The prime minister is obviously too lazy to answer Chen Yang's question. He looks at Chen Yang coldly.

This kind of look makes Chen Yang feel a little creepy.

At this time, the prime minister's wrist suddenly flashed red, and then, it seems that there is a similar feeling to the phone. The prime minister nodded the bracelet on his wrist.

Then a hologram appeared in front of the prime minister.

There also appeared a monster, which was more dignified. He looked at the prime minister and said, "I heard the appeal from several nobles. Now I can't contact these nobles. What happened here?"

The signal for help was sent by the nobles before Chen Yang had transformed them.

The prime minister, with a cold face, said, "there is indeed an accident here. We previously felt a huge explosion on the sea, and found that it was the friar Kirin Er fighting on the land. The magic power of these unicorns is not weak, so we caught them and studied them. But one of them seems to have a special way to escape our pursuit and survive in the furnace. Now, the unicorn escaped and arrested all the nobles who were gathering. The prime minister is negotiating with him. "

"What?" The disillusioned king was surprised and said, "there is such a thing."

"The unicorn is right behind you. Have a look." Said the prime minister.

The disillusioned king turned and looked at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang can't help but wonder how the technology of these monsters is so advanced. But it's similar to the existence of video calls. Why does this monster seem to come to the scene in person?

The disillusioned king looked at Chen Yang and asked coldly, "are you the unicorn?"

Chen Yang knows that Qilin is not a good word. At least in the mouth of these monsters, it's not a good word. He was too lazy to pay attention to the king of destruction.

A sharp sword came at the king of destruction.

The disillusioned king was slightly stunned, and he did not evade. The sword went through him, but he was undamaged.

"Presumptuous!" The prime minister was also angry.

Chen Yang's performance is too presumptuous.

In the eyes of the disillusioned king, Mori Han's killing intention flashed, but he said: "don't worry about those nobles. This unicorn is special in both character and technique. Take him and send him to the chalky world. "

"Chalk world?" Chen Yang was surprised to hear that.

He immediately remembered that among the three thousand worlds, there was a chalky world.

But the chalky world is in a very delicate corner, which is hard to find. And no one's ever been in the chalk world. The wonder of the chalky world is here. No one can get in. It's not open to the outside world.

After a long time, no one cares about the chalk world. Anyway, the chalky world has done little harm to the outside world.

Then the king of destruction disappeared.

On the prime minister's wrist, the red light stopped flashing.

Obviously It's like hanging up.

Chen Yang feels the crisis.

He stepped back involuntarily and said, "why, do you really care about their lives?"

Qiao Ning also felt nervous on one side, this place is strange.

The prime minister didn't say a word, just waved his hand.

So the three monsters behind him immediately shot.

Chen Yang doesn't know the strength of the three monsters, but he always feels dangerous. Qiao Ning also has this intuition. There's no mistake in their intuition.

"Sea of souls!" Chen Yang quickly sacrificed the sea of soul.

The sea of souls enveloped all the four monsters including the prime minister.

"Vortex of soul!" Chen Yang is not polite and immediately uses his soul vortex to strangle the four monsters.

That Prime Minister four monsters face Chen Yang's soul sea, but they don't blink.

One of the monsters pressed on his wrist. Immediately, the blue light curtain shrouded the four monsters.

Then, a strange eye appeared in the middle of the three monsters' eyebrows. Three strange eyes instantly shoot out three blue lights!

These three blue lights quickly penetrated the blue light curtain.

Three blue lights are shot in one place, and finally form a blue light ball, which is more and more dazzling.

Chen Yang felt bad, his soul vortex could not help the blue light curtain. And in this blue light ball, is forming the terror lethality. I'm afraid that once it explodes, Chen Yang's soul sea will be blown to pieces.

What Chen Yang doesn't know is that this kind of blue light explosion is called Zhouguang!

Zeuguang didn't hurt the palace and themselves. But it will shatter Chen Yang, Qiao Ning and even the sea of soul.

Although these monsters want to capture Chen Yang alive, they are merciless.

This kind of cosmic light is extremely strange, magical and mysterious. It's something Chen Yang has never seen or heard of. However, this light seems to be human, but it is the nemesis of all magic weapons."Danger Chen Yang immediately sacrificed the heavenly way pen.


The hidden words are written quickly, and both Chen Yang and Qiao Ning are invisible. At that moment, Chen Yang contracted the sea of soul into his brain.


At the same time, the blue ball of light exploded.

The whole palace was shocked, and the blue light exploded in all directions.

The magnetic field in the air, the air, and so on, all matter smashes instantly.

The covert cover in front of Chen Yang was also stained with blue brilliance.

"Well?" Chen Yang feels that the hidden word shield is assimilating the blue light, and he also feels that the mana is being pulled wildly.

This consumption is huge and terrifying.

Soon, the protective cover becomes blue, but it doesn't hurt Chen Yang and Qiao Ning.

"Don't be afraid, we're invisible." Chen Yang's body feels slightly weak. His palms are sweating. At the same time, he grabs Qiao Ning's hand and communicates with his mind: "they can't see us."

Qiao Ning glanced at the prime minister and others. Seeing their expressions, he knew that they could not see themselves.

"This is..."

"I know the way of heaven!" Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "it's too dangerous here. These monsters don't know what exists. We can't resist the blue light. You have to find a way out of here first. "

"Well!" Said Qiao Ning.

Chen Yang did not act rashly at this time, but looked at the prime minister from a distance. At the same time, he grabbed 1000 pieces of Chunyang Dan and poured them into his mouth.

His consumed mana is quickly replenished.

This kind of supplement is fast, but it is not unlimited. Because people's energy is still limited, it is impossible to supplement energy all the time, and they can always be in a high-intensity work.

Chen Yang knows that his situation is actually very bad, but he also knows that the enemy is still not clear about his cards.

In that scene, the prime minister's face was very blue. He stood there and said nothing.

"Prime minister, what should we do?" A monster asked the prime minister.

"If I just kill the monsters here, can each of you protect yourself?" After thinking for a long time, Chen Yang suddenly asked.

He spoke directly.

Because Chen Yang suddenly found out that this kind of invisibility of his own is that the other party walks over from his body and will not be discovered. Because hidden words really change matter. Although the Zhou light is powerful, but the hidden word in the Zhou light to kill, the protective cover also became Zhou light.

So Chen Yang spoke directly.

As soon as he spoke, the prime minister did. He pointed to where Chen Yang was.

Suddenly, a fierce Zhou Guang shot Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was surprised.

The speed of the light made it impossible for people to escape.

But soon, Chen Yang's idea was confirmed.

The covert shield assimilated the light again.

It's just The only bad thing is that Chen Yang's mana consumption is huge every time he assimilates.

"I'll kill all the monsters you have here." Chen Yang said word by word. At this time, he can't show weakness. He has to make the prime minister feel pressure.

"Is it?" With a cold smile, the prime minister said, "any material exertion and change need to pay a price. You can't keep your Invisibility all the time. If the truth is right, you will assimilate all the things around you. Every time you assimilate, you will consume a lot of mana, right

Chen Yang was surprised.

Qiao Ning is also aware of this, and she looks at Chen Yang anxiously.

Chen Yang was surprised at the monster's wisdom and was so terrible.

But in any case, Chen Yang can't easily admit it. He just laughed and said, "really? We'll see. Let's see who laughs last. "

The prime minister suddenly said, "well, I'll give you a chance. The gateway is open for you, you can leave, but all the nobles must stay

Chen Yang felt the killing and danger here, he pondered, and did not immediately answer.

Naturally, it is useless for him to ask for these nobles. His insistence is of little significance.

If we drag on for a long time, there will be too many variables and dangers.

The prime minister also saw that Chen Yang was thinking about it, so he continued: "if you leave here, we will never see you. Today's event can be regarded as a dream

"Okay, open the door." Chen Yang said: "after I go out, if I find it safe, I will throw out all the nobles and you will go to rescue them."

The prime minister said, "no way!"

Chen Yang laughs and says, "if you can't, I'll destroy your palace."

The prime minister said, "no living creature can destroy this palace."

Chen Yang said, "whatever you say, I'll see when you can laugh."

The prime minister said: "the passage is open, you release people, we release you. That's it! "Chen Yang said, "there is no need to talk about it."

Chen Yang is a master of negotiation and psychology.

He knew that although the prime minister was right, he was not sure about it.

The tougher Chen Yang is, the more important Chen Yang's chips will be.

"You should know that the life and death of those nobles are not really in your mind." Said the prime minister.

"Coincidentally, I didn't care. In that case, if you open the passage and I leave, what do you do with all this nonsense? " Chen Yang said with a sneer.

"There has never been a Kirin who dares to talk to me like this." The prime minister's eyes flashed with ice cold intention to kill.

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