Chen Yang looks at Xiang Huo red scarf, and he smiles. But I didn't expect to accept such a loyal and beautiful little apprentice. Just follow yourself? Chen Yang still feels a little immature.

"I'll talk about it later." Chen Yang didn't die.

Old borz said, "I know the food, daily necessities and red scarves here. I don't have to introduce more. "

The scarlet scarf said, "grandfather Potts, I'll take care of it next. You don't have to worry

Borz smiles and says, "good!"

Later, Chen Yang politely and fire scarves will borz to the downstairs. "Grandfather, walk slowly!" Chen Yang said.

Potts said, "please stay!"

After borz left, Chen Yang and huohongjin returned to the villa's "yes, master!" Fire scarlet said.

Chen Yang immediately divided the original seed of the great flame into the brain of huohongjin. "The seed of this great flame art is still very weak at present. If you practice it frequently, you will need the power of the source of the fire and the essence fire in the future. It's up to you to plan it yourself."

After a pause, he continued: "this is not a fun topic, cultivator. You have chosen this road. If you want to achieve something, the hardships you have to suffer are unimaginable. Don't think of me as a teacher. It seems that I still have some achievements. But you don't want to go to one of them for the sake of suffering. "

"Well, master, I know. I won't let you down. " Fire scarlet said.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "don't think so. You should pursue your own heart and do nothing because you are afraid of my disappointment. It doesn't matter what I think or think. What matters is what you want. "

"I think I know what you mean, master." After a long silence, huohongjin said.

"Well, you'd better go back and feel these magic weapons first, as well as the great flame skill I taught you." Chen Yang waved and said.

Huohongjin said, "well, master. I'll call you at lunch

"No, I don't have lunch." "If there's nothing special, don't disturb me," Chen said

"Ah?" A little disappointed, the red scarf said, "can I send it to you?"

"No!" Chen Yang refused the red scarf.

After huohongjin left, Chen Yang carried the Taiyin Yuanding out.

During this time, although Chen Yang is in a coma, Suzhen in black has already opened the commandment of Xumi by herself. Her progress in cultivation is unimaginable.

Today, the throughput of pure Yin pills of Suzhen in Heiyi has reached 60 million in one day. If it goes on like this, one trillion is not enough.

Suzhen in black has reached the realm of ghosts and immortals.

It's only a month or so from the beginning of cultivation to the achievement of ghosts and immortals. The cultivation speed of Suzhen in black clothes is beyond imagination. On the one hand, he has the spirit constitution of enduring Suzhen in black, and also has the talent. On the other hand, Suzhen in black had reached a very high level of cultivation before, so all the way through the Customs was very smooth. It's not too difficult for a college student to review the primary and junior high school curriculum.

The third key factor is that Chen Yang's pure Yin pill is of good quality and sufficient quantity. These three factors have made Suzhen in black today, and they are indispensable.

"The next step of the ghost fairy is to cross the thunder and achieve the pure Yang immortal." Black dress Su Zhen saw Chen Yang, immediately light cold say.

"I seem to be dying." Chen Yang said, "don't you know about this?"

"Haven't you died?" Suzhen Heiyi said

"I'm dead?" Chen Yang is a little angry.

Suzhen in black took a look at Chen Yang and said, "I don't know what your temper is. You're dead. What do I do? What does it have to do with you. If all of you are dead, you need to worry about my business. Do you think that if you save me, you are my great benefactor. So, I have to thank you. Otherwise, it's a wolf's heart. "

"I didn't mean that." Chen Yang said.

"Don't be hypocritical." "I told you, when you decided to save me, I told you what kind of person I am. I've never changed. You choose to save me. "

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "well, I'm wrong. Let's not talk about it. "

Suzhen in black snorted coldly, and then she said, "well, now I have become a ghost fairy. But the pure Yin pills needed are even more massive. There is no real thunder in this Shennong cauldron. It's impossible for me to spend thunder here. At present, we can only make savings first, and when we get out of here, we will be robbed again. "

Chen Yang said, "good!"

"OK, don't call me again if you have nothing to do," she said

"Wait a minute!" Chen Yang said.

"Why?" She said.

Chen Yang said: "I think there are many small Shennong cauldrons here, on the other side of the Empire. There are many miracles in this little Shennong Ding. Look at this little Shennong Ding... ""No way!" She said.

"You haven't seen it. How do you know it can't?" Chen Yang said.

"If you say no, you just can't," she said

Chen Yang was speechless. He said, "OK."

Black dress Su Zhen then went back to the inside of the Taiyin yuan Ding.

Chen Yang thought of another thing. He said, "Bai Suzhen, I have another question."

"You say it In that Taiyin Yuanding, Suzhen in black replied.

Chen Yang said: "there are hundreds of millions of creatures in the Shennong cauldron. What do you want to do after you get Shennong Ding? "

"No matter what they do, they are all captured and thrown into the Southern Song Dynasty," she said

"You're not kidding." Chen Yang was shocked when he heard the speech.

"What do you want me to do?" said Suzhen Hei

Chen Yangyi said: "it's one thing for me to help you, but these people can't do anything. In other words, you can practice in the Shennong Ding, but you can never move the Shennong Ding, let alone take it out. If you don't, I'll lose you now. "

"Are you threatening me?" There was a chill in Suzhen's eyes.

"If you think it's a threat, you can." Chen Yang has his own bottom line.

Some bottom lines must be adhered to.

"I'm never threatened." Black dress Su Zhen sneers a, she quickly floated out from the yuan Ding of Taiyin, formed a human form. It's still a black suit like that. It's very beautiful.

"But you are ridiculous. You come from the future. Ten years later, people here will die. You give up to save your wife for the sake of the dead. " She said.

"But they are still living people. They all have feelings," Chen said

"It's up to you," she said, "take your time."

She was ready to fly away.

Chen Yang is disgraced. He knows Suzhen in black. That's absolutely true. Also know, this woman really flies away, work properly son really have no hope.

"Bai Suzhen, can't you compromise once?" Chen Yang said, "it won't hurt your dignity, will it?"

"I've given you a chance, and you insist on threatening me," she said. So you asked for it. "

"Well, I beg you." Chen Yang said.

Suzhen in black was silent. After a long time, she said, "that's OK. After controlling the core of Shennong tripod, I only use Shennong tripod to practice, so I will keep Shennong tripod here. However, after the Shennong tripod lost its spirit, I'm afraid there will be other experts to snatch it. At that time, I'm not sure that others will accept your kindness. "

"This..." Chen Yang suddenly had some difficulties. He thought about it and said, "things have to come one after another. You just promise first. I'll talk about other things later. "

"For the last time, I warn you not to talk to me in a threatening tone," she said. If it's not that I haven't recovered at the moment, it depends on what you just said. Now you are a dead man. "

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "it seems that I should kill you first now."

"If you want to do it, will I stop you?" said Suzhen Heiyi

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