At the same time, the God King in the flame also bears the same seal and recites the same mantra!

"Heaven and man learn from each other. I wish heaven and earth have no demons when I prove the way."

"Heaven and man learn from each other. When I prove the road, I wish everyone is like a dragon."

"Heaven and man learn from each other. When we prove the road, everything that we have or don't have will be Yongning."

"When heaven and man learn from each other, I will prove the road..."

Xiao Yuanshan, Xiao Jianyu and the Great Buddha made a wish together.

The seventeen layers of aperture behind the king merged into the void space, and the world power absorbed by void space began to change.

"Great wish!" The bright moon immortal is pale.

With the combination of their incantations and fingerprints, powerful golden wills burst into the sky.

These golden wishes are as vast as the sea of stars, surging into the field of Tianlong. In the field of Tianlong, countless time and space, the void began to collapse and explode.

Those dragons began to scream. They had no resistance to the golden power of the tsunami.

At this moment, the field of Tianlong was completely destroyed.

Then, the majestic golden wish came to Mingyue xianzun.

"It's a powerful grand wish, which has absorbed the power of the world with the cooperation of non phase space. The ambition is so strong that even great phagocytosis can't break it down. " The Moon Fairy frowned.

She knew that this was Xiao Yuanshan's real killing move.

Mingyue xianzun suddenly turns around. She knows that she can't resist any more. She must break through the void space. Only in this way can she have a way out.

She let out a long cry, and then the big move started.

The body quickly rushes out thousands of miles away, but even if it is thousands of miles away, it still can't escape from the non phase space. And the golden wish is getting closer and closer.

Golden willpower everywhere!

"Go The Moon Fairy's fingers open.

All of a sudden, five dragon breath essence appears. It's like a dragon shaped sword, but these five dragon shaped swords rush out quickly, as long as thousands of feet. It's as if it's in the sky.

The space without phase is colorless, selfless and boundless. But Mingyue xianzun broke the rules of space in a flash and found the support of five points.

The dragon shaped sword penetrates the space point, and the whole space begins to shake.

"It's not so easy to escape!" Xiao Yuanshan gave a cold hum.

He said the spell quickly.

"I'm a witness to heaven..."

The vast golden will makes the whole sky golden. The world has become a golden ocean!

Among the golden willpower, the grand willpower is irresistible. Willing to tear, pull, all opponents will be crushed.

Mingyue xianzun is surrounded by golden willpower, which tears her fiercely.

Mingyue xianzun naturally won't surrender, so the more she doesn't surrender, the more her golden willpower will crush her. Almost every second, the golden willpower produces hundreds of millions of power and willpower rules to crush the moon immortal.

Mingyue xianzun yelled angrily and said, "Xiao Yuanshan, Xiao Jianyu, you forced me so much. Damn you Then, suddenly, she sat down.

The golden wish contains the power of breaking all rules, but once it comes into contact with Mingyue xianzun, it's like a breeze.

This is Mingyue xianzun's supreme mana to resolve the attack of golden willpower, but the attack of golden willpower is as vast as the stars. And Mingyue xianzun can't always crack it.

At this time, Mingyue xianzun shot again.

"Clear glass bottle, the light of the end, the power of the world!"

In the clear glass bottle, the sea quickly condenses, just like a wild devil in the bottom of the sea swallowing half of the sea.

In a flash, the sea dried up.

All the marine life, as well as the strength of all condensed into a glass bead.

The glass bead was held in the hand of Mingyue xianzun.

"No, she's going to burst the liulijing bottle!" Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Jianyu were surprised.

At this time, the glass bead exploded.

The power of the four seas in the glass beads, as well as the creatures and supernatural powers contained in the four seas, are all condensed by the moon immortal. At this moment, it exploded like this.

Landslides and tsunamis!

The whole universe is full of tsunamis, boom!

The formless space is finally torn apart.

The golden will is scattered around.

The God King was also impacted, and the aperture behind the God King broke up circle by circle.

The power of the God King dissipated and finally changed into the scepter of the God King.

In the tsunami, the rule power of the destruction of the universe is like the doomsday disaster, which makes the whole space frenzied. Every piece of sea water contains a crazy spirit of destruction.

Glass net bottle rupture, a moment, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning in such a terrible tsunami.

The spiritual power in the terrible tsunami is as terrible as the tsunami, which makes Chen Yang and Qiao Ning's mind blank. I can't think of anything.It is also at this time that a huge palm catches Qiao Ning and Chen Yang.

"It's not suitable to stay here long. I'll see you off." The voice of the moon immortal comes. "I have to deal with these two people. You can't send them far away. Be careful."

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning haven't figured out what's going on yet. Then they see the changes of heaven and earth, and all the scenery is spinning in their ears.

Then they fell down.

In front of my eyes, I suddenly feel fresh, blue sky and white clouds.

Below is a vast ocean.

The sea is much more gentle than the tsunami in the glass bottle.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning cast their magic quickly and then stood steadily in the air.

Looking back, there is no trace of Mingyue xianzun, Xiao Yuanshan and Xiao Jianyu.

What happened just now is like a dream.

Linghui monk said: "it seems that we are still near Mingyue palace. It's very dangerous."

Chen Yang knew it very well. He said to Qiao Ning, "it's a bit of an eyesore for us to be together. Qiao Ning, you can hide in my netherworld nine Yin chart and get familiar with the array with monk Linghui. I'm going to change the look. "

Qiao Ning nodded and said, "good!"

Then, Qiao Ning quickly hid into the netherworld nine Yin chart. Chen Yang changed his mask and changed his clothes.

Monk Linghui once again shows his Lingtai formula. After that, no one can recognize Chen Yang's breath.

Qiao Ning came into contact with the netherworld nine Yin diagram at this time. She couldn't help but marvel at the power of the netherworld nine Yin diagram. At the same time, she communicated with Chen Yang with her mind and said, "Chen Yang, I think there is just a person who is in charge of the array in your magic weapon. Why don't I just stay here, and it doesn't matter if I go back to the hall of stars? "

Chen Yang was not moved. He said, "you are the king of silver shark, a famous figure. It's too unfair for you to specially preside over the array for me. "

Qiao Ning said, "what's fair or unfair? I'll do it if I want to."

Chen Yang said: "I'm not sure."

Qiao Ning said: "I don't think you are a little strange, for fear that I will follow you. Is You can't get your life back? "

Qiao Ning knows Chen Yang so well that she doesn't think whether Chen Yang hates her or not. Chen yangken taught big move, big phagocytosis and little fatalism together. And so many God pills, heaven pills. She never needs to doubt Chen Yang's intention to her.

All she could think of was this possibility.

Chen Yang's heart leaps. He is a master at covering up his emotions. Immediately said: "it's really difficult, but the difficulty also told you."

Qiao Ning said: "you really don't want me to go to the hall of stars with you?"

Chen Yang said: "Qiao Ning, Zhongxing hall is not a good place. The star master is a man with great powers. Even if you hide in my nether world, he may not know your existence. Once he knows you, I'm not sure what he will do with you. You said, if it were you, would you be willing to let me take this risk for no reason? "

Joning was silent.

Chen Yang said: "moreover, if you are not in the array, you will play a greater role."

That's true.

Qiao Ning said, "well, let's not talk about it." She felt flustered.

Chen Yang said, "I don't know how xianzun and Xiao Yuanshan are fighting."

Monk Linghui immediately said, "you don't have to worry about this Taoist friend. The reason why Xiao Yuanshan's great wish technique is so powerful is that the void space can absorb the power of the world. Now the void space has been broken, Xiao Yuanshan and they are helpless. What's more, it's still the area of Mingyue palace. They can't take advantage of Xiao Yuanshan. "

Chen Yang said, "what you said is also reasonable."

"I don't know what happened to Mr. Hu and Mr. Zheng. I haven't seen them all the time." When Chen Yang thought about it, he was not at ease.

He believed that Hu and Zheng would not have stood up if they had not met with something. They are brought out by themselves. If something happens to them, Chen Yang's conscience will feel sorry.

"Monk Linghui, do you have a way to find them?" Chen Yang asked.

Linghui monk said: "this poor monk really has a way. As long as they don't die, I can find them through the breath of Lingtai Jue that was once used on them."

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "that's great. Find them for me. "

Qiao Ning said: "you said Hu Lao and Zheng Lao

Chen Yang gives Qiao Ning an explanation. Qiao Ning can't help feeling when she hears about Chen Yang's recovery of Hu and Zheng, and her lesson to Chen Yihan. Unexpectedly, Chen Yang has experienced so many things in just a few months.

Linghui monk began to perceive Zheng and Hu.

"Coincidentally, it seems that they are not far from here, no more than three hundred miles at most!" Linghui monk said."Point the way!" Chen Yang said.

"Southeast!" Linghui monk said.

Chen Yang said, "good!" He quickly sacrificed the great Heidan, which directly covered him.

Later, the big move technique was launched. The internal structure of the big Heidan changes, the magic power of the big move works, and the origin of the magic power of the big move appears to be green, in which countless rules, procedures, and space rules are all presented.

Then, the mana rips.

Suddenly, the big black Dan tore up the space like lightning. In a flash, it was hundreds of miles away

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