I have to say that Chen Yang is absolutely bold and careful.

If he is strong on the outside but weak in the middle, or say something else, it is difficult to ensure that the emperor Canglin will not take risks. But now, Chen Yang's words are so clear, because of the emperor's fear of the ancestral God for many years, he absolutely dare not act rashly.

Then Chen Yang said, "kneel down. If you dare to stand up before I ask you to, you will be responsible for the consequences. "

"Yes, father!" Emperor Canglin knelt down immediately.

Chen Yang gave a cold Snort and said, "it's very good now. I've seen thousands of people in the world. I haven't seen any of them. At that time, Emperor Shennong and Emperor renhuang and others, I helped them fight and killed many evil spirits. What are you? You are just born in this seat. Do you think you are qualified to calculate this seat? "

"I dare not, father, I am wronged!" Cang Lin emperor said.

Chen Yang snorted again and said nothing more.

Time goes by again.

One day and one night, just like this. Bai Suzhen has finally absorbed all the pure Yin pills. She has reached the peak of the ghost fairy, coming and going like electricity. Her savings are incredibly strong.

Now, I'm waiting to pass the thunder disaster and become a pure Yang immortal.

Today's Suzhen in black still needs to be afraid of some tough masculine spirit, martial arts, smoke essence and so on. But once she has passed the thunder robbery, all her thoughts will be refined into pure Yang thoughts. At that time, all her masculinity will no longer have any threat to Suzhen in black.

"I don't need Taiyin Yuanding anymore." "Let's leave Yuantai, and then we can leave shennongding smoothly," she said

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "I'm afraid it's hard to get out now."

"Why?" Asked Suzhen in black.

Chen Yang said, "don't you see that my body is out of condition? To tell you the truth, we are trapped in it now. The strong enemy outside is extremely fierce. If I am careless, I will be doomed. However, you are a ghost fairy, and you can always find a chance to escape as long as you don't show up. "

But Suzhen in black was stunned, and then said, "how powerful is it?"

Chen Yang said, "that man is the emperor of Canglin, who understands the power of the world. In this Shennong tripod, it is almost invincible. "

"It's really hard to do, I know the power of the world," she said. In Shennong world, the power of this world suppresses all rules and magic. "

Chen Yang said, "that's right."

"What are you going to do now?" she said

Chen Yang said: "now the emperor Canglin doesn't know that the ancestor god is dead. He thinks that the ancestor god has occupied my body. In other words, he thought I was the ancestor god. However, he also had a bad heart. He wanted the ancestor god to die and take his place. If he sees that I am so weak, even if he thinks I am the ancestor god, I'm afraid he will do it. "

Chen Yang paused and said, "I'll go out later, and I'll create opportunities for you. Run away when you have a chance

Suzhen in black took an extra look at Chen Yang. Then she said, "don't worry, I won't go. I'll be with you. "

"With me?" Chen Yang couldn't help but be surprised. He said, "I heard you right. In your heart, do you care about the life and death of others? "

"It's true that I would rather compromise than bend," she said. But it's not right and wrong. You're in this situation for me. I won't leave you behind. "

Chen Yang said, "it's no use for you to stay. Although you are a ghost fairy now, your strength is not worth mentioning. "

Black dress vegetable Zhen eyes cold go down, say: "want you tube."

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "forget it, it's time for us to fight."

Later, Chen Yang let Suzhen in black hide in jiexumi.

After that, the sound was transmitted to him.

"Canglin, get in." Chen Yang said.

The emperor immediately opened the exit and then came in.

Chen Yang sat cross knee.

When the emperor Canglin saw Chen Yang, he was a little surprised. I don't know whether the man in front of me is the father or Chen Yang.

However, on closer inspection, Emperor Canglin found out that Chen Yang really had the breath of ancestral God.

At the moment when Chen Yang was in a daze, he opened his eyes. He looked coldly at the emperor Canglin and said, "why, when you see this seat, what kind of etiquette should you do? Have you forgotten?"

Canglin emperor disgraced, he immediately knelt down.


Chen Yang said faintly: "you come to explore the pulse of this seat to see if it is too weak. See if you have a chance? "

Canglin emperor was shocked, he said: "I dare not!"

Chen Yang said, "if you are asked to explore, you can do it. If you don't follow me, I'll turn you into a puppet. I'll see if you are happy or not. ""Father, I really don't know that Chen Yang has a big destiny to rob fire!" Canglin emperor said: "my son, for so many years, I've been thinking about letting you recover from your injury and wake up. Child place heart exhausted worry want to kill Chen Yang, is also want to break the doom for you. I swear to God... " Cang Lin said urgently.

"Let me guess your mind..." Chen Yang said slowly: "at the beginning, you really wanted to wake up, and you didn't have a bad heart. However, when I decide to occupy this body, you suddenly think of one thing, that is to hide fatalism and rob fire. You suddenly have an idea, thinking, if this seat is dead. Isn't everything yours? "

"I don't think so." Cang Lin emperor immediately said.

Chen Yang said faintly: "get ready to take the chariot. I'm going to the palace to have a rest for a while. Send someone to guard this Yuantai. No one is allowed to get close to it. Including You

"Yes Canglin emperor said.

In fact, many thoughts flashed through Chen Yang's mind. For example, let Cang lindijun call Professor Yi, but after thinking about it, Cang lindijun is afraid that he can't find Professor Yi. In addition, if you let Canglin emperor retreat, I'm afraid that the goods will still doubt. He will certainly stay outside, or directly guess that his body is really bad.

At present, the only way is to go directly to the palace. The palace can be said to be the most dangerous place. The more confident you are, the more scared you will be.

This is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst.

But as long as a careless, immediately is a life and death catastrophe.

Canglin emperor will not have the slightest soft hand on himself, he would like to die without burial.

This is a big game of life and death.

Chen Yang has only one step to take.

After that, Emperor Canglin was ready to sit on the chariot. It was the big purple gold dragon chariot he was riding on.

After Chen Yang sat up, he let Cang Lin emperor drive.

At present, Chen Yang can't fly at all.

But he let Canglin emperor drive, this is to give Canglin emperor prestige, but also to cover up his physical weakness.

The big purple gold dragon chariot flew directly to the palace, where Chen Yang closed his eyes.

Cang Lin emperor quietly observed Chen Yang, Chen Yang was clear, but he pretended to be nothing.

Cang Lin emperor will be more and more uncertain, dare not act rashly.

Today's Canglin emperor, holding the world's heroes. The ancestor god is the belief of all people, or his own father God. He knew the horror of the ancestral God.

Although, the ancestor god now looks very weak. But emperor Canglin knew that the ancestral God had many hidden means.

Maybe he's really weak. But a hidden means can make Canglin emperor forever.

Maybe the ancestor god is really testing himself.

For a moment, Canglin emperor's head was full of wishful thinking.

In Chen Yang's brain, there are still some residual information about the ancestral God. Therefore, Chen Yang can also make some of the ancestral God's previous habitual actions, as well as the way of speaking and so on. If Chen Yang didn't have this evidence, no matter how clever he was, he would be seen through by the emperor Canglin.

After arriving at the palace, Chen Yang naturally said, "go clean up the Qinglong palace and move out. I want to live in this seat. "

That Qinglong palace is Canglin emperor's residence. Chen Yang drives Canglin emperor away as soon as he arrives.

This arrogance is indeed the character of the ancestor god before.

Cang Lin emperor dare not disobey, said: "yes, the child immediately to do."

So soon, Chen Yang lived in the luxurious Qinglong palace. Then, Chen Yang said to Emperor Canglin, "I think you're wise. I won't care about you for the moment. This Shennong tripod must be taken away. At that time, all the people here will become dead souls, so they can support us again. Otherwise, if we meet a strong enemy in the future, we will use Shennong tripod, and these people will disappear. In other words, Canglin, your wonderful dream of emperor, should wake up. Your ability is very good in the world. After you go out, there is ronghua for you. How to choose is in your mind. I hope you don't make mistakes. After all, it's a little bit far away from us now. You can be regarded as our son anyway. Otherwise, with your dirty mind, I would have let you die a hundred times, a thousand times. "

"Yes, yes Canglin emperor said: "son, everything is arranged by the father."

"Get out of here." With a big wave of his hand, Chen Yang said, "I want to have a rest for three days. No one is allowed to disturb me. If you let us find you peeping, or let others peep Hum

Canglin emperor immediately said: "I'm determined not to dare!"

Then the emperor retreated.

Chen Yang is the only one left in Qinglong palace.

In the luxurious bedroom, it is very quiet.

Chen Yang sat cross knee, deep in thought.

"Although I can scare Canglin for a while, it's not a long-term solution. Canglin is proficient in the power of the world. If he dares to explore me with the power of the world, he will know the truth immediately. " Chen Yang said in secret.

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