Ye luanfeng, the saint of the star temple, had reached the beginning of the tenth heaven. At that time, the cultivation of shichongtian in the early days could be proud of Tianzhou. In today's Tianzhou, ten Heaven masters emerge in an endless stream, but that was not the case in those days.

Ye luanfeng is a noble and incomparable figure, but because of the wrong love for LAN Tianji. Later, he taught LAN Tianji the secret of the Star Palace. In this way, ye luanfeng was abandoned by the master of the star hall.

After that, ye luanfeng married LAN Tianji as a concubine. She sacrificed a lot for LAN Tianji. But I didn't expect that after the destruction of the star hall, she didn't get any good treatment in the Marquis's house. Mrs. Lin bullies her, but LAN Tianji doesn't care about her.

What a pity ye luanfeng was. When she arrived at the Marquis's house, she could be slapped by a servant.

LAN Tingyu will always remember how her mother washed her face with tears on that winter night. Mother hugged him tightly and said softly: "Tingyu, you must be strong and live well, you know?"

Later, her mother became more and more ill and coughed up blood. She had been waiting for LAN Tianji to visit her. But when she finally closed her eyes, LAN Tianji didn't come once.

LAN Tingyu wails in front of her mother's bed, and her mother's coughing blood turns his sleeves red.

Before her mother died, she still said, Tingyu, you should live well.

She always said, Tingyu, I'm sorry for you. If I had known, I should not have given birth to you and made you suffer.

Tingyu, if you can't leave Houfu and still be a commoner when you grow up, you don't want to have children.

At this moment, too many memories flashed through LAN Tingyu's mind.

"Master Tingyu!" Such as mother-in-law some impatiently called a dazed LAN Tingyu.

LAN Tingyu came back to himself and looked at her mother-in-law. "What did you say?" LAN Tingyu asked.

If mother-in-law says coldly: "madam wants to see you."

LAN Tingyu nodded and said, "I'm here to see her."

He then said, "lead the way."

If mother-in-law says: "come with me."

"You're just a slave. How can you call yourself an old man?" LAN Tingyu said coldly, "you should call yourself a slave. Why don't you even understand this rule?"

Such as mother-in-law said: "I am the wife's special permission, if the court jade young master is not satisfied, you can go to the wife to explain."

LAN Tingyu said coldly: "kneel down!"

"What did you say?" If mother-in-law stayed for a while.

The cold light flashed in LAN Tingyu's eyes and said, "my young master asked you to kneel down. Do you want me to repeat it again?"

If mother-in-law said: "I'm sorry, master Tingyu, I only kneel down, madam!"

"Pa!" She slapped her face like a blue jade.

If her mother-in-law only felt a flash in front of her eyes, she could not even react, so she had been slapped by LAN Tingyu.

Such as mother-in-law immediately stay, she some can't believe of see to orchid jade.

For example, her mother-in-law's eyesight is really not good. She lives in the Marquis's residence all the year round, and she has no idea about the changes outside. I only know that LAN Tingyu is a bastard, and he has got some knowledge. But there is Mrs. Lin and Lord LAN behind her, so she is not afraid of LAN Tingyu.

How can she see the depth of LAN Tingyu's cultivation.

So at the moment, if mother-in-law got a slap from LAN Tingyu, she left angrily. "How dare you beat me?" Such as mother-in-law's eyes flash fierce light.

"How dare you fight back?" LAN Tingyu said: "my young master is now the Zhenyuan general granted by the emperor, and he is the official worshipper of Sipin. It's a member of the imperial court. You dare to fight back. According to the law, you will be abandoned to cultivation and exiled for three thousand li. You will never return it! "

If mother-in-law stay.

She felt the edge of LAN Tingyu.

"Master Tingyu, madam is still waiting for you." Take a deep breath.

LAN Tingyu stretched out her hand again and slapped her face.

"You don't understand me when I make you kneel down, do you?" LAN Tingyu said coldly.

At that moment, he felt happy.

"Mom, today, my son will return all your humiliation and hatred. This is just like how your mother-in-law bullied you in those years. Today, my son wants her to pay you back ten times as much as she did! " LAN Tingyu said in secret.

If mother-in-law is very angry, way: "small scum, you don't too rampant!"

"Very good!" LAN Tingyu's eyes flashed. He suddenly reached out and grabbed Rufu's back vertebrae. Then he lifted it on his hand like a chicken.

Pitiful as her mother-in-law's cultivation, but now she feels that LAN Tingyu's big hand is like a stove. As long as she resists a little, she can be burned clean.

Such as mother-in-law a lot of years old, at the moment by LAN Tingyu so carry, really suffered humiliation.

"Son of a bitch, put down your old self Such as mother-in-law shouting.

LAN Tingyu's face was very cold. He mentioned her mother-in-law and quickly went to the hall where Mrs. Lin was.The servants and servants around them were happy when they saw that their mother-in-law had been punished by LAN Tingyu. For example, her mother-in-law is always gloomy, gloomy, mean and ungrateful. No one likes her mother-in-law.

At the same time, servants, the next people will understand.

The concubines of those years came back today to seek justice for their dead mother.

The story of Ye luanfeng and LAN Tingyu is nothing new in Hou's mansion. Even the newcomers have heard from the older generation.

Many servants and maids could not help but gather far away to join in the fun.

In Mrs. Lin's hall, Mrs. Lin is having tea with her eldest son, LAN Hongning. Accompanied by Mr. Zhang Da who came back with LAN Hongning. Mr. Zhang Da is an old guest of the Lin family and has been guarding the border. He had a high position in the Lin family, which was the cultivation of Xuxian in the early days.

As for LAN Hongning's cultivation, it has also reached the peak of ten Heaven.

LAN Hongning has always been the pride of the LAN family, and has been cultivated heavily in the Lin family. Especially in recent years, LAN Hongning's cultivation progress is extremely rapid.

LAN Hongning also got the help of the emperor and LAN Tianji, which is the reason why he made such rapid progress.

There was another man in the living room, an old man in purple. The old man in purple is the master LAN Tianji invited back a year ago. It's called human demons.

Human demons come from other worlds and fight with demons in the depths of the earth all the year round. His skill of assassination is extremely powerful. After he came to Hou Fu, he took charge of the secret guard of Hou Fu!

The secret guard is specially for the emperor and LAN Tianji. In the past, the leader of the secret guard was Zhongbo, but now, the human devil is in control of the secret guard. The whole cultivation of the secret guard has risen to a great level.

At the moment, the devil came out to accompany, which also gave LAN Hongning a lot of face.

In addition, it was also because queen Yongle sent a warning last night. It is said that LAN Tingyu may come today.

Mrs. Lin is well prepared here, but she doesn't pay much attention to LAN Tingyu.

They had a good conversation.

At this time, LAN Tingyu rushed in with her mother-in-law.

After LAN Tingyu came in, she left her mother-in-law on the ground.

As soon as her mother-in-law was free, she knelt down and cried to Mrs. Lin, and said, "madam, young master Tingyu beat the maidservant indiscriminately. Madam, you should make the decision for the maidservant!"

LAN Hongning looks at this little brother with complicated eyes.

But Mrs. Lin is angry, her face is difficult to see the extreme. It's up to the master to beat the dog.

LAN Tingyu's posture is clear that he is going to make trouble.

"Lan Tingyu, as her mother-in-law said, is that true?" Mrs. Lin asked LAN Tingyu with a gloomy face.

LAN Tingyu glanced at all the people present, and his eyes soon fell on Mrs. Lin's face.

"Yes. It's time to beat a slave LAN Tingyu said lightly.

"How to fight?" Mrs. Lin said: "if my mother-in-law has been with me for decades, if I want to fight, my wife will fight. You are a poor son of the Marquis, you don't have the qualification."

"The concubines of the Marquis's mansion don't have this qualification, but do the four life officials of the imperial court also have this qualification?" LAN Tingyu said.

Mrs. Lin laughed and then said harshly, "what about the top officials of the imperial court? It's not up to you to discipline my servants."

"Lin YUELIAN!" LAN Tingyu said coldly, "I don't want to show off this advantage with you today. He is the son of LAN Tianji. It's the master of the slave. But the slave dared to call me a bastard just now. Now, what do you say to deal with it? "

"Presumptuous!" Mr. Zhang spoke first. "Lan Tingyu, the name of madam is taboo, which you can shout? Don't you kneel down and admit your mistake

LAN Tingyu glanced at Mr. Zhang Da and said, "you're just a dog slave. When I talk with Lin YUELIAN, it's not your turn to interrupt."

With a flash of fierce light in his eyes, Mr. Zhang Da said, "what a crazy child! I'll teach you a lesson!"

Mr. Zhang Da knew that LAN Tingyu's accomplishments were not low, so he wanted to have a try. He suddenly hit LAN Tingyu in the air.

This fist is sent out, a fierce fist seal lightning strikes LAN Tingyu.

In the fist seal, the rules are fierce and the field is self-contained.

In a small punch, it contains the power of Taishan.

In the fist seal, the complicated and profound truth is beyond consideration.

LAN Tingyu did not look at it and said, "teach me a lesson? Are you qualified for that? " With a flick of his finger, a nine burning sword light came out.


At that moment, the fist seal was shot by Jiuyan sword light.

Immediately, the seal was cut to pieces.

Jiuyan sword light is directly burst open.

LAN Tingyu's solution is understated.

"Good Kung Fu!" At this time, LAN Hongning finally spoke. He has been secretly observing LAN Tingyu.

LAN Hongning is a man with a lot of power. He got up and said with a bright smile, "seventh brother, your cultivation is really getting higher and higher. Elder brother is not as good as you!"He then came up to hold LAN Tingyu's hand, and said: "brother has always wanted to see you, you come back this time, you should have a good drink with brother. How long has it been since we met? It's been ten years. At the beginning, elder brother remembered that when he left Houfu, you were still a young man

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