Lingzun soldiers do their duty.

One of them said, "Lord changsun, Lord Jiatian has an order. You can't leave the Dharma society without his permission."

Chang sun glanced at the soldier and said in a cold voice, "get out of here!"

His eyes a cold, this sound roll word shout out, roll prestige come. How could the two lingzun soldiers bear it? Their faces were black with sweat.

"Eldest grandson!" Just at this time, Najia Tian felt something in the scientific research room. As soon as he flashed, he appeared in front of his eldest grandson.

"Chang sun, what are you doing?" Jia Tianleng said. With a wave of his hand, he relieved the pressure of the two lingzun soldiers.

"I'm going out!" Chang Sun said directly.

"You can't go out yet!" Jia Tian said.

Chang Sun said, "are you going to put me under house arrest? You don't have that qualification yet. "

Jiatian said, "we have to decide with the president about your mistakes. You can't go there until the punishment comes down. "

The eldest grandson said, "Jiatian, you are just at the beginning of the universe. You know exactly how to set the tone for my mistake. To be lingzun and do things, it's better to stay on the front line. When I break through Dongxian, don't force me to treat you as an enemy in the future. "

Jia Tian was slightly stunned.

He looked at his eldest grandson and then fell silent.

After a while, Jia Tian gave way. Obviously, Jia Tian suddenly realized the essence of the matter. Changsun's mistakes will not hurt his muscles and bones, but changsun will become a strong enemy in the future. Moreover, as a Dharma learner, he can't get rid of the roots first. Since we can't get rid of the roots, we can't do things too well.

So after a long time of meditation, Jiatian made way.

After he left the Dharma society, Chang sun quickly left alpis mountain and flew away from Beijing.

Gadian did not follow his eldest son, and he did not think much about what he would do. Because Chang sun always likes to leave Beijing to make friends.

The eldest son went directly to rivata's home.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing have been waiting for their eldest grandson.

In the living room on the second floor of the villa, the eldest grandson is dressed in black robes, like a king. He has a great body and a gloomy temperament.

Both Chen Yang and Qin Keqing are here. They face the arrival of their eldest grandson calmly.

"Here you are Chen Yang smiles and says, "please sit down!"

Chang sun is a bit strange about Chen Yang's attitude, but he is not a man without a city. He sits down quietly.

Chen Yang said, "I still have 70 million pills, plus the deposit of 30 million pills. It's 100 million. I need you to do me a favor. "

"What's up?" Chang sun looks up at Chen Yang and asks faintly.

Chen Yang said, "help me save LAN Tingyu."

"What are you doing?" Chang sun suddenly asked Chen Yang coldly.

Chen Yang slightly a Zheng, say: "what with what?"

Chang Sun said, "I mean, why do you want me to help you save LAN Tingyu?"

Chen Yang said, "let's talk about the price again. I'll give you enough pills. You are only one step away from tianyujing. You need pills very much. "

The eldest grandson said, "can I come to you now? Why do I have to work for you. I think you should have more pills in your hand. I'm also thinking, "why do you dare to come to see me, just by the two of you?"

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing's faces changed obviously.

There was a nervous look in their eyes. However, Chen Yang was still calm and said, "if you want to say that, there is really no point in talking about it. Since I dare to ask you to meet me, I can't have no cards. You can think of it, so can I. If business doesn't work, that's fine. But you must not do it. Once you do it, I promise you will regret it for the rest of your life. You should probably know something. Bruner of central world is dead. And your chalky world, the venerable tianbulu, is dead. There is also katian. His accomplishments are higher than yours. I still left under his eyes. These things are enough to show that you are not qualified to fight with me. "

Chang sun couldn't help looking at Chen Yang again, and his eyes flashed with fear.

Indeed, Chen Yang is full of eccentricity.

Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu are very famous in their eyes. It's not because these two goods have high accomplishments. No matter how highly cultivated people are, they are not ignorant. The reason why they are famous is that these two goods are so strange, just like Xiaoqiang who can't fight.

Jiatian said that he killed Chen Yang. In fact, the people of the Dharma society have been suspicious. I just don't dare to say it.

And now the facts prove that Chen Yang is not dead and still alive. Isn't it still fierce?

For a moment, Chang sun was in a state of suspense. He is not sure if Chen Yang has any ambush.

Chen Yang's eyes were cold, and he said, "now that you are not willing to do this business, go away!"

"Boy, you want to die!" The eldest grandson was furious. When did anyone dare to talk to him like that.Chen Yang rises abruptly and says: "how, do you want to start?"

Chang Sun said, "you..." He wanted to do it. He felt that as soon as he did it, he could crush the two dolls into pieces. However, the strange things that happened to Chen Yang were like magic spells in his mind.

"Why?" Just then, Chang sun saw Chen Yang's hand shaking slightly. He also saw that Qin Keqing was also very nervous.

"Ha ha ha..." The eldest grandson burst out laughing. He finally understood one thing. "Smelly boy, if you had the ability to deal with me, you wouldn't be so fierce. You're obviously trying to intimidate me, thinking that you can scare me away. I don't care what the hell you used to have, but now, I'm sure you've run out of cards. "

"Yes? Ha ha Chen Yang laughed and said, "if you have the ability, you can do it."

"Son, do you think I dare not?" The eldest grandson burst into a rage and made an instant move.

However, he was caught by Chen Yang and Qin Keqing.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing are enveloped by the big blue fingerprints, just like the whole sky is covered, which makes people hide and hide!

Chen Yang did not blink an eye, said: "insect carving skills, dare to show off in front of my grandfather." After he finished, he concentrated on his luck.

All of a sudden, a fierce big soul thunder sword tears the void and cuts it out.

How fierce is the power of this sword!


Chen Yang's sword actually tore apart Chang sun's seal. Later, Chen Yang captured Qin Keqing and entered the soul crystal. The power of the soul crystal was completely urged, turned into a brilliant black sword, and killed out of the villa.


The walls of the villa were easily penetrated by the black sword Qi. In an instant, Chen Yang was on the ninth day.

"Sure enough, there is no card. If you want to go, how can it be?" Chang sun's heart is fixed. His big move was just a trial.

Now that Chen Yang and Qin Keqing are eager to run for their lives, he has confirmed what he thinks.

Chang sun also saw that Chen Yang's soul crystal was very important. At the moment, his figure flashed, and he also shuttled to jiuxiao. Then, without saying a word, Chang sun laid the law of the cave.

It's full of space. It's full of blue everywhere.

Like the ocean, like the universe of nothingness!

The soul crystal is also powerful, actually directly tearing countless spaces, seeing, his laws of the cave can't stop the soul crystal.

"That's ridiculous!" Seeing this, Chang sun was furious.

"Go The eldest sun shot quickly, and he offered his magic weapon, the white jade diamond sword!

A white jade sword light flew out and swept countless space rules, forming a huge white jade sword light storm in the air, hitting Chen Yang's soul black sword light.


The two swords collided and killed together, and the soul crystal was quickly beaten back to its original shape.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing also fall out of the soul crystal. Chen Yang grabs the soul crystal with one hand.

Changsun also took back the white jade diamond sword. With a sneer, he said coldly in the sky like God: "with your two little skills, do you want to escape in my hands?"

But Chen Yang sneered and said, "Chang sun, I have advised you not to fight with me. You asked for it After he finished, he quickly kneaded the mysterious rules practiced by Linghui monk.

The Golden Crystal quickly burst out of infinite brilliance, and then countless pieces of gold fell down.

The eldest son felt bad, but it was too late. The debris had quickly contaminated his cave.

"What the hell is this?" The eldest grandson was shocked.

He immediately realized that there were more mysterious and incomparable rules in the cave. It's a terrible feeling. It's like the eldest grandson is a teacher who knows the lesson well. But suddenly, new knowledge was added, and it was very profound. Nima, I don't understand!

"I'll kill you!" The eldest grandson was furious.

Chen Yang does not hide, does not dodge, does not dodge. He sneered and said, "kill me, you will stay in the fairyland forever. Without me, this law will trouble you to death! "

Chang sun takes Chen Yang as an example.

In the void, countless blue caves form a space killing array, and then evolve into countless big hands to capture Chen Yang.

Obviously, Chang sun will not give in easily.

He wants to catch Chen Yang and ask him to help him solve this mysterious law.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing quickly escape into the soul crystal.

Later, the Soul Crystal turned into a soul sword light, which directly penetrated the space killing array and appeared outside the cave.

"Chang sun, do you really think you can catch me? Do you think that you are more noble than either gadian or Bruner? " Chen Yang said with a sneer outside the cave.

He went on to say: "just now the flaw is just to lead you to be deceived, it's really unexpected, you are really deceived."Now the eldest grandson can't be perfect in the cave. It's not difficult for Chen Yang's soul crystal to break through his cave.

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