gourd, doomsday erysipelas, and the original power of Zhongzhou Zhentian seal. Chen Yang took photos one by one.

At the same time, he also found one thing, which is the treasure of Xuanguang cave.

Xuanguang Dongtian futu is composed of 33 pieces of Dongtian treasures. Later, it was scattered and exiled in the world.

In the hands of old man Biluo is the swallow tripod.

Chen Yang has come into contact with several treasures of the cave. Stealing heaven claw can be regarded as one, as well as batian Dao and mietian sword from Su Baicheng. Now there is the tripod swallowing heaven.

"These treasures have a great reputation, but they are not very powerful when they are scattered." Chen Yang was not too happy, so he put the swallow tripod into jiexumi.

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