"Big chaos thunder sword!"


Dawei iron dragon Bodhisattva blocked the first sword. Unexpectedly, Suzhen in black would sacrifice the second sword directly. At this time, he could not resist.

In an instant, the big chaos thunder sword directly split Dawei iron dragon Bodhisattva in two!

The great power iron dragon Bodhisattva didn't even hum, so he died. His spirit soared to the sky, and Suzhen in black quickly sealed all his spirit and soul fragments one by one.

At the same time, the Kunlun mirror trapped the other three Bodhisattvas.

But immediately, the three Bodhisattvas will break out of the mirror. Suzhen in black is afraid to take back the Kunlun mirror. Once she takes back the Kunlun mirror, she has no chance to escape.

"Go At this time, Suzhen in black has lost her vitality. If she delays, she will die. Her Yin Yang mana is not invincible. When the vitality is damaged and the enemy is too strong, there is no suspense at all.

Suzhen in black quickly returns to the isolated island and spreads the boundary of yin and Yang.

The whole process, in a flash, is simply one go.

Bodhisattva Bao'an, Bodhisattva Baogen and Bodhisattva Tianluo were trapped in the Kunlun mirror for a moment, and then they all escaped from the Kunlun mirror. Although Kunlun mirror is powerful, Suzhen in black has no extra mana control, so Kunlun mirror can't trap these people.

After Bao'an Bodhisattva and others came out, they saw that Dawei iron dragon Bodhisattva died under the big chaos thunder sword. When you want to kill Suzhen in Heiyi, the trace of Suzhen in Heiyi is lost between heaven and earth.

Bodhisattva Bao'an seized the Kunlun mirror and put it in his pocket. When the three of them saw that Dawei Tielong Bodhisattva, a Bodhisattva of war god level, was killed by Suzhen in black in an instant, they couldn't help hating in their hearts.

"Go Bodhisattva Bao'an and others knew that the situation was so serious that they had to disturb the Buddha. They immediately returned to the Buddha kingdom.

In the isolated island, after Chen Yang and Suzhen in black fell to the ground.

Chen Yang begins to refine the soul fragments of Dawei Tielong Bodhisattva. Suzhen in black devours the essence pill of Dawei Tielong Bodhisattva.

It has to be said that the Buddha's two moves provided a lot of energy assistance to Suzhen in Heiyi.

The source of the soul absorbed the fragments of the Bodhisattva Dawei Tielong's soul again, and the source of the soul was so powerful that it was against heaven.

On the other hand, Suzhen in black soon absorbed the essence pill of Dawei iron dragon Bodhisattva. Her energy was in a frenzy.

"Now, with my ability, I can launch the immortal thunder once alone, and at the same time, I can launch the big chaotic thundersword three times." She said.

Chen Yang said, "Congratulations!"

"Why don't you seem very happy?" Black Yi Su Zhen suddenly says.

Chen Yang said: "I'm afraid that the Buddha will do it. Can you really fight against the Buddha? "

Black Yi Su Zhen is tiny a Zheng, she then says: "are you worried about me?"

"Of course," Chen Yang said

"I'm confident now, but I know I'm not a match for Shizun," she said

Chen Yang said, "what are your plans?"

"In fact, I have already guessed that the Buddha must be closing the door to understand the way of heaven," she said. Otherwise, he would let his disciples die. These two moves were made by the disciples who wanted to complete this matter. Only after these two times, they will certainly go to disturb the Buddha. " After a pause, she continued: "with the ability of the Buddha, even if we hide in the boundary of yin and Yang, we can't hide it from him."

Chen Yang was surprised.

"There are only two ways I can go now," she said

"Those two roads?" Chen Yanglian asked.

Suzhen Heiyi said: "the first way is to hand over Miaoshan and surrender voluntarily. Maybe we can get a way to live. But I will never go this way. "

Chen Yang said: "this is not nonsense."

Suzhen in Black said with a smile, "the second way is the only way. I'm going to go through six thunderstorms. "

"Do you have enough savings?" Chen Yang asked immediately.

"It's not enough, it's not enough," she said

"So you..." Chen Yang said.

"But I can only take a chance," she said. If I get through it, I have the ability to compete with the Buddha. "

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "I've only been here for two months. If you want to try, you can

"This time, I'll go alone." "You don't have to come with me," she said

"How can that be?" Chen Yang immediately objected and said, "I'm not sure. Without me, you would be more dangerous."

"Because I'm not sure, I can't let you die again," she said

Chen Yang said: "if you die, my blood and tears will be even more impossible. If you can't save ling'er, I'll die in the thunder robbery with you. It's all over. "Suzhen in black was shocked.

She took one more look at Chen Yang, and then she stopped objecting and said, "OK."

There was a complicated look in her eyes. But at this moment, Chen Yang could not guess what she was thinking.

Chen Yang is too lazy to think about it.

At this point, there is no room for maneuver.

Then, there is only one way to go to the black.

Then, Suzhen in black occupies Chen Yang's body and rushes out of the island.

When I left the island this time, I didn't use the big move technique directly, but explored around carefully. To her slight surprise, Suzhen in Heiyi didn't feel that people in the Buddhist world were peeping.

"It was a surprise that there was no action." Suzhen in black didn't think much about it. She immediately looked for it in the four seas.

There is a great move between heaven and earth, where it is impossible to go.

There is always a lightning layer between the heaven and the earth.

Ten minutes later, Suzhen in Heiyi finally found the lightning layer. It's still over a sea.

In other places, the sea is still calm, but this sea is a tsunami.

Wind and rain, thunder and lightning, between heaven and earth, gray, like the end of natural disasters in general. This is the real power of heaven and earth!

Suzhen in black rushed into the sixth layer of lightning.


Endless thunder and lightning irrigation, crazy washing Chen Yang's body, but also washing the black Suzhen spirit. The impurities, the toxins, the cause and effect are all refined.

Thunder irrigation, washing the spirit!

This is the supreme power, but also extremely dangerous.

Black clothes Su Zhen bear such washing, it is like ordinary people's bones and muscles were inch by inch, and quickly recovered, and then crushed again, this is inhuman pain, inhuman suffering.

As long as one is careless, it will go up in smoke.

Fortunately, yin and Yang mana is working. Every time when she is about to lose support, yin and Yang mana can radiate birth opportunity, providing Suzhen in black with the courage to survive.

Chen Yang is also suffering from this kind of inhuman torture. He knows that he can't relax. He must insist on his death, otherwise everything will be doomed.

In this kind of pain, Chen Yang seems to be back to that year, when the king of Shura invaded. He wanted to protect ling'er. In the end, he was beaten to pieces by the king.

However, as long as there is a trace of intelligence, he will keep fighting until he dies.

For the sake of loved ones, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, you can't give up, unless it's death!

Now he is not only for Suzhen, but also for linger.


After endless torture, Suzhen in black finally passed the sixth thunder robbery perfectly.

Black clothes Su Zhen quickly took Chen Yang out of the lightning layer.

This time, instead of returning to the island, she went to Lin'an City.

Lin'an City is protected by the spirit of ZuLong, but it is the safest place.

All the way to Lin'an City was smooth. After arriving at the Imperial Palace, both of them were dispirited.

Their energy consumption is too serious.

In order to keep secret, they first took refuge in jiexumi to have a rest.

After three days and three nights of meditation, Chen Yang and Suzhen in black have the strength to speak.

Suzhen in black deeply understands the danger and pain of this robbery, and also understands that Chen Yang has suffered the same pain in order to help her.

But for all that, Suzhen said nothing more.

The next day is when Chen Yang tries his best to absorb the dragon fruit, and then helps them recover their damaged vitality.

After three days, their vitality returned to the highest point.

At this time, Suzhen in Heiyi went to the core roulette of Tianlei city and met with master Guanyin once.

Master Guanyin is practicing meditation. Although her meridians and mana are blocked, she can still practice meditation. If you practice Zen but not Dharma, you can have peace of mind and feel the vastness of Buddhism.

Suzhen in black appeared in front of Guanyin.

She came in alone, and Chen Yang couldn't follow her, let alone know what the conversation was about.

Guanyin opened her eyes slowly. She calmly looked at Suzhen in black.

So many days of detention, Guanyin has no hatred, no pain, no resentment and no hatred.

She was originally a person of practice. For her, she was just practicing in a different place.

"Here you are..." Guanyin said lightly.

"There is a price to pay for making a mistake," she said

Guanyin said, "what do you want to say?"

"The first time I was suppressed by you, I didn't expect you to do it," she said. I didn't expect that you would suppress me without asking. You only see my killing, but not the arrogance and desperation of yaochi palace and the humiliation and oppression of Qingcheng palace. "

"Maybe it's because they haven't wanted to destroy Qingcheng palace, so you don't think they need to do it. And you think it's because I'm determined to destroy yaochi palace. " She said."What are you trying to say?" Guanyin said.

"I paid for my mistakes, more than two hundred years of repression and preaching," she said. You forced me to give in. Later, for you, I let you know that I didn't give in. So I'm going to die in your hands. I want you to know that your two hundred years are bullshit! "

Guanyin said: "we have talked about these things many times. What are you trying to say? "

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