LAN Tingyu was stunned.

Empress Yongle said, "your father is a minister of the humerus of the imperial court. Now your father takes the boat of one yuan with the emperor to practice in the depth of time and space of the magic code. This palace guards the imperial court for the emperor. If you are asked to take the residence of marquis Wu, how can this palace explain to the emperor? How can the palace face your father? "

LAN Tingyu said: "madam, I don't mean to bully others. I don't dare to think that you are powerful, but you also have children. Is it too much for a child to find out his mother's death in that year? If Wei Chen even finds out the cause of death for his mother, he can't give her justice. What's the use of Wei Chen's cultivation? "

Empress Yongle took a deep breath and said, "Lan Tingyu, when your father and the emperor come back, we will discuss this matter again. I know your mood. But this palace has its own responsibilities. "

LAN Tingyu gazed at the empress of Yongle. After a long time, he said, "I'll leave!"

Empress Yongle was slightly surprised.

She could not see that LAN Tingyu was determined to investigate the truth.

"Lan Tingyu..." Empress Yongle said in a deep voice: "the imperial court values you, and the emperor and our palace appreciate you very much. But I advise you not to be arrogant. Otherwise, you can't bear the consequences. You'd better not force this palace to attack you. "

LAN Tingyu ignored empress Yongle and left directly.

In LAN Tingyu's heart, he has made a decision.

That night, LAN Tingyu returned to Zhenyuan mansion. He asked Mr. Wu to leave the imperial city with Xiaohua.

The moon is like water.

In the courtyard, LAN Tingyu said, "now, take Xiaohua with you."

Mr. Wu was wearing a coarse cloth shirt. He sat at the stone table, looked at LAN Tingyu, and then said, "Tingyu, you've been patient for so long. Why are you in such a hurry?"

LAN Tingyu said, "grandfather Wu, I've made up my mind."

Mr. Wu said, "with the progress of your cultivation, you should give justice to your mother at a certain time. At that time, the emperor did not dare to be partial. At present, the emperor and Marquis LAN are not here. If you go to the Marquis's office, they will think that you are bullying the Marquis's office. Then, at this time, the queen can't stand idly by. "

LAN Tingyu said in a deep voice, "grandfather Wu, I know all this. But now, I just want to do what I want to do. "

"Are you dying, Tingyu?" There was a trace of fear in Mr. Wu's eyes. He looked at LAN Tingyu and said, "why?"

LAN Tingyu said, "no, grandfather Wu, you should believe me. I'll leave then. No one can keep me. But, you are here, I am not at ease after all

He pauses and says, "in other words, it's just the right time for me. When the emperor and LAN Tianji come back, if they stop or obstruct me, it will be more difficult for me. "

Mr. Wu sighed and said, "Tingyu, you are a smart boy. You've gone through a lot on your own outside, and I know you have a sense of propriety. But this time you come back, I always feel that something is wrong with you. Even though, I can't say what's wrong. "

"Grandfather Wu, take good care of Xiaohua." "Lan Tingyu said:" when I deal with the things here, I will join you

Mr. Wu said, "all right!"

"I won't go to a small flower road to say goodbye for fear that she will cry!" LAN Tingyu said later.

"Well," said Mr. Wu

After that, LAN Tingyu left Zhenyuan mansion.

Taking advantage of the night, LAN Tingyu went to Shaowei mansion.

Shaowei house ushered in LAN Tingyu such a guest, this is to let Chen Yang, Qiao Ning very surprised.

Qiao Ning is very hostile to LAN Tingyu because of Chen Yang. However, when LAN Tingyu came to the door, Chen Yang still received LAN Tingyu. Qiao Ning felt uncomfortable, so she didn't follow suit. But she ignored LAN Tingyu from beginning to end.

LAN Tingyu shows his intention. He wants to meet Luoxue.

Chen Yang didn't stop him.

He also knew that Luoxue wanted to see LAN Tingyu. There are many things in the middle, but they have not yet been revealed. Chen Yang can only turn a blind eye at the moment. He also believed that LAN Tingyu knew what to do.

LAN Tingyu meets Luo Xue in the backyard.

Snowflakes are flying in the backyard.

Luoxue heard that LAN Tingyu had come, but she didn't keep her reserve and came out.

In the corridor, Luo Xue meets LAN Tingyu.

Luoxue is wearing a long purple skirt, just like the fairy and fairy in the ice and snow.

Orchid court jade clothes jade belt, head tied with a kerchief, is the elegant secular good childe. These two people stand together, but they are really talented women.

"Mr. LAN!" She cried softly, her face burning slightly.

LAN Tingyu gave a little smile. He gave a rare smile and said, "let's go out for a walk."

"Good!" Luoxue agreed without hesitation. Just a promise, and feel some not enough reserve. It made her feel chagrined.LAN Ting Yu takes Luo Xue's figure and goes to the outside of Shaowei mansion.

The carriage had been waiting, and LAN Tingyu helped Luoxue into the carriage.

Then the carriage quickly left.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning naturally see clearly. In the room, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning take back their thoughts.

"You let Luo Xue and LAN Tingyu go like this?" Qiao Ning doesn't understand Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said, "Lan Tingyu is here today to say goodbye to Luoxue. He will give Luo Xue an account, which is the last bit of beauty. Although there was sin before, it is the best ending to give Luo Xue a happy ending beyond sadness for such a short period of time. "

"Farewell?" Qiao Ning was slightly stunned.

Chen Yang said: "Lan Tingyu is going to attack the Marquis's house. I don't think the queen will stand by. We don't know how it will end. "

"Is he going to challenge the Marquis's house now?" Qiao Ning said: "I know that LAN Tingyu has always been worried about the death of his mother. But now, it's not the right time! His cultivation progress is so fast, and his skill is special. If he is dormant, at a certain time, he will take revenge and be sure. Why do you take such a dangerous move now? "

Chen Yang looked at Qiao Ning and said, "you should be able to figure out why."

Qiao congjiao body a quiver, say: "because Luo snow?"

Chen Yang said, "that's right!"

Joning was silent. After a long time, she couldn't help laughing bitterly and said, "God, it's really bloody. But LAN Tingyu should not love and hate. "

Chen Yang was shocked.

He said in secret: "yes, LAN Tingyu, you and my life experience are surprisingly similar. The one you want to hate is your father. You want to love someone, but... "

LAN Tingyu and Luo Xue's carriage were covered with frost. Soon after, even the wheels were freezing to death. This makes Luo Xue a little uneasy, but LAN Tingyu is a silent Yunxuan Gong. After a while, the whole carriage was warm.

The car is back to normal.

However, Luoxue did not feel very comfortable. She's still used to the cold.

Luoxue didn't say anything. She tried to be natural and enjoyable.

"Mr. LAN, in a few days, I'm going to see my sister in the world." Luo Xue thought of this and said happily to LAN Tingyu.

When LAN Tingyu was shocked, bitterness flashed in his eyes. "Congratulations

Luoxue smile, she then said: "can we meet again?"

"Lan Tingyu said:" it should be

"I hope you can do what you want to do," she said. If I know you are well, I will be satisfied

LAN Tingyu took a deep breath, he said: "Luoxue, I may not be as good as you think."

"No way." Luo Xue said: "you are a contemporary chivalrous, compassionate, not afraid of life and death. At the beginning, in order to save me, you entered the chalk world alone. In the chalk world, several adventures have saved so many innocent people. Such courage and insight are rare in the world. Mr. LAN, you are a hero. "

LAN Tingyu kept silent.

"What's the matter, Mr. LAN. I think you've been a little strange lately. Has something happened? " Asked Rochelle.

LAN Tingyu said: "Luoxue..." He thought about it, then laughed and said, "you are a clean, simple girl. When you smile at me for the first time, I think it would be nice if I could protect your smile all my life. "

"Ah..." She thought to herself, is he confessing to me?

"Mr. LAN, as long as you don't hate me, I will be very happy. I'm of no use. I'll only bring you trouble every time. " Said Rochelle.

"How can I hate you? It's too late for me to like you." LAN Tingyu holds Luo Xue's soft hand.

LAN Tingyu's hand is like a stove. Luoxue is extremely uncomfortable. However, she felt extremely happy and shy.

The air of ice cold and the breath of nine fire are intertwined and contradicted with each other. But the two were totally oblivious.

"Mr. LAN!" Luoxue's face was red, and she was extremely shy.

LAN Tingyu slowly close to Luoxue, and finally gently kiss Luoxue's lips.

This is a heavy kiss, two people kiss devoutly, kiss hard.

They both closed their eyes tightly.

After a long time, the lips split.

Luoxue naturally leans on LAN Tingyu's arms.

"Mr. lan Will you come with me to see my sister Luoxue is reluctant to give up LAN Tingyu. She hopes LAN Tingyu can be with her.

"Good!" LAN Tingyu said.

"Really?" Luoxue heard the words, and was very happy.

LAN Tingyu looks at Luo Xue's clean and beautiful eyes, which are pure to the extreme without any impurities.

Such a clean pair of eyes, LAN Tingyu hopes that he can use the dirty soul to protect her life.But God is so ironic.

LAN Tingyu said goodbye. He didn't even dare to look into Luoxue's eyes.

"Xiaoxue..." LAN Tingyu suddenly said, "I'm sorry!"

"Well?" "What's the matter? Suddenly tell me I'm sorry?"

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