Chang sun and Michael obviously have reservations about Chen Yang. Nowadays, no one is more stupid than others. Changsun and Micah are just thinking about how to solve the problem peacefully, and then get the benefit of Linghui monk. They don't want to tear their skin. Once they do, there will be all kinds of unknown dangers. If in the future, the laws of wisdom in their bodies can not be broken, then they will be doomed. This risk, the eldest grandson and Michael did not dare to take.

Chen Yang knows this in his heart, and he will not tell his eldest grandson about his plans. It's like going to rescue Yu Zijin. Chen Yang won't tell Chang sun.

After Chang Sun reported some news, Chen Yang sent Chang sun away.

After the eldest grandson left, Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu talked about the situation. Chen Yang said, "after daybreak, my idol is over there. I'll find a way to meet Luoxue and make sure she's safe."

LAN Tingyu nodded.

He didn't say much.

Soon after dawn, in the Presbyterian meeting of Tianlong hall, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing didn't have much rest all night. They were all practicing with their knees crossed and meditating.

In the middle of the night, Qin Keqing received a message from eight younger sister Yu Zizhen. She and Tang Wenqing have safely returned to the house of the Jokhang Dynasty.

At this point, the mark was completely broken and could no longer provide a message. Because of the closeness of the chalk world, it is not easy to convey such a flash. Qin Keqing also breathed a sigh of relief when she learned that Yu Zizhen and Tang Wenqing had successfully returned to Dazhao mansion. Because, she finally can, no regret here with Chen Yang, live and die together.

At about eight o'clock in the morning, a human maidservant came to knock on the door.

There are many human beings in the Presbyterian Church. Men are used to do chores and women are used to serve them. The elders also have to admit that human beings are very clever, easy to tame, and do well.

"Mr. Chen, Miss Qin!" The maid who came to serve was a female official or something. She was very alert. She called softly outside.

Chen Yang pretended to be sleepy and said, "what are you doing?"

"I'm here to serve you and miss to get up and wash." She said.

Chen Yang said, "Oh, come in."

"All right!" After that, the female official came in with two maidservants. They had a copper basin for washing and some other things in their hands.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing pretend to get up slowly.

After getting up, he opened the bed curtain, and Chen Yang saw the female official and maid clearly.

Well, besides female officials, they are also pretty. Maidservants are not very good-looking.

Chen Yang knows that the gods don't care about the beauty and ugliness of human beings. Maybe the most beautiful women Chen Yang thinks are extremely ugly in their eyes.

The female officer wore a special necklace around her neck, and the two maidservants stooped in. As soon as they arrived in front of Chen Yang and Qin Keqing, they knelt down and did not dare to lift their heads.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing are not used to being served like this. Chen Yang takes back his feet and says, "get up quickly!"

"Ah?" That female official and two maidservants immediately confused look to Chen Yang. Obviously, I don't quite understand Chen Yang's meaning.

The female official said in fear: "young master, is it that we are not doing well there?"

Chen Yang was stunned for a while, and he immediately knew that these female officials and maidservants had been trained in this way since childhood. That kind of servility has gone deep into the bone marrow and can't be changed.

He sighed.

Some things are difficult for him to change after all. It doesn't make much difference.

Chen Yang grabbed Qin Keqing's hand, and then let these maidservants serve him.

After washing, the female official said, "elder Leng Yun has set up an early banquet. Please come and have dinner with us."

Chen Yang said, "OK, lead the way!"

The female official nodded, then bowed all the way to lead the way. So did the two maidservants.

They didn't say anything superfluous, and they didn't dare to say it, but there was a terrible wave in their hearts. Because, for the first time, they saw that human beings could not be regarded as slaves, and could be treated so politely by their masters.

They don't quite understand why, but many things, they will start to think, no longer feel any suffering is taken for granted.

Chen Yang looked at the three women. They were still young, but their bodies were bent, just like seventy old women.

At that moment, Chen Yang's heart was very sour. He wanted to do something to save these poor people, but he found that he could do nothing.

The Presbyterian palace is magnificent and luxurious.

Along the way, there are amazing buildings everywhere, and everywhere is showing the spacious and spacious. The golden lion, the dinosaur sculpture on the column, the blanket on the ground are thick and soft, and the paintings on the side are precious.

What five-star hotel put in front of such a building is just like a clown.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing finally come to the restaurant, which is like the Golden Hall of Vienna. The melodious music is played by 30 human musicians.The maids were well dressed, crawling to serve the saints and so on.

In front of the long golden blood sandalwood dining table, elder lengyun and elder Kiel sat in full dress.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing entered together.

"Did you sleep well yesterday?" Elder lengyun and elder Kiel get up. Elder lengyun smiles and asks.

Chen Yang glanced at many maids at the scene. He said with a smile, "I don't quite understand why you have to torture us like this. Do we have historical hatred with you?"

"Sit down!" Elder lengyun motioned Chen Yang and Qin Keqing to take their seats.

The table and chair were much higher than the human table and chair. Chen Yang and Qin Keqing directly stepped on the table and sat on it.

"In fact, both of you should be aware of the contradiction between lingzun and human beings." Elder Leng Yun said with a smile.

Chen Yang is really clear in his heart, because The earth.

Before, God was the master of the earth. Now, man is the master of the earth. Therefore, lingzun can't live with human beings. For example, this used to be my home, but later my family suffered a disaster and took refuge. Come back and have a look. Good guy, this family has changed a lot. Become the home of others, then, the animosity of lingzun to mankind is from here.

"It's not our fault." Chen Yang said: "after you leave, we are the laws naturally bred by heaven and earth."

Elder Leng Yun said: "many things are not right or wrong."

Chen Yang said, "well, that's also true."

Elder Kiel is silent. Elder Leng Yun is the leader of all this.

The breakfast was very rich. Fortunately, elder lengyun and elder Kiel took care of Chen Yang and Qin Keqing's emotions and did not arrange any human flesh to eat.

Glass jade leaf plate, marigold shredded chicken, Qiongjiang Xianguo, and so on.

It's full of color and fragrance, which makes people feel like a king's life.

It has to be said that these deities are still able to enjoy life.

"Try it. It's very delicious." Elder Leng Yun said.

Chen Yang nodded.

He also had a good determination, and really took Qin Keqing to finish the breakfast in an orderly way.

After breakfast, the maids came up to clean up. Elder lengyun and elder Kiel take Chen Yang and Qin Keqing to the sofa to take a seat.

After sitting down, there are some strange drinks, coffee, steaming. It tastes strange, and Chen Yang is not used to it.

After that, elder Leng Yun said slowly, "how are you doing? I have two preparations here, one is heaven like enjoyment, the other is emperor like dignity. There is another hand, is the endless cycle of hell. Both of you are sensible people. Should you know how to choose? "

Chen Yang smiles and says, "since I've tried the taste of heaven, I'd better try the taste of hell. I'm too cheap to enjoy this comfort. Especially the enjoyment created by our human blood and tears. "

Elder lengyun and elder Kiel change color slightly. Elder Kiel said, "Chen Yang, do you really want to be stubborn?"

Qin Keqing was angry and said, "didn't you agree to cooperate with me last night? What do you think? "

Chen Yang was a little fidgety and said, "I can't be sorry for my wife, and for the elder Shendi!"

"Can't you think about it for me? I've given you my life. What else do you want? " Qin Keqing said very unhappy. "Later, you can take your wife over."

"What are you doing here? Do you depend on others? You don't see that they are still polite to us now. If they really kill master Shendi, then they will be masters. They don't care about you and me. " Chen Yang said.

"No, no, no..." Elder lengyun waved his hand and said, "Chen Yang, you are too pessimistic. You are an unusual person, as long as you are willing to cooperate, we will always treat you favorably. You've shown us what you can do with your tools. "

Chen Yang said, "really? I only know this moment and that moment. But aren't you afraid that I'm full of tricks, and what tricks will I use to harm you? "

Elder lengyun and elder Kiel immediately burst out laughing together.

Then, elder Leng Yun said, "it's time to find a piece of tofu to kill us if we can still be calculated by you."

Chen Yang sighed and said, "the tiger has fallen flat."

Qin Keqing immediately said to elder lengyun and elder Kiel, "I can assure you that he is OK. He knows the weight, and I know where I am in his mind

"Is that so, Chen Yang?" Elder lengyun looks at Chen Yang sincerely.

Chen Yang said: "OK, it's all this time, and I'm not hypocritical. I have two conditions, you promised me, I can do it

"Well, you say!" Elder lengyun is very cheerful.

Chen Yang said, "first, I'm going to see Luoxue.""Yes!" Cold cloud elder very simply says.

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