After Chen Yang left, Qin Lin felt desolate and pathetic.

"Big brother, can we just watch the third brother die like this?"

Luo Feng's face was heavy. After taking a deep breath, he said, "third brother is the king of destiny. I believe he will be able to turn the corner. At the moment, we are here and there is a limit to what we can do for him. The only thing we can do is to step up our cultivation. "

Qin Lin's tears came down again.

And Luo Feng's heart is not suffering to the extreme, it should be said that among the three people, he is the most emphasis on brotherhood.

When Qin Lin and Chen Yang needed him to come to Zhongxing hall, he knew it was a fire pit. But he didn't hesitate. For the sake of his brother, he just jumped in.

When Chen Yang was trapped at the bottom of Mount Fuji volcano, Luo Feng jumped down without hesitation.

He can die for his brother.

A prosperous world.

When Chen Yang stood in Binhai City, the blue sky and white clouds, the sea breeze. He stood on the top of a 33 story skyscraper.

Looking at the prosperity around, looking at the shuttle vehicles.

He was in a trance, thinking that he had returned to the parallel world. That year, he was only sixteen. He had ling'er, Zhao Yingjun, song Lingshan and Tong Jiawen around him.

Now, everything has changed.

I wonder if my daughter Yinuo is OK?

Chen Yang stood for a long time before he stepped in slowly and got down from the elevator.

In this secular world, it is necessary to abide by the rules of the secular world, not in broad daylight.

Chen Yang first went to the ghost theme bar, and then remembered that the bar was closed during the day. He took out his cell phone, which was dead long ago.

Chen Yang then went to the phone booth, and then called Su Qing. Monk Linghui was very curious all the way. He looked around in Chen Yang's hair.

"It turns out that this is the real world, but it doesn't seem very different from the parallel world." So said Linghui monk.

When Chen Yang thought of something, he said, "monk Linghui, let me ask you something."

"Daoyou, please." Linghui monk said.

Chen Yang said, "if I seal you, will the breath that you hide me disappear?"

"No!" Linghui monk said.

Chen Yang immediately blocked monk Linghui. Monk Linghui is the seed of Daluo xianteng. Chen Yang used his magic power to seal the six senses of Daluo xianteng. Then he threw it into the Buddhist monk.

This time he came to see Su Qing, there was always a time when he was romantic and happy. If this Linghui monk has been watching, how awkward it would be!

Su Qing is very excited after receiving Chen Yang's call.

Su Qing immediately drives to pick up Chen Yang.

She drives that Jaguar.

Today's Su Qing, driving a luxury car, wearing a famous brand, a bag is 100000. Now she is a real princess. Her maturity and self-confidence come from inside.

In Binhai, no one on the road dares to trouble her.

Ghost theme bar business has been booming, this bar is even the city's key support and praise. Because ghost theme bar is now a sign of Binhai.

Many people come here to travel, they have heard the legends of ghost theme bar.

Su Qing is fighting for gold every day.

Of course, Su Qing gave Lin Qingxue, Qin moyao, Mu Jing and Chen Yang the profits.

She won't cheat on the account. Even so, Su Qing's monthly income is more than one million yuan.

Therefore, a bag of 100 thousand is really a normal consumption.

Su Qing also made some other investments, such as buying houses and shops.

I'm glad to see you again after a long time. Chen Yang and Su Qing went directly to the hotel.

It's needless to say that they both belong to the long drought.

After happy, Su Qing is lying in Chen Yang's arms. She is lazy. "Chen Yang, how can you come back suddenly?"

Chen Yang smiles a little, his hand rubs Su Qing's snow-white fragrant shoulder, feeling extremely comfortable.

"Come back and see you." "But I can't stay long," Chen said

Su Qing is used to this, she said: "well, I know."

After a long rest, Su Qing fumbled for her hand.

Chen Yang's heart is hot.

After a long time, Chen Yang and Su Qing took a bath together. After the shower, it was evening. Chen Yang and Su Qing are a little hungry. Su Qing said, "let's go to dinner first and have a look at the bar in the evening. How about that?"

Chen Yang said, "good!"

Su Qing then thought of what, then said suspiciously: "you come back this time seems to be a little different."

Chen Yang said, "Oh, yes. What's the difference? "Su Qing said, "it feels like you have something on your mind."

Chen Yang can't help but jump in his heart and say, "there is."

Su Qing said: "although you didn't show it, I can still feel it." Chen Yang couldn't help admiring women's intuition, but he didn't say much, just said: "nothing, you think too much."

"Is it?" Su Qing is dubious. But now if Chen Yang doesn't say anything, she won't say much. She can only try to comfort Chen Yang's wound with her tenderness.

After eating, it's already the middle of the month.

Chen Yang and Su Qing went to the ghost theme bar. The business of the bar is as hot as ever. Chen Yang and Su Qing find a corner to sit down.

It's a busy world outside, but Chen Yang has a cold ice in his heart. Although he tried to hide, Su Qing clearly felt it.

After drinking a glass of ice beer, Chen Yang said: "Su Qing, don't wait for me after I leave this time. When you meet the right person in the future, marry yourself. "

Su Qing suddenly became so delicate that she turned pale.

In such a noisy environment, she heard Chen Yang's words clearly.

"What did you say?" A word hasn't finished, Su Qing's tears fell out.

Chen Yang looks at Su Qing. He grabs her hand and says, "I'm sorry, Su Qing. I can't stay with you until the end, because I can only live about two months. "

"What?" Su qingjiao was shocked again. This news is more cruel and shocking than the last one.

"Why Su Qing grabs Chen Yang's hand like she's afraid that if she lets it go, Chen Yang will disappear.

Chen Yang said: "it's like this..."

He said his grudge with Chen Tianya.

Su Qing knows something about this grudge. Just don't know, in that world will be so magical and cruel.

"Isn't there a little way?" Su Qing asked.

Chen Yang said: "there is no way. The only thing you can do is wait to die. "

Su Qing is in great pain.

At this moment, she didn't know what to say.

Chen Yang then said, "I'm not trying to make you miserable. I'm just afraid, in case I really die. But someone who will never come back can't wait for you. That would be cruel to you. "

Su Qing was in tears.

Chen Yang stayed with Su Qing for about five days. In these five days, the most important thing for them was to be happy in bed.

The so-called death lingering, mostly that is.

Five days later, Chen Yang chose to leave.

Before leaving, Chen Yang said: "if I can escape this disaster, I will come back to you and report peace with you. If I don't come back, it means I'm dead. After you, live a good life, this is what I want to see most

Su Qing's tears welled up again, and then she said, "if you don't come back one day, I'll wait for you one day. If you don't come back for a year, I'll wait for you for a year. If you never come back, I will never marry in my life. If you want to ask for peace of mind, I will never give it to you. "

"Su Qing..." Chen Yang's eyes are moist.

He hugged Su Qing. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I should have been away from you. All these years, what I bring you is endless waiting. "

"I don't want you to say sorry." Su Qing said: "in my life, the most fortunate thing is to meet you and be your woman. I didn't regret it in the past, I don't regret it now, and I won't regret it in the future. "

After all, Chen Yang left, and then he went to the shady world. Today, he has been able to explore the mysteries of the shady world, directly break the mystery barrier, and use the big move technique to arrive at the song Imperial City in less than three hours.

This time, Chen Yang went directly to see song Ning.

He accompanied song Ning for five days.

Five days later, he chose to leave. When I left, I had a talk with song Shuangxue. Chen Yang tells song Shuangxue about his situation. If he doesn't come back within a year, it means he is dead. At the same time, Chen Yang gives a last letter to song Shuangxue.

He wants song Shuangxue to give it to song Ning in a year.

But if you come back, then it's as if it didn't happen.

Then, Chen Yang went to the undead family. He gave a lot of pills to his elder martial sister Lin Bing. It also gives Ye Ming many benefits. This is what he has divided for a long time. Most of it is given to the elder brother and the second brother. There are also a number of people who have come to give them to our friends. He also left some pills for Su Qing and song Ning.

Chen Yang didn't tell Lin Bing that he was going to die. He stayed happily in the undead for five days and then left.

Then, Chen Yang went to Borneo again. He met Doris, snow white and wallrhine. After settling down the golden blood clan, he stayed there for about 15 days, so he left.

Chen Yang also gives some benefits to yun'er and calls Bai Xue out.

He left snow a letter, which set up another blood emperor. At the same time told snow about him, snow naturally shocked sad. But she also promised Chen Yang that she would take good care of the golden blood.In the last month, Chen Yang chose to return to Yanjing.

He wants to see Shen Moneng.

Now, the fetus in Shen's abdomen has been nearly five months, and the lower abdomen is slightly raised.

Recently, Shen Murong has been sleeping restlessly every day.

Every night, she had nightmares. In my dream

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