Chen Yang's great killing skill is not strong. But at this time, with the killing immortal sword, it is also powerful.

In an instant, Chen Yang cut out a thousand sword lights.

The thousand swords fight fiercely, and the killing breath is extremely fierce.

The next second, the whole small Shennong Ding will crash.

Endless pieces are flying around.

That war crazy is wearing machine armor to fly rapidly, suddenly, in the hand of small Shennong Ding, there is a huge energy fluctuation.

"What? Oh, my God The war maniac was terrified.

Xiaoshennongding exploded under such circumstances.

"Run away!" There was only one thought in the mind of the war maniac. This young man, it's terrible.

The thunderstorm can't help him, the thunder method can't help him. Now, even his own small Shennong tripod has been smashed by him.

War maniac instantly urges the last wormhole jump. After all, this mecha can't compare with that kind of fighter. Its carrier is too small, which limits its power launch.

When Zhan ran out, Chen Yang gave a sneer and immediately chased him.

As soon as the battle maniac jumps out, he is blocked by Chen Yang.

"Vortex of soul!" Chen Yang waves his hand and mixes the soul of thunder and magnetism, showing a huge vortex.

The vortex of soul is the unique skill of Chen Ling, the great emperor of China. Chen Yang once saw Chen Ling perform in the divine realm. After ten years of enlightenment in the Taiyu Scepter lost in the mainland, Chen Yang realized the vortex of soul and even the vortex of Star River.

Countless laws and rules constitute a vast and mysterious force of the soul.

Chen Yang understood the universe in the Taiyu scepter and imitated the power of the soul. Then, the soul is broken with supreme mana. So this move is called soul vortex.

Before, Chen Yang's mana was too weak. This move could not disturb the soul of other masters. But now, Chen Yang has the origin of thunder and magnetism, which has been added to the vortex of the soul and is just like a tiger.

As a result, over the battle maniac, there was a whirlpool of kilometers.

Under the huge whirlpool, bursts of soul power permeate out.

The terrible soul power that the war maniac felt immediately soaked his whole body up and down, even to the tail spine.

It was a wonderful feeling, feeling flustered, as if he was going to be pulled out.

Ready to say, is to feel the soul in the body to be pulled out.

"No way!" War maniac dare not be careless, immediately run all mana to guard the mind.

The battle maniac cultivates Haoyue Zhentian Gong. He kneels and guards Haoyue in his heart.

In this way, his soul immediately became as stable as a rock.

"Great fatalism!" Chen Yang immediately put out the second paragraph.

This time, however, Chen Yang didn't burn for a long time. Instead, he directly ran the fatalism to plant seeds. Although this kind of power is powerful, it can't shake the original idea of war maniacs.

However, Chen Yang's great fatalism and soul vortex are both powerful.

"Big thunder, universal golden light!"

Later, Chen Yang used a third method.

Golden light.

For a moment, the golden light in the vortex of the soul is faint, and there is a gray fate mixed.

Jin Guanghua war maniac, big destiny tells war maniac, this is his destiny. The vortex of soul grabs the soul of his spirit.

Under the triple attack, the war maniac immediately sweated.

His body is covered with a layer of silver gray light, and on his head, there is a bright moon shadow. The shadow is being torn by the vortex of soul. Countless silver gray light began to be pulled into the soul vortex, and then was refined.

Chen Yang is also doing his best.

He pours all his mana on soul vortex, great fatalism, and the golden light of thunder.

At this time, Chen Yang had no extra mana to use.

Chen Yang's magic power is above the war maniac, but Chen Yang can't kill the war maniac. There are many ways for the war maniac to escape. Chen Yang used these techniques just to prevent the war maniac from escaping.

The two sides are deadlocked, and the mana consumption of the war maniac is huge. Finally, with a bang, the empty shadow of the bright moon was twisted into the vortex of the soul and instantly killed into countless pieces.

However, the original spirit of the war maniac is directly photographed and is about to be twisted into the vortex of the soul.

This time, once caught in, the war maniac will not die, but he will become a walking corpse from now on.

"Well?" Chen Yang suddenly moved in his heart, and then quickly received the soul vortex, the great fatalism and the great thunder sound.

The spirit of the war maniac immediately returned to the noumenon.

Later, the war maniac woke up like a dream, and his whole body was full of sweat.

Then, the war maniac turned and flew away. At this moment, Chen Yang didn't do anything else, but took advantage of the moment when the war maniac yuan Shen came out of his body and planted a seed in his yuan Shen's heart.The seed of destiny!

His destiny is to be Chen Yang's slave.

This seed is still very small and hard to find. But it will slowly take root in the hearts of war maniacs. This is the mystery of great fatalism, which makes you gradually believe in fatalism. But it's not like the great thunder Purdue, full of barbarism.

Originally, it was impossible for Chen Yang's mana to refine and plant seeds in the hearts of such masters as war maniacs. But Chen Yang's soul vortex with great fatalism, as well as big thunder sound Purdue golden light, this is an excellent match. At the moment when the war maniac yuan Shen came out of his body, Chen Yang finally found a chance.


Chen Yangchang breathed a sigh of relief, and he found that his mana had also been consumed badly. I immediately took three dragon fruits. As a result, pure nutrition supplement, Chen Yang soon recovered to its heyday.

Of course, Chen Yang also knows that even if there is a dragon fruit supplement. I can't consume so much mana too often, which is harmful to my body.

Chen Yang turns and flies away.

In a secluded place, Chen Yang falls down and puts out the red scarf.

Fire red towel immediately look around, here is a wasteland. "Master, what is this place?" Fire red scarf asked.

"I don't know." Chen Yang said: "those policemen who find a place to settle down can actually track us, but they don't know what method to use. I haven't figured it out yet

Red scarf listen to Chen Yang mentioned God police, immediately full of adoration. She thumbed up and said, "master, you are so good. Four divine policemen, including one of the three divine policemen of imperial mythology, were killed by you. "

Chen Yang said: "the third-level police officer is not dead, let him escape."

Fire scarlet said: "that you are also very powerful."

Chen Yang said, "generally."

Chen Yang is absent-minded in dealing with huohongjin, but he still finds it troublesome. Because he really didn't understand how these policemen came after him in such a fast time.

"Master, let's go to Tiandao college." Fire red scarf suddenly said.

Chen Yang was slightly stunned. He said, "why did you suddenly believe me?"

Fire scarlet said: "the Empire will not kill the police to perform."

Chen Yang laughs and says, "you are too naive. You can only hear the situation outside, but you can't see it. What if I didn't kill any of them and I was acting all of them? You see, I didn't take you back. I didn't even show you the bodies of the police. "

Fire red towel can't help but be stunned. She then said, "but I believe in you, master."

Chen Yang said: "forget it, now those imperial police, I don't know how to track me. I'm not going to harm you. If the police follow me to Tiandao college, it's my fault. "

Huohongjin was surprised and said, "this What shall we do now? "

Chen Yang said, "what should I do? You are free now. You can go where you should go! "

Huo Hongjin said, "no, I can't leave you. Besides, if they can trace master you, they can trace me even more. If I go back to Tiandao college, it will be a disaster for Tiandao college. "

Chen Yang said, "let's go our own way. You can't rely on me."

Fire scarlet smile, said: "I will rely on you master."

Chen Yang waved and said, "go, go!"

The red scarlet towel suddenly burst into tears, and she said, "master, are you really so cruel? They can track me in case they come after me. It's not a dead end for the disciples to have little ability. "

"This..." Chen Yang was speechless.

This feeling still brings a trouble that can't be thrown away!

"Then you'll follow me all the time?" Chen Yang said.

"Fire scarlet said:" anyway, I want to worship you as a teacher, after naturally follow you

Chen Yang said: "come on, I'll find out first what makes them catch up. When the problem is solved, you can leave by yourself. "

As soon as huohongjin sees that Chen Yang doesn't drive her away, she immediately smiles.

Then, Chen Yang took the red scarf to another forest.

When Huo Hongjin saw Chen Yang's big move skill, she exclaimed, "master, your body method is too powerful. If I learn your body method, I will not be afraid of those mecha soldiers any more."

Chen Yang knew that huohongjin was just like this, so he didn't bother to correct and compare with her.

Chen Yang took refuge in jiexumi, and then said to huohongjin, "go outside and have a rest. I'm going to practice now."

Fire scarlet said: "OK, master, I'll guard for you outside."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "whatever you want."

After huohongjin went out, Chen Yang began to cross his knees and recover his vitality. And Suzhen in black has been hidden in another commandment Xumi. Chen Yang has many commandments.After three days of cultivation, Chen Yang had a deeper understanding of the vortex of soul. He knew that if the vortex of soul crushed more souls, especially the powerful ones. After that, the vortex of soul will be more powerful.

In addition, his mana was restored to its heyday.

Moreover, Chen Yang suddenly wants to understand one thing.

That is, the reason why the enemy can catch up quickly is that

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