Canglin emperor said: "yes, you are the fate of the ancestral God."

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "so you are here to take my life?"

"That's right," he said

Chen Yang said: "since you have come in person, I must be dead today."

Cang Lin emperor said: "Gu already knows all your cards. From the face of the cards, you are dead. However, since you are the fate of the ancestor god, I'm afraid it's not so easy for you to die. I think there will always be some accidents today. What would this accident be? "

After he finished, he really thought about it.

But Chen Yang's body suddenly moves, and immediately launches a big move. He knew that he was by no means the opponent of the emperor. Canglin emperor had an inseparable connection with the ancestral God.

Canglin emperor is not the big devil in the knight novel. He has to wait until all his subordinates are killed by the knight. Cang Lin emperor is not directly let hand, then personally to deal with the big devil. If this is a knight novel, the knight may not live more than three episodes.

Chen Yang moves, the original force of the big move forms the space rule. When Chen Yang Gang escapes into the rules of space, he sees a big hand coming from the sky.

That big hand is mysterious and strange, so he breaks Chen Yang's space rules, and then grabs Chen Yang and pulls him out of the space rules.

The emperor Canglin stood in the same place with a light face. Then he couldn't help laughing and said, "future people, if you are just in the front hall of the lonely face and the emperor runs away, what face does the lonely face have to stand here?"

Chen Yang's face is very ugly.

It's not a level match at all!

"Do you want to use great fatalism again?" Chen Yang has a secret way in his heart.

The emperor Canglin seemed to see through Chen Yang's mind and said, "why do you show your great fatalism to him? Life for power? The power of this great fatalism is really powerful, but this is the world in Shennong Ding. In this world, the power of the lonely world is exerted, even the power of destiny is hard to resist. Therefore, I advise you not to use fatalism. If not, you'll be torn to pieces by fate. "

Chen Yang could not help but step back, he said: "it seems that today, I will die."

"It should be." Canglin emperor said.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "in that case, I'll take my sword first."

At this moment, Chen Yang's fierce mana is injected into the killing immortal sword. Qi Lingxue night cooperates with Chen Yang's mana to turn the sea of killing Qi.

In an instant, a sword light flashed!

Chen Yang infused five hundred years of fatalism into Jianguang.

As a result, this sword light and lightning cut out, the wind and lightning.

In the light of the sword, the murderous Qi and the fatalistic power are combined together, just like the thunder of heaven.

All forces in the world can't offset the power of this sword.

Just at this time, the emperor Canglin also made a move. He is still calm.

"The power of the world, with the lonely heart!" Canglin emperor also pop up a finger.


At the same time, a sword light pops up from his fingertips and kills Chen Yang's sword light.

Shennong Ding is a world. In this world, there is the power of the world. The world has its destiny, but it also has its power.

The power of the world, in the outside world, is nothing more than that. Because it's still in the world. But now Chen Yang and great fatalism are both in the world of shennongding, so the power of the world is the power above everything.


The two swords collide. The next second, Chen Yang's swords are smashed by the swords formed by the power of the world.

Then, the sword light continues to kill Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was shocked.

He saw the horror of the power of the world, and even his most proud sword was instantly destroyed. He knew that he could not take the sword by any means.

Chen Yang knows that this is not to say that the cultivation of the emperor Canglin is really enough to cover the existence of the demon emperor and so on. The main problem is that this is within the Shennong Ding.

In other words, in this place, Canglin emperor is the home, the master. It was because of this that Canglin emperor was almost invincible.

Chen Yang didn't care about anything else at this time. The sword came over and Chen Yang cut it out immediately.

With a bang, the killing immortal sword and the sword light were strangled together. Immediately, Chen Yang felt that the power of the world was extremely sharp and quickly scattered all his strength and laws. It seems that the power of the world is to carry the whole Shennong world and then kill it.

The horror of that power is unthinkable.

Chen Yang's killing immortal sword could not be controlled any more, and he was shocked to fly out. In the inner world of the killing immortal sword, the murderous sea maniac smashes it out. In a moment, the whole world is filled with terrible murderous Qi.The sword of killing immortals, like streamer, was directly shaken out of more than 1000 Li.

It's like a meteor in the sky. It's uncontrollable and irreversible.

Chen Yang didn't care to kill the immortal sword, because the sword light composed of the power of the world ran towards his face.

At the critical moment, Chen Yang sacrificed the great Heidan. At the same time, all of Chen Yang's magic hand skills and fingering skills were killed.

However, the sword light is to kill the gods and kill the Buddhas.

One hundred ice walls are like tender tofu. They are all cut into pieces by sword light. Moreover, the speed of sword light didn't slow down at all.

"It's just the power of a finger. How terrible is it?" Chen Yang was shocked.

At the same time, Jianguang smashed all of Chen Yang's magical powers.

"Big seal!"


The great seal was also shattered.

Chen Yang used all the means, but still could not resist the power of the emperor.

In fact, Canglin emperor's strength is only the peak of Xuxian, but he also controls the power of the world. It is the power of the world that belongs to Shennong Ding. In Shennong Ding, Canglin emperor is invincible.

Unless it's the power of the world that he takes back.

Chen Yang has no choice but to do everything he can. In the end, there was no choice but to perform the great phagocytosis.


After the power of the world entered the vortex of the great phagocytosis, Chen Yang followed him and fell to the ground on the spot. As for whether to die or to live, it is not known.

When Emperor Canglin saw Chen Yang fall to the ground, he also felt that his power of pointing to the world had disappeared.

"Well? It's not dead. " Canglin emperor is very clear about his power. And Chen Yang didn't die directly under this finger, which surprised Cang Lin emperor.

"No matter, this son must not stay." Canglin emperor once again. This time, he pointed again.

But this time it's not the power of the world, it's the real sword power.

The top master of Xuxian, a sword breaks the soul.

A sword out, sword light flash!

The lethal sword slashes Chen Yang's head to the ground. Chen Yang has no sense of human affairs, but he can no longer resist.

Seeing that Chen Yang was about to die, at this time, a miracle finally appeared.

In the distance, a green sword came. It collided with the light of emperor Canglin's sword. The sparks were gorgeous. Then, the light of emperor Canglin's sword was cut to pieces.

And the green sword also flew back to the master's hand.

It's not someone else, but Professor Yi of Tiandao college.

Professor Yi has a red scarf beside him.

Professor Yi is in a wheelchair, and huohongjin is pushing him behind. When they came over, Professor Yi's wheelchair grew wings and formed a blue light shield, so he took the red scarf with him and rushed through the void.

Professor Yi's wheelchair is turquoise green, with many patterns on it, like a vine.

Professor Yi came forward slowly. He was bald, with a gentle smile on his face, and dressed in a well tailored black tuxedo. He looked like a gentleman of great taste.

At the same time, Professor Yi seems to be in his forties.

"Here you are at last." Cang lindijun said coldly after seeing Professor Yi.

Professor Yi rubbed the green sword in his hand, but it was not a sword, but something like a snake. It's in Professor Yi's palm, spitting letters and licking Professor Yi's palm intimately.

Professor Yi also looked at the emperor Canglin, he said faintly: "you can not think of things, I am your answer."

"Do you really want to save him?" The emperor's face was gloomy.

Professor Yi said, "that's right."

"What good is it for you to save him?" Canglin emperor hate voice said.

Professor Yi said, "that's my business."

"I'm afraid you don't have the ability." Canglin emperor said.

"Professor, you must save my master." Red scarves are worried.

Professor Yi nodded, his eyes suddenly moved, and then, the blue wheelchair actually grew a cane. This vine lightning growth, and in the air began to flourish, and finally formed a green vine hand, will wrap up Chen Yang.

The cold light in emperor Canglin's eyes flashed, and his fingers flicked, quickly sending out a golden hand of the world's power.

This golden hand contains the laws of the world and the infinite profound truth, all in it. As soon as the big hand comes out, there will be endless grandeur, vicissitudes and simple atmosphere.

The golden hand and the green cane hand immediately tore together.

The green vines grow crazily. The two big hands collide and fight with each other quickly.

At the same time, in Professor Yi's right hand, the little blue snake suddenly flew out and swallowed Chen Yang. The green snake quickly turns into a mighty green dragon. The green dragon is hundreds of feet long, and the breath of the rolling dragon comes out."To die!" The emperor Canglin was furious. He flicked his finger again, but a small Shennong Ding popped up.

Canglin emperor's small God nongding is obviously not comparable to Duan Wuxie and others.

As soon as the small Shennong cauldron came out, it immediately covered the void, and then covered the green dragon in it.

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