Luoxue lives in Shaowei house for a while.

Chen Yang told Luo Xue that he would go to the world in a few days. Luo Xue has LAN Tingyu in her heart, so she is not in a hurry to go to the world. I always thought, wait a few days.

After seeing Qiao Ning, Luo Xue still has some thoughts in her heart. But Chen Yang told Luo Xue in advance that Qiao Ning was also his wife. Luoxue is not a common man in the world, but also knows the magic world. So although it's hard to accept, it doesn't say much.

After Qiao Ning settled Luoxue, she went back to her room to talk with Chen Yang.

"Have you finished your business? How many treasures have you found? " After Qiao Cong enters the room, she sees Chen Yang sitting cross knee. She sits down at the table and asks.

Chen Yang said, "one thing, I lied to you."

"Is Rochelle your woman?" Qiao Ning said immediately.

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "you are really sensitive. I see you say you don't care every time. I still care. "

"No!" Joe said with a hard mouth.

"In fact, I didn't go to the eldest brother and the second brother, and I didn't go to the Western kingdom. In the past six months, I went to the chalky world." Chen Yang said.

"What?" Qiao Ning was surprised. "You said you couldn't go."

Chen Yang said: "sorry, I'm afraid you're worried, so I didn't tell you the truth. But now, it's settled. "

"It's another near death, isn't it?" Qiao Ning is really angry, she said: "do you really think you have nine lives?"

Chen Yang said, "I'm sorry!" After a pause, he said, "it's always my responsibility that Yu Zizhen and Tang Wenqing are trapped in the chalk world. Besides, I can't pretend to be indifferent when the emperor of the Tang Dynasty blew up the spirit to get us out of danger. "

"If he doesn't blow himself up, he will die. It's just going with the flow. " Qiao Ning said immediately. After a pause, she said, "you can't miss that."

"It's human, it's human. If he doesn't care about us, even if we don't die under the explosion of his spirit, we will be taken away by the spirit Lords. This kindness is real. " Chen Yang said.

Qiao Ning had no choice but to smile and said, "I can't say you. However, if you were not of this character, I would have died at the beginning. You will not give me the only precious pill. " Chen Yang hugged Qiao Ning and said, "that's the most cost-effective business I've ever done in my life. From then on, our overlord silver shark king decided to follow me."

Qiao Ning is very sweet when she hears the speech. But she immediately said, "don't make fun of me. It's not over yet."

Chen Yang said, "I'm sorry. I'll try to tell you everything in the future."

Qiao Ning said, "that is to say, you will cheat me in the future."

Chen Yang laughs.

He went on to say, "let's get down to business. It's a very successful trip to chalk world. Tang Wenqing and Yu Zizhen have safely returned to the central world, and we have also saved hundreds of millions of people in the chalk world. "

"Really?" Qiao Ning felt unbelievable and said, "it's incredible how to do it."

Chen Yang will be fine in the world of chalk everything happened and Qiao Ning said. Qiao Ning is terrified. Although she already knows that Chen Yang is OK, she can't help worrying about Chen Yang when she hears the danger.

"You are too bold." After hearing this, Qiao Ning couldn't help saying, "this time thanks to Linghui. If you don't have Linghui, you won't be dead enough."

Chen Yang said: "I know that in the future, I will not take such risks."

"Better not have a future!" Qiao Ning gives Chen Yang a vicious warning. At the same time, she said: "so, you have cooperated with LAN Tingyu? What's more, the relationship between LAN Tingyu and Luo Xue is very delicate

Chen Yang said: "Luoxue doesn't know about Luoning. I didn't dare to tell her. I can't imagine how unbearable she will be when she knows the truth. "

Joe sighed.

She was helpless.

Chen Yang then finds out the black gold cassock and gives it to Qiao Ning. The black gold cassock has been mended. Qiao Ning takes it in her hand and knows it's a good treasure, so she gladly accepts it.

In the yard, Batu flew back from the outside. Now Batu is very happy, we all know that Batu is the emperor's favorite beast, so Batu has the right to fly freely.

When Batu came back, he was very happy to see Chen Yang. Around Chen Yang, he can feel Batu's joy.

In the yard, Chen Yang and Batu are playing. Qiao Ning said with a smile: "this guy, now the palace as a back garden, a few little princesses, the little prince are very happy with it."

Chen Yang smiles.

He was very happy.

He doesn't want Batu to be involved in any bloodbath. He will always remember Batu's mother Xiaoling.

As long as Batu is happy and happy, Chen Yang thinks it is enough. I think Xiaoling's spirit in heaven will be at ease.There is peace in Shaowei mansion.

Chen Yang's return, whether Qiao Ning or the servants in the house, is extremely happy. Shaowei house is like Chen Yang's real home, full of the warmth of home. The only thing that makes Chen Yang feel some regret is that his family can't all get together here. If Mo Nong, ling'er, and his sons and daughters are all here, he may be reluctant to leave the mansion.

In fact, Chen Yang often thinks of his daughter in the parallel world, but he can't think about it very often. Once he thinks about it, he feels in debt and sour.

I think she's three years old now.

To kindergarten, you should sometimes ask yourself why there is no father and mother, right?

She must be very cute, like a porcelain doll.

Chen Yang thought so.

However, the parallel world is not one of the three thousand worlds at all, and he can't feel it, let alone know how to cross this boundary. Linghui also asked him.

Monk Linghui's answer is, wait, wait for the next tide of time and space to come, maybe you will have a chance to go back. But it is more likely to be submerged in the tide of time and space.

Moreover, the last time Chen Yang was able to cross over in the way of Yuanshen because of the existence of little Chen Yang in the parallel world. Now even if the tide of time and space comes, how can he get past it?

This is an absolute problem. Even monk Linghui can't give an answer.

Due to the return of Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu, the imperial city of Dakang suddenly has a subtle change.

LAN Tingyu's return made the house of marquis Wu fluctuate.

Especially now, Wuhou Lan's secret has disappeared for a long time. No one knows where LAN Tianji went.

What's more, the emperor won't let anyone interfere.

In the past six months, even the emperor was rarely seen.

However, the imperial city of Dakang is still solid and no one dares to make trouble.

In the Dakang Dynasty, the emperor and the Tianchi Pavilion alliance. In the emperor's absence, empress Yongle took charge of the government. Under empress Yongle, there are many secret experts to help.

On the side of Tianchi Pavilion, Emperor Changsheng also sent two experts to assist empress Yongle.

In the turbulent years of killing and looting, the people and officials of the Dakang Dynasty enjoyed rare happiness and peace.

In LAN Tingyu's eyes slightly complicated, then he said: "good!"

Chen Yang nodded.

After that, they went into the palace and then into the imperial study.

In the imperial study, the queen of Yongle was reading the memorial.

The empress of Yongle is dignified, quiet in beauty and wise in tranquility.

Her cultivation is just the peak of jiuchongtian, but she gives Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu an indescribable pressure. This kind of coercion is not because of her own cultivation, but because of the power behind her.

"See you, empress!" Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu knelt down on one knee to empress Yongle.

Empress Yongle raised her head. She gave them a little smile and said, "let's go flat."

Then she said, "give me a seat!"

The eunuch next to him will seat them immediately.

Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu are seated.

Empress Yongle said, "I have nothing else to do when I see the two generals today. But I'm just curious about where the two young generals went and how they came back together? "

Empress Yongle obviously wanted to know something about the outside world, so she summoned Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu. At the same time, Queen Yongle also wants to know the state of Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu.

Xuan Zhenghao is a very powerful person. He knows that the future of LAN Tingyu and Chen Yang is limitless. The original yuntianzong and yuhuamen, as well as the protoss, did not pay attention to Chen Yang. But Xuan Zhenghao understood this from beginning to end.

He didn't care where Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu wanted to fly, but he settled them in the imperial city. This is his best move.

At present, Chen Yang has no intention of concealing, and now he tells the truth about the Cretaceous world.

This should not have been hidden as a secret, let more people know, can be more alert.

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