Finally, Xu Xuan left Qingcheng palace with Bai Yi Su Zhen.

Two people flying in the sea of clouds, that day in the sky, gloomy. In the distance, there are dark clouds. It seems that a heavy rain is brewing. It's ten o'clock in the morning. According to the ancient algorithm, it's already ten o'clock.

For Xu Xuan, he should have no regrets. The dream of a beautiful woman has become a wife, life at this point, husband what to ask. But this series of events, but it is difficult to make him stable. In particular, he did not agree with Bai Yi Su Zhen.

"I know what's on your mind." But what was the result of your impulse that day? All your people are... " She sighed and said, "I didn't mean to mention your scar, but I don't want Qingcheng palace to follow suit."

"And..." Bai Yi Su Zhen continued: "the inside information of yaochi palace is not comparable to that of Qingcheng palace. Now on the surface, I have a picture of mountains, rivers, country and stars stone, which seems to be able to compete with yaochi palace. But there are also some ancient elders in yaochi palace. If they do, Qingcheng palace will not be able to resist. As you can see, there are real masters in Qingcheng palace. You all think I'm tolerant and weak Who doesn't want to be angry and have a good time? If I were my sister, I would not care about anything, and I would be angry with Guan. But can I ignore Qingcheng palace? "

Xu Xuan said, "but Su Su, I understand your pains. But do you think that if you just give in, you can really get peace? "

Bai Yi Su Zhen said: "if we are tolerant and reasonable, then yaochi palace is powerful, but they still have to worry about Nanhai Guanyin after all. Nanhai Guanyin helped yaochi palace several times because she thought yaochi palace was reasonable. But once yaochi palace is out of reason, she won't be on their side. "

Xu Xuan was stunned. He found that he really thought things simple.

Obviously, Bai Yi Su Zhen wants to think more deeply. She is standing on the overall point of view, her heart is filled with the whole Qingcheng palace.

In fact, she is greater than Suzhen in black. She lives for Qingcheng palace and Suzhen lives for herself.

Xu Xuan was in a better mood and felt that he had wronged Bai Yi Su Zhen. "I'm sorry, Su Su."

"It's OK," she said

Xu Xuan said, "but do you really have the heart to watch brother Chen have an accident?"

"Nothing will happen to him." Bai Yi Su Zhen said, "with my sister, he won't have an accident. From the beginning, I knew that Xuannv and Chen Yang could not help it. Now I can only pray that they will not kill Xuannv. "

Xu Xuan took another look at Bai Yi Su Zhen.

He realized that Zhizhu was holding his wife. For Suzhen in black, he could not help hating him, but he didn't want to say more.

Xu Xuan said, "now, where can we find them?"

Bai Yi Su Zhen said, "I can feel her presence. Come with me."

At the moment, the two men's bodies flickered and quickly flew forward.

At this time, someone flashed in the void. That person is Lu Yingcai of yaochi palace, and he is not aimless. He just wants to find Chen Yang and Xuannv through Bai Yi Su Zhen.

These people are not fools. Everyone has his own plan.

Obviously, the main purpose of LV Yingcai's words in Qingcheng palace is to put pressure on Bai Yi Suzhen to find out where Chen Yang is. LV Yingcai believes that Bai Yi Su Zhen has some connection with Chen Yang.

On Mount Tai, a torrential rain is brewing.

Lead clouds are low and dark.

Suzhen in black and Chen Yang have been waiting.

At this time, the shadow flashed in the void, and then Bai Yi Su Zhen and Xu Xuan appeared in front of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is surprised to see Bai Yi Su Zhen.

She didn't even come to yaochi palace. She came first.

"White girl, here you are." Chen Yang said lightly.

Xu Xuan said, "brother Chen."

Chen Yang was still very grateful to Xu Xuan, so he immediately changed a smiling face and said, "brother Xu, you're here, too."

Xu Xuan said, "there are so many mistakes in Su Su's work. I hope you don't mind, brother Chen. I'll take the place of Su Su and tell brother Chen you're not going to be with me. "

When he finished, he would bow. Chen Yang immediately held him and said, "brother Xu, I'm serious. You don't have to mention the past."

Xu Xuan said, "brother Chen is not to blame Su Su?"

Chen Yang a smile, said: "white sister has its own difficulties and position, I have nothing to care about."

Bai Yi Su Zhen takes another look at Chen Yang. She doesn't think Chen Yang is so open-minded. It made her feel embarrassed, but after all, she didn't say anything.

Bai Yi Su Zhen then began to speak and said, "on that day, Jiutian Xuannv and Taiyuan fairy came out to seek revenge. Now, who are they?"

Before Chen Yang spoke, Suzhen in Black said, "you didn't care about the day. Today, I don't think it's necessary for you to take care of it. "Bai Yi Su Zhen said: "now yaochi palace is asking Qingcheng palace for a crime. It's very difficult for me to deal with it. Sister, I want you to hand them in

"Suzhen Heiyi said:" kill all kill, how to pay? What's more, even if I didn't kill you, I won't give it to you. You'd better get out of here before you embarrass each other. "

Black dress Su Zhen didn't give white dress Su Zhen what good facial expression to see, however, this is also she also talked about affection. If other people come to ask for help from Suzhen in black, Suzhen in black will ask her to leave. If you don't get out of here, you kill him.

This is Suzhen's personal style.

Bai Yi Su Zhen kept silent.

"Brother Chen!" Xu Xuan opened his mouth and said, "we can't afford you this. It's just that for now, the situation is complicated. If it can be resolved, it is better to resolve it. Do you think you can? "

Xu xuangen didn't want to talk to Suzhen in black. He also knew that Suzhen in black was unreasonable, so he directly found a breakthrough in Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said with a bitter smile, "the fairy of Taiyuan was really killed by us. Nine days Xuan girl is still alive, I was imprisoned. Brother Xu, do you think it can be regarded as not having happened when we put back the nine day Xuan girl? "

"What?" Bai Yi Su Zhen and Xu Xuan were surprised at the same time.

"Did you really kill one?" Bai Yi Su Zhen's face turned ugly. Xu Xuan also knows that this is really tricky.

Chen Yang didn't care too much and said, "what's the fuss about that. The two of them have advanced accomplishments, and we can't keep them. Are they allowed to kill us instead of us? "

"This That's true Xu Xuan thinks so. As a matter of fact, he is also impulsive.

"Now..." Xu Xuan said to Bai Yi Su Zhen in a dilemma.

Bai Yi Su Zhen said, "give Xuannv back." Her eyes are on Chen Yang.

Chen Yang frowned and said, "today your sister and I have become enemies with yaochi palace. In the future, Xuannv will always be a chip. It can also make the other party flinch. If you hand it over, won't it make the other party have no scruples about us any more? "

He paused and said, "Oh, I understand. It is a merit of Qingcheng palace to recover Xuannv. As for me and your sister's life and death, what does it have to do with you and Qingcheng palace? "

Xu Xuan was impatient and said, "brother Chen, Su Su never meant that."

Chen Yang said, "what does that mean?"

Bai Yi Su Zhen said in a deep voice: "with Xuannv in hand, you can't be good at the things in front of you. Yaochi palace is angry and will not take care of a Xuannv. What they care more about is their dignity, so it doesn't matter if they give it to me, but it makes Qingcheng palace complete. "

Chen Yang was waiting to speak again, and Suzhen in Black said, "Chen Yang, give the woman back to her. That day I saved you, she gave me the map of the country. It's also a favor. Give it back to her. "

Chen Yang saw that Suzhen in Black said so. Although he didn't want to, he didn't want to say any more. At that moment, he carried out the nine day Xuannv. He instantly takes back all the mana, and then throws away the nine day Xuan girl toward Bai Yi Su Zhen.

Nine days Xuan girl immediately wake up, she immediately indignation.

Bai Yi Su Zhen took over the nine days Xuannv, nine days Xuannv immediately said: "let me go."

Bai Yi Su Zhen then let go of nine days Xuan girl.

Nine days Xuannv struggling to stand in the void, she indignantly looked at Chen Yang, said: "thief, this is absolutely not over."

"If you talk to me again, believe it or not, I will kill you now?" Chen Yang doesn't have a good face for Jiutian Xuannv.

Nine days Xuan girl heart next a quiver.

"Xuannv, let's go." Bai Yi Su Zhen said.

But Jiutian Xuannv is also unwilling to entangle with Chen Yang. She nods and says, "good!"

This group of people, is preparing to leave when the clouds suddenly move.

Then, seven golden immortals appeared, and at the same time, three ancient elders of yaochi palace appeared.

These three ancient elders are also called yaochi Sansheng.

Yao Chi three saints, two of them are the peak of the virtual fairyland, the strongest one, has been the cave fairyland cultivation.

However, even though they were strong, they were defeated in the face of Suzhen in black. Suzhen in black is also in the cave fairyland with a picture of mountains and rivers and a star stone. She is invincible, if not for Guanyin, the whole yaochi palace will be destroyed.

A master of cave fairyland can't shake yaochi palace. But a master of cave fairyland who has taken the map of mountains, rivers, country and stars stone is definitely the nightmare of yaochi palace.

At the moment, yaochi Sansheng and seven golden immortals appear, which is the absolute importance of Suzhen in black.

At this moment, the rainstorm suddenly poured down.

Lightning struck, thunder roared.

Charley, finally.

The clouds roll, but within a week, the rain falls on this area, but it is bounced away by the invisible energy shield.

The three sages of yaochi quickly set up a strong boundary in the cave, and trapped Chen Yang and Suzhen in black.Within a hundred miles around, the caves are all over the place. The space rules form a circle of ripples, colorful and gorgeous.

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