"Five times of thunder, breaking the void. Six times of thunder robbery, refining soul into God. Seven times of thunder robbery, void creation. Eight times of thunder, heaven and earth will never die. Nine times of thunder, all things are me

Suzhen in black felt the change of her body while she was talking. "Now my mind is full of lightning, and I'm not afraid of any masculine master. Unlike some ghosts, they can't stand the sunshine. But meets the master's masculine essence blood, is the instantaneous shape spirit all extinguishes. And right now, none of this is a threat to me anymore. "

Chen Yang also felt the change of his body.

"Damn it Chen Yang's heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly felt the pure Yang thunder force flowing in his body fused with his skin. Natural integration.

Chen Yang's mana runs. The next second, his body is coated with something like gold powder.

He felt that his body had become a real wall.

This is the true body of Vajra!

Chen Yang can feel that he is not afraid of the sword. Even if the fierce sword light cut up, it can only cut out a bunch of fire flowers on his body. Of course, this does not mean that Chen Yang is invincible. A good master can still cut off Chen Yang's body.

Chen Yang knocked on his arm and immediately heard a bang. It's the same feeling as knocking on the copper wall. It's a solid copper wall.

"Hoo Chen Yang breathed out a breath and finished his work a little. The body has returned to its original state and is extremely soft.

"It's fun." Chen Yang feels that he has gained a lot.

Later, Chen Yang sacrificed the great Heidan.

When Heidan came out, Chen Yang was startled.

Because the big Heidan is no longer a Heidan, but a big golden one.

"My spirit of Disha!" Chen Yang immediately turned on.

Immediately, the surrounding wind and cloud surged, and the cold force formed an ice wall.

"The power didn't decrease at all, but the damage of Disha's essence to masculine firepower was no longer afraid. Just like Bai Suzhen, there is the idea of pure Yang in her power. " Chen Yang has a general understanding in his mind.

At this time, Suzhen in Black said: "this heavy thunder robbery is still not good. I want to go deeper and spend the double thunder robbery."

"What?" Chen Yang was startled. This girl really didn't have any rest!

"This time, I'll go myself," she said

"You're kidding. If you must go, you'd better go together. You can't even get through the first weight without me. " Chen Yang said.

Suzhen in black bited her lips. Her eyes were a little complicated.

"What's the matter?" Chen Yang doesn't understand and says.

"I don't want to hide it from you. I want to speed it up because I still have a lot of things to do," she said. I will not give up to seek revenge, although I always ignore the feelings of others. But it's always unfair for you to drag your life and death with me like this. "

Chen Yang is slightly stunned. In fact, he knows what she thinks.

"You don't have to think too much." Chen Yang said: "anyway, I'm not for you."

She said, "don't you know how a person like me can shed blood and tears? In fact, you don't have much hope. "

"We've talked about this topic many times." Chen Yang waved and said, "don't say any more."

In the end, Suzhen in Heiyi and Chen Yang still fit together. After that, Chen Yang takes Suzhen in black to enter the second stage of thunder robbery.

There are nine levels of thunder and lightning. The first level is the most basic and the weakest. Although this weakness is relative.

In the second ocean of thunder and lightning, thunder and lightning have presented the shape of electric snake. These electric power are fierce and contain the law of thunder and lightning.

Chen Yang was terrified. It was an unspeakable sight. Once in, it feels like everything is going to be torn to pieces. It's not something that human beings can fight against. No matter how big a supernatural person is, he can't fight against such a thunderbolt.

"Do you really want to go in?" Chen Yang asks Suzhen in black.

"Yes Suzhen in black is very firm, without any hesitation.

Chen Yang said: "you will never regret your death. In order to get revenge, you are so tenacious and persistent." He sighed and said, "all the people who can do inhuman things in the world have inhuman thoughts and persistence. It's not unreasonable that you can become a ghost fairy and survive the first thunderstorm. Well, I'll be with you! "

In the end, I'll accompany you to come out with a sense of heroic spirit.

Suzhen in black moved in her heart.

It was an unprecedented warmth.

In this world, she had no nostalgia. But there is a person in front of life and death to say I accompany you three words.

"Go She said.

The next second, Chen Yang has entered the second thunder.

The endless electric snake attacks and kills, and the fierce law of thunder and lightning disintegrates everything.

Infinite mystery, infinite mystery, also all entered.

I want to live in the world!What is thought?

When an idea appears in a person's mind, it is an idea. Countless thoughts and ideas constitute the soul, which is the yuan God.

Suzhen in black has 36000 thoughts. Thirty six thousand thoughts make up her powerful spirit!

Now, as long as she gets through the second thunderstorm, her little idea can trap the enemy. Because there is a complicated and profound small world in this idea.

Chen Yang tried his best to run the mana. In the world of yin and Yang mana, the electric snake swarmed in and was quickly decomposed, and the final pure Yang metaphysical law was absorbed by Suzhen.

Chen Yang's whole body is golden, and his Dharma is solemn, just like a legendary Buddha.


Thunder disaster shows its dignity. Under the disaster, Chen Yang gradually can't resist.

His mana consumption is serious, but at this time, he must not relax. Once relaxed, he and Suzhen would immediately turn into graupel powder.

Originally, this thunder robbery, with the power of Suzhen in black, even if it is the most important, can't be overcome.

If you want to say that in this world, it is not that no one has survived the thunder robbery.

In fact, one of the spirits of the great emperor of China once lived through the thunder disaster. Coincidentally, the original name of the spirit was anjuosu. Anjuosu came from the same family as Suzhen in black. She was born a primordial deity, living with her sister. Later, her sister died, and the Chinese emperor adopted an ruosu in a wonderful jade pendant.

At that time, vantage was also close to an ruosu's sister Anxin for the sake of blood and tears.

An Ruo Su later in the coincidence, the fusion of the archaic magic mosquito. The archaic magic mosquito does not invade all things, and all things do not decay. It is this kind of constitution that makes anruoso successfully survive the thunder disaster.

Suzhen in black is not as strong as the ancient magic mosquito. She couldn't have passed it. However, after her mana and Chen Yang's Yin and Yang mingled, they produced more wonderful power. Therefore, she also successfully survived the thunder.

If it were not for Chen Yang, Suzhen in black would not have survived such a powerful force as thunder robbery.

The infinite power of thunder and lightning constantly tears Chen Yang's Yin and Yang mana.

Chen Yang's mana consumption is serious.

Suzhen in black is trying her best to absorb the power of thunder, so as to understand the mystery of the world.

"How much longer? I can't hold it any longer. " Chen Yang said to Suzhen in black.

"Support as much as you can," she said

Time goes by.

In the lightning layer, the electric snake dances wildly, and sometimes, the electric dragon breathes electric waves.

A heavy thunderstorm came, like a tsunami in the sea.

No one can imagine such a scene out of thin air.



Black Yi Su Zhen suddenly says.

The next second, Chen Yang quickly left the lightning layer.

Then Chen Yang came to the lower boundary.

In the middle of the lower boundary, the rainstorm is pouring down and the electric light is flashing.

Between heaven and earth a gray, occasionally light will tear the dark earth, that moment, between heaven and earth a dazzle white. But in the twinkling of an eye, he fell into darkness again.

Chen Yangtan is sitting on a mountain.

There are cliffs in front of him. When he looked carefully, it turned out that Mount Tai.

The whole world was in front of his eyes.

"Mount Tai, it's Mount Tai again!" Chen Yang is full of complicated feelings for this place.

Mount Tai once trapped the demon emperor. In the parallel world, he and ling'er have been to Mount Tai.

Now, I came to Mount Tai again.

Every time and space is different, but Mount Tai will always be Mount Tai.

Chen Yang is extremely weak.

Not only Chen Yang is weak, but Suzhen in black is also weak to the extreme.

After the robbery, he is bound to be weak. Because if we want to survive the disaster, we must do our best. The reason why Suzhen in Heiyi didn't have a weak period when she passed the first thunderstorm was because she had a lot of savings.

Torrential rain has been non-stop, Chen Yang was drenched into a drowned chicken.

Suzhen in black sits in Chen Yang's brain, motionless.

Chen Yang then takes refuge in jiexumi, swallowing ten dragon fruits in one breath.

Longguo's nutrition was quickly absorbed by Chen Yang, which is to make up for his loss of vitality.

Three days later, Chen Yang's vitality recovered completely.

By this time, it was already sunny in Mount Tai. Chen Yang changed into clean clothes, and he gave up the commandment of Xumi.

At the same time, Suzhen in black also came out.

It was difficult for her to recover, and it would take at least three months for her to recover. So many people have to ask their good friends to guard when they go through the robbery. In order to prevent people from taking advantage of the situation.

But Heiyi Suzhen and Chen Yangrong are integrated. When Chen Yang replenishes energy, Heiyi Suzhen also replenishes it. In addition, yin and Yang gave birth to all things, and soon made up for the damaged power.Suzhen in Heiyi has changed a lot. She is full of mysteries and laws, and the pure Yang is full of unfathomable breath.

Second time thunder robber master!

The first person ever.

"Now, as long as I have an idea alive, I will not die." Black dress Su Zhen says happily to Chen Yang. Rarely has she been so happy.

Chen Yang said, "I'm worried about Tiandao college now."

Black Yi Su Zhen is tiny a Zheng, then say: "OK, I accompany you to go in now."

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