LAN Hongning was surprised. He roared and said, "Kunlun hand!"

The Kunlun jade suddenly turned into a jade light, which was strong. Driven by LAN Hongning, it formed a huge milky hand. This milky white giant hand caught LAN Tingyu's nine Yan giant sword!

The Jiuyan sword struggled fiercely.

But Kunlun's hand has the power to suppress Kunlun mountain. The Jiuyan sword was assimilated, and all the flames and power were turned into jade light.

This is the strength of Kunlun hand!

Seeing, nine Yan huge sword has been assimilated into jade light.

LAN Jianhui and LAN Jian look at them without blinking an eye. The little scum of that year is so powerful today. In fact, these two people can't accept it.

At the same time, they are afraid.

In those days, they knew they had gone too far. But who could have thought that this little bastard could suddenly turn over, and was so powerful?

LAN Tingyu suppressed Mr. Zhang Da and dealt with LAN Hongning's Kunlun jade. With his cultivation, he can completely integrate these people into the field of Jiuyan divine fire. However, his nine Yan magic fire field is too overbearing, and may directly incinerate Mrs. Lin and even the whole Marquis's house.

Therefore, LAN Tingyu chose restraint.

At the moment, although LAN Hongning has assimilated LAN Tingyu's nine Yan sword, he is not relieved. Because the means that LAN Tingyu showed before was too weird.

And now, that assimilated into the milky white nine Yan giant sword really changed again. In the interior of Jiuyan's huge sword, flames suddenly came out. The red crack appeared on the surface, with a bang. Then, the huge sword of Jiuyan turned into a thousand lights, which quickly burst out with infinite power.

Kunlun's hand kept suppressing it, but it couldn't be suppressed in the end.

The next second, the whole Kunlun hand was blown apart.

The Kunlun jade turned to ashes.

When LAN Tingyu raised his hand, he would destroy the soul seizing mirror and Kunlun jade. He was even more merciless, holding the magic formula in his hand, which was driven by powerful magic power!

"Jiuyan big handprint!" LAN Tingyu gave a soft drink.

As a result, thousands of fire light condensed together, suddenly forming a dragon. The Dragon roared and turned into a huge flame fingerprint to capture LAN Hongning.

LAN Hongning retreated continuously, and fear flashed in his eyes.

The nine flaming fingerprints burned the magnetic fields and molecules in the air and suppressed them with supreme rules and power. LAN Hongning wants to escape, but he can't escape from the blockade of Jiuyan dragon.

At this moment, LAN Hongning was desperate. His Kunlun jade was destroyed, and all other means were pale. A master under the virtual immortal met LAN Tingyu, who was not lucky.

"Mr. humanoid, don't you do it yet?" Just then, linf gave a big drink.

She already knew the danger, how could she watch her son die in LAN Tingyu's hand.

The human devil laughs. At this moment, he finally makes a move.

As soon as the human demon's figure flashed, he stopped in front of LAN Hongning.

That nine inflammations big handprint covered the person devil's top of the head to grasp to come down. At that moment, the human devil was in the center of the volcanic eruption. Nine fierce flame fierce burning over.

However, the human devil laughs and suddenly opens his mouth.

Only a suction, will be the whole big fingerprints inhaled into the belly inside. At that moment, the human devil's face was ruddy, just like eating a tonic.

"Well, young master's fire is really a rare tonic in the world. It's really fun, young master. Can you have some more? " The human devil said with a smile to LAN Tingyu.

The orchid jade is tiny Zheng.

At this moment, he also noticed the weirdness of the demon.

"Yes!" LAN Tingyu nodded.

All of a sudden, he gave a hard hand and roared to suppress Mr. Zhang Da. With a bang, there was a violent explosion in the field of Jiuyan Shenhuo, and Mr. Zhang Da was blown to pieces and ashes. A generation of Xuxian masters died.

LAN Tingyu is also the king of destiny. The more experts he kills, the more good he gets.

At this time, LAN Tingyu came to concentrate on dealing with human demons.

He will capture all the nine fire areas, and the next second he will be enveloped by demons.

The human devil was quickly suppressed in the field of Jiuyan divine fire.

"Good, good!" The demon was very excited and laughed.

All the people at the scene were staring.

LAN Tingyu's face is as heavy as water.

He was silent and silent.

And that person devil is crazy of, happily absorb nine Yan divine fire.

After a short time, the whole nine Yan God fire field was really engulfed by human demons.

The human devil eats a whole field and burps. He bowed to LAN Tingyu and said, "young master, you are a rare good thing in the world. This is for me to enjoy. My accomplishments should be doubled at least. Thank you, young masterLAN Tingyu said faintly: "I probably know who you are."

"Oh, really?" The ogre said with a smile.

LAN Tingyu said: "the ancient human devil was born with a special constitution. It can devour magic weapons, skills and everything. Many experts are planted in your hands. I was a master of creation in those years, and I didn't dare to attack you, because you can swallow their Qi of creation. "

"I didn't expect the young master to have such a deep insight!" The human devil waved his hand and said: "young master, now you don't have nine fire, which is equivalent to a useless person. Let's go. For the sake of the Marquis, I won't embarrass you today. "

LAN Tingyu lightly said: "however, there is also a very coincident thing."

"Is it?" People are very interested.

LAN Tingyu said: "no one in the world can swallow the fire of Jiuyan."

"But it has been swallowed by me." Said the ogre.

LAN Tingyu said: "the heart fire is the center of Jiuyan divine fire. If the heart fire does not die, Jiuyan divine fire will not die." When he said this, he suddenly looked cold and said, "do you really think you can swallow my nine fire?"

He suddenly closed his eyes and then opened them. At this moment, LAN Tingyu's eyes showed two groups of heartfire.

Outside the heart fire is the nine fire god!

The nine burning fire that was engulfed by human demons had become a tonic, ashes. But at the moment, it's like a compartment wrapped with rust. The rust is quickly shaken away, and the edge inside is immediately revealed. At that moment, the human devil's belly was like the stars in the universe, and countless fire spots flashed up.

"No, it can't be!" Despair and fear flashed in the eyes of the demon.

He roars, screams, despairs, screams!

But very soon, the shape of the human devil's face was distorted.

In a flash, the human devil was burned to ashes.

At this time, LAN Tingyu grasped it and turned the fire into two ropes. This rope directly trapped LAN Jianhui and LAN Jian in it. As long as the fire of nine inflammations touched their bodies a little, it would be skin splitting.

As soon as LAN Jianhui and LAN Jian knew how powerful they were, they did not dare to move.

"Lin YUELIAN, now, am I qualified to talk to you? You should tell the truth. I don't want to spread the grievances of the previous generation to the next. But I don't mind killing my dear brothers here. Anyway, over the years, they have never regarded me as a brother! "

Mrs. Lin's face was livid, and her lips trembled slightly. "If the Marquis comes back, LAN Tingyu, he won't spare you."

"I'm not afraid of the emperor. Will I be afraid of him?" LAN Tingyu asked.

Mrs. Lin was speechless.

"Lan Tingyu!" LAN Hongning stopped in front of Mrs. Lin and said, "what's the matter? You come to me. Don't embarrass my mother and sword."

"That's good!" A sharp light flashed in LAN Tingyu's eyes.

He instantly cast out nine Yan big fingerprints!

The Dragon roars and turns into a big fingerprint, covering all rules.

The fire flashed, and then LAN Hongning was caught by the nine Yan fingerprints of Lanting moon.

"Ah..." LAN Hongning roared in pain.

Although the nine Yan Shenhuo has not yet shown its real strength, LAN Hongning is already suffering.

LAN Jianyi and LAN Jianhui move a little, then they are also scalded by the nine burning ropes.

They grinned in pain.

There was a smell of burnt meat in the house.

"Lin YUELIAN, my patience is limited. If you don't speak again. I will kill your three sons first. " LAN Tingyu said in a cold voice: "I count one to three, and I will bear the consequences!"

"One Two... "

"I said At that moment, Mrs. Lin was sweating on her forehead. At that critical moment, her spirit trembled, as if she had seen her three sons die.

LAN Tingyu said, "who gave the lotus seed soup to my mother?"

Mrs. Lin sat down on the chair and said feebly, "don't you have answers in your heart? What are you doing here? "

"If it were you!" The color of hatred flashed in LAN Tingyu's eyes.

"Death LAN Tingyu suddenly grabbed LAN Jianyi's head in the air.

"Bang!" LAN Jianyi's head turned into blood powder and died on the spot. The house was full of blood.

"No!" Seeing this, Mrs. Lin's eyes were red with blood, and her voice screamed.

That's her son!

LAN Jianhui was stunned. LAN Hongning's eyes flashed a huge anger: "Lan Tingyu, do you really kill your brother? You beast

LAN Tingyu laughed and said, "brother? Now talk about brother with me. When they bullied me and humiliated me, why didn't you talk about brother with me. When your mother poisoned my mother, why didn't she think that we were brothers? "

LAN Tingyu laughed and then asked Lin YUELIAN, "why, Mrs. Lin, it's painful, isn't it? But I don't think it hurts enough. You still have so many children. It doesn't matter if you die more. When I was six years old, you had the heart to take my only family away. Do you know what it's like to hide in the quilt and shiver? Do you know the feeling that you can only cry with yourself when you can't find a warm embrace? I've had it for twenty years. "

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