Chen Yang tries to look at the man. His mind is very tired and he feels that he can't concentrate. This should be the weakest time for Chen Yang. A baby can easily kill him.

The man turned around at last, but saw her long black hair hanging, almost covering half of her face.

It was a miserable woman with blood in her eyes.

But for a moment, Chen Yang's spirit trembled. Because that person is not others, but his mother Lin Qian.

"Mom!" Chen Yang pounced on him.

He was originally fragile, and actually felt that the woman was terrible. But after seeing Lin Qian clearly, he was no longer afraid. "Mom." Chen Yang hugs Lin Qian and cries sadly.

"Xiao Yang!" Lin Qian also hugs Chen Yang tightly.

"My poor little Yang." Lin Qian said.

At this time, Chen Tianya suddenly appeared. He grabbed Lin Qian's hair and looked ferocious.

"Bitch, who let you have this bastard. I'll kill my wife. You should die. It's not enough to cherish your humble life if you die a thousand times. I killed you... "


Chen Tianya smashes Lin Qian's head.

"Chen Tianya!" Chen Yangli roared, his grief to the extreme, his eyes red.

Chen Yang rushes over and wants to tear Chen Tianya to pieces.

Chen Tianya laughed. He turned and disappeared.

"Mom, mom..." Chen Yang burst into tears.

Is so helpless, is so desolate.

Chen Yang feels that he has nothing, no strength, no faith, and nothing can be changed.

It's like being in a deep nightmare, unable to struggle.

Later, ling'er appeared in front of Chen Yang. He saw ling'er flying in the darkness of nothingness. He tried to catch up with him. He ran and ran desperately, but ling'er was drifting farther and farther.

"Ling'er..." Chen Yang's heartrending cry. He felt that he would lose ling'er forever. As long as he grasped ling'er, he could talk to her. At least, you can hold her in your arms.

But Chen Yang can't.

Just when Chen Yang was most desperate, suddenly, the surroundings changed.

In the darkness of nothingness, there were huge ripples.

The Yin Qi in the darkness surges up, like the sea rolling, quickly entangles Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was shocked.

Then his mind began to clear up. Moreover, the willpower in the body is also recovering.

"Well? Why should I despair? Huh? My strength? " Chen Yang roared, his body began to recover, and the power of pure Yang began to gather.

The power of pure Yin is so comfortable.

The power of pure Yin is no longer as cold as before. It's like being in a cool natural cave in a hot dog's day. Mountain wind blowing, such as the spring breeze passing through

Chen Yang's pure Yang power is becoming stronger and stronger in such a state.

Yin and Yang begin to blend and produce wonderful power.

Chen Yang's mind gradually became clear, and he began to remember his own situation.

"Bai Suzhen, is that you?" Chen Yang immediately surprised said.

"Yes, it's me," she said

"How could you?" Chen Yang said: "just now, I have been unable to integrate with you. Why is it so suddenly?" She said, "what do you care so much about? Now that it has been integrated, what should we do in the future? "

Chen Yang said, "OK, I'll guide you."

"Well," she said

Chen Yang's mana is integrated with the mana of Suzhen in Heiyi. Suzhen in Heiyi gives up resistance completely and accepts Chen Yang's mana wholeheartedly. It's like being naked and being caressed by a man.

Suzhen in black tried her best to restrain her discomfort and didn't make any reaction.

It is not easy for her to do this for Chen Yang. When she was reluctant, she thought of Chen Yang's wife most.

She hoped that the woman who had given everything for love would wake up.

Slowly, Suzhen in black began to feel that this feeling was not bad, and even had a little bit of enjoyment.

After a long time, the mana of the two finally merged together.

The fusion of yin and Yang turns into a wonderful spirit.

At this moment, Chen Yang's thoughts all appear in Suzhen's heart. Suzhen's idea was also in his mind.

You have me and I have you.

It's the most private, the most secretive state.

The meat repair can only achieve the body to be frank, each other achieves the most intimate condition. Spiritual cultivation is the connection between heart and mind.

Chen Yang also saw the heart of Suzhen in black, her heart was all for linger.

Chen Yang was moved by her thoughts.

"Thank you!" Chen Yang said sincerely.But Suzhen in black was shy. She made a cold response and said, "don't talk nonsense."

Chen Yang took a deep breath, and he began to use this powerful magic spirit to repair himself. At the place where mana passes through, he immediately washes Chen Yang's whole body up and down, including the damaged cells in the brain.

Chen Yang's body is being reborn and recovering at an extremely fast speed, including brain cells.

Half an hour later, Chen Yang exhaled a long breath of turbid air.

All his powers were restored.

However, the power of the world has completely disappeared.

Chen Yang's body has reached the most powerful state. Compared with before, it has been better than before.

In his brain, the mana magnetic field is in a high working state, which is incomparable.

At this time, everything is in the heart. One move is thousands of miles away.

Suzhen in black broke away from Chen Yang's body and returned to jiexumi. Before she was tender, everything was arranged by Chen Yang. But now it's cold again.

Chen Yang has a complete understanding of Suzhen in black.

It should be said that she is a lonely girl. In her world, she is the only one. No one else has ever come into her heart, and she refuses outsiders. But that doesn't mean she's not kind.

She is a persistent, paranoid, the right and wrong are very clear. In her world, right is right and wrong is wrong. There is no middle ground, no compromise and tact.

"Now that your injury has completely recovered, the next step is to leave the palace, right?" She said.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "there are arrays in the palace, but outsiders are not allowed to come in. It's not difficult to get out from inside, but if I leave at this time, Canglin must use the power of the world to calculate me. As soon as he calculated, it was clear in his mind. In this Shennong cauldron, when we run there, he can arrive in a flash. I know that you used to be invincible, but now, your state, even if desperate, is also very difficult to deal with him

"I know that." She said, "don't worry, I have no grudge with them, and I don't want to fight with my life. You're afraid I'm going to die, aren't you? "

Chen Yang slightly wry smile, said: "yes."

"There are some things that I think must be done," she said. There are some things I won't do. "

Chen Yang said, "OK, I'm relieved."

"You haven't said your plan yet," she said

Chen Yang said, "look at me."

He then began to call outside.

"Canglin." Chen Yang cried out.

His voice sounded like a bell, and the emperor came in soon.

"See father." After the emperor came in, he said immediately.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Canglin, do you know what you missed?"

Canglin emperor immediately panic, said: "I don't know."

Chen Yang said: "before, I was already very weak indeed. That fateful fire almost killed me. I know you are ambitious and suspicious. That's why I deliberately scolded you so as not to make you suspicious. Ha ha, you are cheated after all. You missed the best time to kill me... "

"I don't think so!"

"I don't care what you think. Now I have recovered most of my strength. To kill you is as simple as killing a dog. " Chen Yang interrupted emperor Canglin and said, "do you know? It's like killing a dog. "

Cang Lin touched the emperor's forehead and said, "Congratulations, son

Chen Yang said: "for so many years, you can't even break the easy array of Tiandao Academy. It's very useless. I'll go and see it first. Shut up and think for yourself

"Yes, father!" Canglin emperor said.

Chen Yang snorted coldly, and then came out with a big move.

With a flash, Chen Yang has already gone thousands of miles away.

Canglin emperor did not dare to have any doubt. Although he knew the great move, he felt that the Father God had occupied Chen Yang's body and won his magic power, which was nothing strange.

Canglin emperor did not dare to use the power of the world to explore Chen Yang.

Chen Yang went straight to Tiandao college.

He was afraid that once he changed his course, he would be discovered by the emperor Canglin. I humiliated Cang Lin like this. If Cang Lin finds out, I'm afraid I'd like to tear Chen Yang to pieces!

I'm afraid I can't understand the hatred in his heart!

Therefore, this is also the brilliance of Chen Yang. That is to say, Canglin is useless and can't break Tiandao college.

Chen Yang is familiar with Tiandao college.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Yang had already arrived at Qianhu Bay, and then directly entered Tiandao college.

There is still a good spring in Tiandao college.

Chen Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief. At the moment, he really escaped from death!Entering the Tiandao college, I met several children. Some of those children know Chen Yang. "Uncle Chen," he said

Chen Yang smiles and greets the dolls. Then he asked, "where's the professor?"

The dolls replied, "the professor is in the bedroom."

Chen Yang immediately went to Professor Yi's residence.

In the bedroom, Professor Yi is warming a mirror with magic power. Ah Jing's spirit is too weak, but fortunately, Professor Yi's power of Yuan Tai can help ah Jing.

Professor Yi hopes that ah Jing can achieve something.

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